Location [Wind Reach] The Valintar

Housing, Employment, Law Enforcement. The Ultimate Authority.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Elna on March 6th, 2013, 8:33 pm


Spring 10 513

Elna's heart was pounding. She had been pacing around the door for several chimes now. Her shaky hands stroking the back of her pet bird trying to find some form of comfort. This was it the moment she had been preparing herself for these past few years, and yet she still wasn't ready. Despite her best efforts, she still wasn't particularly good at anything. The Valinter would see that instantly, he would take one look at the fact that she had no one offering to give her an apprenticeship and drop her right into the Dek caste. She had long feared that she would be put into this position, and now it was all coming true.

She didn't have much of a choice however and she knew that, she was 15 now and could now longer be considered a part of the Yasi caste. She would have to pull her weight and work for a living or receive no food. Standing out here the rest of her life and starving to death was a worse idea then being a Dek. She placed her bird on the perch outside. "Wish me luck Iris, I'm going to need it" she told her solemnly.

She stood in front of the door, ready to psych her self up to go though. She took a deep breath, and tried to focus. "Alright, on the count of three. One. Two. Three!" Her body remained frozen and unmoving, still unable to commit to facing her fate. She tried again this time stating the numbers aloud "One. Two. THREE!" she yelled out as the charged the door.

Elna stumbled awkwardly into the reception area. It was really rather beautiful. She had only ever seen it form the outside which was nice but paled in comparison. The sun hit hit the colored glass causing to to paint every thing in the room. brightly colored patterns all over the floor and she could she the same happing to her skin as she moved around the room. It was a welcome distraction, it was completely calming her nerves but at least she had something else that she could focus on. She sat down with a sigh, playing with the light on her hand while she waited for the Valintar to come and speak with her.

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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Aradia on March 15th, 2013, 8:48 pm

1st of Spring, 513 AV

Aradia was directed to go to the Valintar after leaving the Sanikas Gates. She was a little perturbed that her half-brother Red had left her to deal with this alone, but he was a Endal, and had priorities to take care of, so she was not that mad. Aradia was not used to such authority, and going through so much just to enter a city. She could not help but wonder why they did this, but she supposed it was to protect their beautiful city from those who may corrupt it.

The Valintar was only a short walk from the Sanikas Gates. The inside of the office was breathtaking. Portraying the artistic styling of the Inarata in the glasswork. All around her the life-like eagles were taking flight upon the stained glasswork. Capturing the elegant and royal way the birds flew in the air. Aradia stopped mid-step to admire the glass artwork, it looked to be telling a story, each pane held a different story to be told.

After she was done admiring the artwork of the Inarta, she proceeded on to find this official person she was supposed to be talking to. Aradia was not sure whether to just open the door, or to walk into the reception area. She saw no sign stating that she should knock first, nor was there a person directing her in the right way, so she opened the door. Aradia kept the door open, not walking all the way through, to marvel in awe at the illuminated glass that adorned the walls and ceiling. Once again it looked as if the glasswork was telling a story in each pane, one could see the artists heart being poured into each stroke of paint, and each formation of the glass. It was a magneficant site to behold, but Aradia had to tear her gaze away, looking over at a small Eagle perched elegantly on a stand, as if he was royalty. The bird was smaller than a Wind Eagle, but she was not sure what breed it was exactly.

Aradia looked around a little lost as to what to do, so she sat down a sunken couch to relax in while waiting for whatever she was there to be waiting on. She really was confused; Red did not fully explain this part to her. All she knew was that she had to go here and be assigned a class. This was going to be a confusing ordeal for her and the person assigning it. Her mother was a Dek, her father was a Vantha, and her Half-Brother a Endal.

Aradia had been to Wind Reach before, but she never went through this, she only stopped by to see her half-brother Red and his Wind Eagle Daghul while on her travels. She did not really understand the class system and how it worked, how people were judged and placed in castes. But she also needed a job, she did not want to have to live with Red for a long time, it felt like a burden. She wanted to make some money and get on her own two feet and live elsewhere. Maybe this guy could help assign her a job, if he even thought singing as one anyways. Aradia wiggled down in the couch, waiting patiently for the audience, unsure of how this was all going to go, and nervous at meeting this supreme authority guy.
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