Timestamp: Fall 21, 512 AV
Sira was bored. Outside Wind Reach there was a heavy wind storm, making flying extremely dangerous for the eagles, and so most of them were grounded until the storm passed. Sira was supposed to go out and hunt that day, but found herself unable to since she couldn't fly. That meant that she basically had the day off, which was a rare thing. Unfortunately, Addy did not, and was on infirmary duty that day, which meant Sira was left alone with nothing to do as she wandered the halls of the city, completely and utterly bored.
Normally on her days off if Sira wasn't doing something with Natale or Aidara she would usually take off to go explore. Sometimes she would hunt, not for the sake of the city, but for the sake of enjoyment.. though she always brought whatever she did not eat herself back to Thunder Bay for processing. Other times she would just fly around the mountain enjoying the warm pockets of air that dotted the sky, caused by all the volcanic vents on the ground below. Rarely did she actually do anything in the city, unless she was going to the Inclement Weather, but she generally saved such trips for nightfall when it was most active. So this day she found herself with no idea what to do, and Sira ended up just wandering around in search of something interesting. There had to be something worth doing in the city.
Eventually she found herself heading down to the Hydroponic Gardens, the place where the majority of Wind Reach's vegetables and fruit were grown. It was the law that every citizen of Wind Reach at one point in their life help take care of the garden, and Sira had been no exception. It had not been that long ago that she was a Yasi, and though her bendi tasks were much shorter than a normal Yasi due to her rapid growth rate from being a kelvic, she still spent time in the garden. Mostly, Sira could remember scrubbing, as her bendi happened to be right after the harvest, though Sira did get to help a bit with trimming the trees as well.
The gardens were a marvel to behold. They operated year round, were provided light by mirrors, and were watered with a complex piping system Sira didn't even try to learn about. The rays of light dancing around the chambers were beautiful in themselves, and the entire garden was like some sort of ancient underground world lush with life and wonder. Sira rarely came to the garden, her endal duties mostly kept her above ground, but she soon found herself wandering its paths, watching the Avora, chiet, and dek as they respectfully scurried out of her way before returning to their tasks.
Sira was bored. Outside Wind Reach there was a heavy wind storm, making flying extremely dangerous for the eagles, and so most of them were grounded until the storm passed. Sira was supposed to go out and hunt that day, but found herself unable to since she couldn't fly. That meant that she basically had the day off, which was a rare thing. Unfortunately, Addy did not, and was on infirmary duty that day, which meant Sira was left alone with nothing to do as she wandered the halls of the city, completely and utterly bored.
Normally on her days off if Sira wasn't doing something with Natale or Aidara she would usually take off to go explore. Sometimes she would hunt, not for the sake of the city, but for the sake of enjoyment.. though she always brought whatever she did not eat herself back to Thunder Bay for processing. Other times she would just fly around the mountain enjoying the warm pockets of air that dotted the sky, caused by all the volcanic vents on the ground below. Rarely did she actually do anything in the city, unless she was going to the Inclement Weather, but she generally saved such trips for nightfall when it was most active. So this day she found herself with no idea what to do, and Sira ended up just wandering around in search of something interesting. There had to be something worth doing in the city.
Eventually she found herself heading down to the Hydroponic Gardens, the place where the majority of Wind Reach's vegetables and fruit were grown. It was the law that every citizen of Wind Reach at one point in their life help take care of the garden, and Sira had been no exception. It had not been that long ago that she was a Yasi, and though her bendi tasks were much shorter than a normal Yasi due to her rapid growth rate from being a kelvic, she still spent time in the garden. Mostly, Sira could remember scrubbing, as her bendi happened to be right after the harvest, though Sira did get to help a bit with trimming the trees as well.
The gardens were a marvel to behold. They operated year round, were provided light by mirrors, and were watered with a complex piping system Sira didn't even try to learn about. The rays of light dancing around the chambers were beautiful in themselves, and the entire garden was like some sort of ancient underground world lush with life and wonder. Sira rarely came to the garden, her endal duties mostly kept her above ground, but she soon found herself wandering its paths, watching the Avora, chiet, and dek as they respectfully scurried out of her way before returning to their tasks.