Solo [Skyhigh Stables] Inventory

Cin-Cin takes inventory on the Stables, counting all their available tools, horses and clean stalls.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Skyhigh Stables] Inventory

Postby Cin-Cin on November 24th, 2012, 3:11 am


TimeStamp: Fall Day 91, 512

Cin-Cin didn’t have anything against Deks, but she expected that they know their place. In the Skyhigh Stables grooming the horses and cleaning the stalls was their place. Cin’s job was much more than that, she oversaw each Dek and each horse and each stall. Cin’s job was right below the Stablemaster’s, and she liked it like that. The Stablemaster had to take control of hiring and firing and all the money issues they stables may or may not need. Cin was like the Stablemaster’s assistant.

Cin liked her job; she liked the horses and took the time to visit each one at least once a week. She would groom them and feed them and do exactly what the Deks did, but she did it to earn their trust. The Deks did it because it was their job. There were many things in the Stables that kept it running. The amount of food that was in storage, as well as they bedding for the stalls. The equipment was one of the most important things though. Today Cin was doing inventory, figuring out what exaclty she needed and what exactly she didn’t. Money was a big deal in Wind Reach and wasting was so not appreciated. That’s why a Dek was not allowed to do this job. Not only were they not as well educated as a Chiet, but right now, they couldn’t be trusted. There was something gone on with the Deks that worked in the Stables. They were not following orders, or just plain doing a bad job. They couldn’t be trusted, that’s why Cin did inventory.

With a quill and a paper in her hand she started walking through the stables. Inventory meant everything. The stables had about two-hundred total stalls, but only so many were usable. Some had broken down due to erosion, or angry horses. Others were not clean, mold and mice infested. Inventory also meant the amount of horses present at the time. How many were privately owned and being lodged and how many were owned by Wind Reach and this was their permanent home. Inventory was also the amount of food, bedding and tools like wagons, tack and grooming tools there were in current possession.

Cin always started with horses and stalls. She went by fifties, checking each stall, if it contained a horse and whether or not it was suitable for housing.

Secret :
1. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
2. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
3. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
4. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
5. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
6. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
7. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
8. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
9. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
10. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
11. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
12. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
13. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
14. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
15. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
16. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
17. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
18. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
19. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
20. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
21. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
22. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
23. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
24. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
25. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
26. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
27. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
28. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable(Public)
29. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
30. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
31. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
32. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
33. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
34. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
35. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
36. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
37. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
38. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
39. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
40. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
41. Mountain Pony; Male. Suitable (Public)
42. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
43. Mountain Pony; Female. Suitable (Public)
44. Empty; Suitable
45. Empty; Suitable
46. Empty; Suitable
47. Empty; Suitable
48. Empty; Suitable
49. Empty; Suitable
50. Empty; Suitable

The first fifty stalls contained fifty suitable containments and forty-three Mountain Ponies. That was three less horses when compared to this season in the previous year. That means three had died, but that happens. With the food shortages and the harsh winter weather, it was expected and there was nothing they could do about it. In those forty-three stalls there were 21 males and 22 females. That was a good balance. They had a good number of horses as well, she would have to ask the Stablemaster if breeding was needed to replace that lost three horses. All of these Mountian Ponies were publicly owned, as in owned by Wind Reach and ot one individual. All of the stalls were functional and clean as well. Cin went on to the next fifty.

Secret :
51. Empty; Suitable
52. Empty; Suitable
53. Empty; Suitable
54. Empty; Suitable
55. Mixed Blood; Male. Suitable (Private)
56. Empty; Suitable
57. Empty; Suitable
58. Empty; Suitable
59. Colorsplash; Male. Suitable (Private)
60. Colorsplash; Female. Suitable (Private)
61. Empty; Suitable
62. Empty; Suitable
63. Empty; Suitable
64. Frostmarch; Female. Suitable (Private)
65. Empty; Suitable
66. Empty; Suitable
67. Empty; Suitable
68. Empty; Suitable
69. Empty; Suitable
70. Zavian; Male. Suitable (Private)
71. Empty; Suitable
72. Empty; Suitable
73. Empty; Suitable
74. Empty; Suitable
75. Empty; Suitable
76. Avanthalian Sleigh Horse; Male. Suitable (Private)
77. Avanthalian Sleigh Horse; Male. Suitable (Private)
78. Avanthalian Sleigh Horse; Male. Suitable (Private)
79. Avanthalian Sleigh Horse; Female. Suitable (Private)
80. Empty; Suitable
81. Empty; Suitable
82. Empty; Suitable
83. Empty; Suitable
84. Empty; Unsuitable
85. Empty; Suitable

86. Empty; Suitable
87. Empty; Unsuitable
88. Empty; Unsuitable
89. Empty; Suitable
90. Empty; Suitable
91. Empty; Suitable
92. Empty; Unsuitable
93. Empty; Suitable
94. Empty; Unsuitable
95. Empty; Unsuitable
96. Empty; Suitable
97. Empty; Suitable
98. Empty; Unsuitable
99. Empty; Unsuitable
100. Empty; Unsuitable

Contained in the second fifty were only private owned horses. Mostly from visitors and traders. There was one Mixed Blood, two Colorsplashs, one Frostmarch, one Zavian and four Avanthalian Sleigh horses. Most all of the stalls were suitable as well, except nine had become a habitat for moss. She would need to get the Deks to clean those out. The first one-hundred stalls always needed to be ready and open. Who knew when they would need them?

Secret :
101. Empty; Suitable
102. Empty; Suitable
103. Empty; Suitable
104. Empty; Suitable
105. Empty; Suitable
106. Empty; Suitable
107. Empty; Suitable
108. Empty; Suitable
109. Empty; Suitable
110. Empty; Suitable
111. Empty; Suitable
112. Empty; Suitable
113. Empty; Suitable
114. Empty; Suitable
115. Empty; Unsuitable
116. Empty; Suitable
117. Empty; Suitable
118. Empty; Suitable
119. Empty; Suitable
120. Empty; Suitable
121. Empty; Suitable
122. Empty; Suitable
123. Empty; Unsuitable
124. Empty; Unsuitable
125. Empty; Unsuitable
126. Empty; Unsuitable
127. Empty; Unsuitable
128. Empty; Unsuitable
129. Empty; Suitable
130. Empty; Suitable
131. Empty; Suitable
132. Empty; Suitable
133. Empty; Suitable
134. Empty; Unsuitable
135. Empty; Unsuitable
136. Empty; Unsuitable
137. Empty; Unsuitable
138. Empty; Suitable
139. Empty; Suitable
140. Empty; Suitable
141. Empty; Unsuitable
142. Empty; Unsuitable
143. Empty; Unsuitable
144. Empty; Unsuitable
145. Empty; Unsuitable
146. Empty; Unsuitable
147. Empty; Unsuitable
148. Empty; Unsuitable
149. Empty; Unsuitable
150. Empty; Unsuitable

That was it for the horses. Cin-Cin always wondered why the stables were so vast, but the horses so sparse. Was Wind Reach more productive at one point? She didn’t think so. The people who built the stables must have thought that Wind Reach was going to explode. But how could it? They were so high up the volcano and, even when it wasn't winter; it was dangerous to climb the mountain. Cin-Cin had never even been all the way down the volcano.

Secret :
1. Empty; Unsuitable
152. Empty; Unsuitable
153. Empty; Unsuitable
154. Empty; Unsuitable
155. Empty; Unsuitable
156. Empty; Suitable
157. Empty; Unsuitable
158. Empty; Unsuitable
159. Empty; Unsuitable
160. Empty; Unsuitable
161. Empty; Suitable
162. Empty; Suitable
163. Empty; Unsuitable
164. Empty; Unsuitable
165. Empty; Unsuitable
166. Empty; Unsuitable
167. Empty; Unsuitable
168. Empty; Unsuitable
169. Empty; Unsuitable
170. Empty; Unsuitable
171. Empty; Unsuitable
172. Empty; Unsuitable
173. Empty; Unsuitable
174. Empty; Unsuitable
175. Empty; Unsuitable
176. Empty; Unsuitable
177. Empty; Unsuitable
178. Empty; Unsuitable
179. Empty; Unsuitable
180. Empty; Unsuitable
181. Empty; Unsuitable
182. Empty; Unsuitable
183. Empty; Unsuitable
184. Empty; Unsuitable
185. Empty; Unsuitable
186. Empty; Unsuitable
187. Empty; Unsuitable
188. Empty; Unsuitable
189. Empty; Unsuitable
190. Empty; Unsuitable
191. Empty; Unsuitable
192. Empty; Unsuitable
193. Empty; Unsuitable
194. Empty; Unsuitable
195. Empty; Unsuitable
196. Empty; Unsuitable
197. Empty; Unsuitable
198. Empty; Unsuitable
199. Empty; Unsuitable
200. Empty; Unsuitable

It was crazy what happened to the stables in the back. Almost every single stall was either covered in moss, mold or infested with mice and other rodents. Cin even saw a birds nest in a couple of stalls. She would have to see what kinds of bird’s nest they were, and if moving or destroying them would harm the bird. She didn’t want that to happen. Sometime in the next year, Cin vowed, these stalls will all be clean and habitable. She knew that they would never have a full stable, but clean was good and there could be harmful diseases and sicknesses within the mold and rodents that could affect the horses negatively. The down side was that one stall took a half a day to a full day, depending on the severity of the stall, to clean. There were at least fifty or more stalls that needed cleaning… This would be a problem.

That was it for the stalls, though, and Cin-Cin moved onto the tack room and shop. The Stablemaster would need these numbers to know if she needed more stock to sell. Luckily all that money business was not her job.

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[Skyhigh Stables] Inventory

Postby Whimsy on January 2nd, 2013, 4:57 am

Experience Award



+3 Observation
+4 Organisation
+4 Writing

A Dek's Place
Inventory of the Skyhigh Stables
The Breeds of Horses in the Skyhigh Stables

An extremely detailed and thorough thread. Keep writing. PM me if you have any questions or concerns.

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