Timestamp: 57th of Fall, 512AV Darkness had wandered for a while without a set direction, simply taking in the city's views, the walking people, the smells... and the noise, oh the noise. It was almost overwhelming after all the time he'd spent in the wild. At first he'd simply stood still, trying to take it all in, to get used to the idea that, after a stupidly long and hard journey, he was finally where he wanted. But then the humans grabbed his attention, and he wanted to know where they went, why. Something similar had happened today and he'd started moving, and now... Well, now he was hungry, tired, wounded, and had no idea where he was or anything else for that matter. Someone else might've been concerned about this last part, but in Darkness' mind any place was good to observe the humans, and a busy spot like this one seemed to be even better: there were all sorts of people people moving around, most of them with that particular, determined pace that showed that they had something to do. At least that was what the half-Zith understood, but he wasn't too sure of it - the people here were weird, really weird. He'd already bumped into a couple of them in his distraction and nobody had tried to kill him, which was unthinkable back in Xy. Thinking of Xy managed to dampen his good spirits for a moment, as he thought back to his family and what he'd left behind, but his attention was quickly seized by the humans once more. He leaned on a wall, immersed in analyzing what saw as his eyes hovered over the people walking by. Merchants and artisans, dredges and eagle-riders, for Darkness' untrained eyes they all looked the same. He could understand easily that some of them, the ones that got hit and pushed around, were the slaves, though he couldn't understand why you'd treat a slave like that. Beyond that, though, it was anyone's guess - some people were obviously higher up in the food chain than others, but why, he had no idea. Still, the movements were fascinating and he could've spent hours simply looking at them. A stabbing pain in his ribs cut that plan short, though, and reminded him that he wasn't in the best shape to do that. Putting his observations to use, he went to one of the men who he'd classified as meat and asked: "Where are your healers?" The man simply pointed in one direction, stepping back slowly with unease written all over its stance. Ignoring the man's discomfort, the half-Zith nodded and set off, noticing but not caring about the wide berth most people gave him. Maybe it was another of their cultural peculiarites. When he had walked a few streets, he stopped again, observing until he found another slave, and repeated his interrogation. A couple of scared men later, he was finally standing in front of the door of the building he seeked. Knocking on doors being a foreign concept he simply walked in and, with the characteristic deep voice of the Zith, stated as he took in the room: "I was told I could get healed here." |