Location [Wind Reach] The Valintar

Housing, Employment, Law Enforcement. The Ultimate Authority.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on November 25th, 2012, 7:35 am


"An Avora then." Kaden didn't seem surprised to hear that the man was Kelvic. He had remembered him as a boy, long ago, and was pleased to see him return to the city. It also meant that the Valintar didn't have to give the man the third degree before allowing him to be a part of their city.

"We actually have need of all your skills. What say you to joining forces with the other fletchers and bowyers, perhaps hunting in your spare time? If you can provide food for yourself, that's fine. Otherwise, you will be provided for should you be unable to do so, so long as you do something for our beautiful city." Smiling to soften his words, Kaden continuted. "As for lodging, you will be in the Darniva Commonrooms. Any Dek in the area can so you to an unoccupied room. Unless you prefer to sleep with your own kind. Val, the gate keeper, houses the cities raptors within his gatehouse. He would welcome you with open arms, should you choose."
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 25th, 2012, 7:49 am

"Thank you Kaden. I appreciate the kindness you have shown me, for i imagine you could have been more stern in your delivery due to the position you hold. I think i will venture to Val's and see about lodging there for it sounds most interesting, and i wont be short of chatty fellows among the raptors therein."

Ishgrameer smiled, he was pleased to have had such a pleasant interaction with a man of Kaden's stature. He wondered if he would be able to converse with him after some time had passed, and he had made a more notable impact upon Wind Reach.

Standing Ishgrameer bowed once more to Kaden, and picked up his pack. "Is if there is nothing else, i will take my leave. It was the most delightful pleasure to meet you again Kaden, perhaps we will chat again."
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Darkness on November 25th, 2012, 7:56 pm

The Valintar. Whatever it was, it was obviously something important and it certainly sounded interesting enough to follow the elder's instructions, so Darkness asked the closest person he found for directions - he got an odd look to go with them, but he was far too happy to care.

It took him a long time to make the short distance - he wanted to see everything, understand everything, feel everything; and so he walked slowly. But when he reached the Valintar, with its unmistakeable structure of stained glass, his feet stopped unconsciously. He stood there for more than a minute before realizing that fact, and when he set off again, there was a large smile on his face. Despite the light, the building was impressive.

The inside of the building did not disappoint either, and the half-Zith's narrowed eyes hovered over everything it could inside, avoiding the blinding glare of the stained glass as much as possible. His gaze fell on the man behind the desk, and he suddenly remembered the advice he'd been given, to be as non-threatening as possible. Keeping his distance to avoid startling the man, he explained:

"The gatekeeper said I should come here, but he didn't give a reason. Do you know why?"
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on November 25th, 2012, 8:33 pm


The Valintar turned out to be a middle aged man with a stern yet pleasant looking face, as quick to frown as to smile. Presiding over the entirety of the city, he had an air of seriousness about him no matter what he did; there was sure to be a mountain of stress weighted upon the man's shoulders.

Luckily for them both, Kaden had enough experience in his job to keep his facial expression politely neutral when the Mixed-blood entered his office. He know from experience that not everyone should be judged on sight just because of their race. The rest of his people, however, were not so forgiving.

"Please, have a seat. I am Kaden." Extending his hand across the desk for a handshake, the Valintar waited for the half-zith to introduce himself, smiling politely all the while. "Ah well, everyone has to come see me if they wish to live inside the city! Seeing as you've made it this far, Val must have thought you have something to provide for us so we may in turn provide for you."

Interlacing his hands, Kaden rested them upon the desktop before expanding upon his statement. "In Wind Reach, housing and food is provided for you based on what Caste you are placed into. You must do your duty in order to receive food and housing, both of which are provided for you so long as you keep up your end of the bargain." Smiling, Kaden swept a hand outward to the newcomer. "You are of Mixedblood, are you not?" Kaden danced around the subject of which races he was a mix of, perfering that the man offer the information himself. None the less, Kaden had a suspicion of what blood ran in the young man's veins.

"Normally, they are placed into the Dek caste- the lowest, the servants, until you are able to prove your skills worthy of Chiet or Avora. However, I am willing to allow you to sell yourself to me, to prove that you have something more to offer that would be otherwise wasted in the Dek Caste."
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Darkness on November 25th, 2012, 10:02 pm

Darkness was pleasantly surprised when the man's reaction, far from being one of hate or fear turned out to be... normal, as if the person in front of him was not a Zith. As he sat down carefully to avoid dirtying the place, Darkness discovered himself liking the feeling, which was another surprise in and of itself after his struggle to become more Zith-like.

But now wasn't the time for introspection and so, taking the man's hand like he'd taken the traders' many times before, the half-Zith introduced himself:

"I am Darkness."

He listened carefully, his attention absorbed by the Valintar's words, words that revealed to him how life was organized in this city. It wasn't a long explanation, but it set the basics of how he had to understand what he saw in the city. The mention to his mixed blood pulled him out of his rapt listening, though, reminding him that this wasn't just being explained for his education, but rather because it directly affected him.

With that in mind, the man's request for Darkness' skills was met with a frown, as the young half-Zith tried to remember what he'd learned back in Xy. With just a slight hesitation, he replied:

"I could be a good hunter, a trapper. I am used to surviving outside of cities, keeping out of the way of danger, and I can take dangerous animals down as well. I've helped my elders heal the injured a few times too. And... I think the most important part is that I'm a very fast learner. Even if I can't do something for you now, I will in a week." He stated this last one with a certain pride, for it was a Zith trait he was indeed proud of. A moment later, however, he sighed remembering the other thing Zith were supposed to be good at - and he wasn't. "I'm not, however, a good fighter, unlike every other Zith you'll meet. And... I do not think I would make a good servant."
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on November 27th, 2012, 4:20 am


Kaden watched the man carefully has he spoke, nodding when necessary and running his thumb lightly over his bottom lip in thought. The halfling had a good head on his shoulders it seemed, and not nearly as ferocious as those of his kin who had previously wrecked havok upon their city.

"I understand the inability to bow to another." Kaden had taken a long while to respond, simply watching the man who sat before him. There wasn't any anger or resentment in his face, just solemn concentration. This was a tough decision. Kaden knew his people, knew how they would react to an outsider of the same kind that frequently raided in hopes of stealing their Yasi. "However, I have to think about how my people will respond. Zith have plagued us over the years and more often than not have made away with our own children or our precious food."

Holding up a hand before Darkness could object or respond, the Valintar continued. "Though it may be the case that you, being only part Zith, may not be like your kin but the fact remains that you will not be received well in the city. Outsiders are forced to prove themselves and I think you will find yourself in that predicament. Though... the fact that you have no wings might help a bit." Kaden offered a smile to try and soften his words. There was no good that would come of lying to the man. "If I were to take your word for the truth and give you a position in the Avora Caste as a Hunter... gods, those fiery people outside these doors might bring the mountain down on both our heads."

A pause. "If you really mean to be something to this city, to fit in and learn, you have to prove yourself to them. I am going to place you where most of the newcomers start out when they seek to become a part of our city. I am going to put you at the level of the Dek, though you have permission to eat whatever you need of your kills. As able bodied as you are, it is only a matter of time until you can prove your worth. When that happens, you come back to me and we will adjust your rank." Extending a hand over the desk towards the young man, Kaden smiled "Keep your head low, do what you must and you will do fine."
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Glacient on December 23rd, 2012, 4:53 pm

Glacient approached the Glass doors of the Valintar.In all his years here he had never actually came to this office. Instead he had spent his time doing odd jobs, but that just wouldn't cut it any longer.He lifted his right arm and let Yuri, his Falcon, fly off. He was not one to talk to people, especially people with authority. Nevertheless it had to be done. He needed a job this winter and he needed one soon.

He pulled down the hood of his Katinu, exposing his dark red hair, and pushed open the doors of the Valintar. The warm air inside rushed out as if to welcome him, and it carried him in it's embrace into the darkly lit room. It was suprisingly warm inside which caught him off guard seeing as how it was next to freezing outside. He glanced around, taking in the exquisite decor. Directly in front of him was a desk backed by a man whom Glacient knew was called Kaiden. This is the man he must talk to, but how? He has never been the one to start a conversation, but he had to just this once.

"Uhm," he started out with keeping his eyes on the desk not on the man, " I'm Glacient and I was told that I must talk to you in order to be employed?"
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Davlamin on January 1st, 2013, 10:41 am

It didn't took much long for Davlamin to get to the The Valintar's office.All he did was to leave his horse out side before actually getting more deeper inside.

The structure itself was pure peace of art and even a blind man could feel the greatness behind those walls that were hidden from the workers that build this amazing place.The monk didn't rushed much all he needed was a few second to fully enjoy toe vie front of his eyes.However he came here to help from the Valintar whoever man was behind that very well known institution to the gatekeeper himself.It seems he knew what he was doing so the bearded decide to thrust him and do as he told him to do.

Once he got front of the door, he reached out forward to to slowly push it and get in.But just standing there front of the man that he noticed wasn't going to cut it.He need to introduce himself properly and expose his intentions for even being here.

"Hmm my deeper apologies for disturbing you, Mr..... - he cleared his throat and used more warm tone then he was usually using for talking to people. - .... but as I was passing The Sanikas Gates,the gatekeeper told me to come here and visit you." the bald human male said with polite, but still confident voice.
Last edited by Davlamin on March 14th, 2013, 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Eilea on February 13th, 2013, 11:28 pm

oocOnce again, I hope this is right.

Winter 73 512

"Thanks!" Eilea called back to a nice Inarta couple using one of the only Nari words she knew, confidently. They had pointed out where to go and had been so helpful, if not a little awkward around her. It was probably because she was Vantha. Or maybe she really needed a bath. She stopped in front of the building and looked at her horse with a smile. "Sorry Wine, I don't think you can come in with me but..." She tied the rope that hung from the bridle as a lead around a nearby wooden post. "Why don't you stay here!" She said in her fluid Vani tongue. The girl took one of her bags and hung if across her shoulder. She made sure that her knife was in it and then took her mother's bow off of the holding on the saddle. Eilea placed it over her shoulder, then checked to make sure every bag attached to the saddle on Wine's back. It was a habit she had picked up while on her travels. She just hoped that no one would steal anything while she was away.

Eilea couldn't help but marvel at the glass art along the walls. It was beautiful. "Just like mom said it would be. I wonder if she had to meet this man..." She thought to herself and smiled. Sometimes it felt like she was reliving her mother's life. But at the same time, she was making her own path. She just hoped that her talents of carving could be useful in the city. Or at least one of her other skills. She knew little of the Caste system that ran in Wind Reach, only the basics of it. And as long as she could find a job, a place that she could contribute to, she'd be happy. The Vantha girl knew much of the basics of many different skills and talents, but didn't particularly excel in any of them. That in of itself worried her. What if Wind Reach didn't need or want her?

With a heavy sigh, she moved towards one of the large couches, figuring that her presence had been known. She took a seat, crossed her legs and waited for someone to come get her. Her eyes rested in a gray tone with hints of green along the rim of the pupil as she waited. A small, yet beautiful tune escaped her lips, for she didn't even realize that she was singing softly to herself a lullaby her father used to sing to her when she was nervous or afraid.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Kane on February 23rd, 2013, 6:41 am

59th Winter 512

After entering the city, Kane glanced around in interest. Having never visited before, he was incredibly curious about the people and customs. Birds of many different sizes littered the area, the majority seeming to be eagles. Eying them warily, he urged Ansel forward. Their beady little eyes seemed to hone in on him. Flinching slightly, Kane growled under his breathe, “Creepy birds...”

A nearby Inarta seemed to take interest in him and spoke in Common, “Hey, you new here?” Kane stared. “...Yes?” “Go to the Valintar.” All is silent.

“What?” Is everyone in this city so vaguely straightforward? The Inarta huffed. “All newcomers must report to the Valintar,” he states while pointing to a beautiful building made of colored glass that loomed in the distance, “You can find it right? Or do you need an escort.” It was more of a snarky comment then anything.

Kane narrowed his eyes. Wow. Gentleman alert. That’s no way to treat a lady. Not that I’m a lady or anything. Just saying. Or thinking. Whatever. “No. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to find it without you’re invaluable assistance.” He was sure to use finger quotes to further pronounce his sass. “So yeah. I’m gonna go do that thing you said. Not that I needed your help.” With his chin up, Kane made his way in the direction of he Valintar, accompanied by a withering glare perched upon his back.

Upon arrival, he jumped off Ansel before grabbing for the reins. Chortling, Ansel reached over to pull Kane’s cloak over his head with his teeth. Kane stood silently. “You little shit.” After wrestling his cloak back to its correct position, he quickly snatched the horse’s reins, before fastening them to a nearby post with a growl. “Here.” he ground out, simultaneously pointing to the ground, “Stay right here. Be a good horse for once.” Ansel proceeded to attempt his best “innocent” face. Kane sighed.

Giving up on his cheeky horse for the moment, he steered himself towards the door and into the building, taking the time to note the wonderful intricacies even in the door as he yanked it open. Entry into the lobby is accompanied by the stare of a large eagle. Kane hissed quietly “They’re everywhere.” He glanced around the room, taking in the seemingly magical way in which the glass glowed. “Oh, couches.” Groaning in relief, he went to take a seat and wait for what was to happen next.
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