Feral amber eyes flared, stubbornness and defiance filling the lovely orbs as a large solid hand slapped smartly against the face of the young Kelvic slave. Arabella's head snapped to the side at the force of the slap and she stumbled back, her lip bloodied from the blunt force behind the blow. She had expected it of course, how could she not when she had brought it upon herself. Arabella was hardly ever the defiant slave, she often did as she was told since she didn't like pain, but there were times when she got bursts of courage and she would defy her current master, no matter what punishment it brought to her. Makal Davrod was a harsh master who didn't often take no for an answer from any of his slaves, especially not from the slave girl he had just purchased, he expected obedience or he would beat it into them and since Arabella had been an expensive slave, he aimed to keep her. Killing her would have been a waste, no matter how satisfying it might have been for him.
"You will learn your place." Makal said viciously, his dark eyes narrowed, expecting Ara to cower as she usually did. Instead of cowering though, Arabella spat at him, the spittle hitting his cheek. She really was going to get it now, she knew that and yet she didn't care. The spittle was wiped from his cheek, the human not believing how Ara was being at this point. He could have had her killed and perhaps that was Arabella's aim in the long run, having her death ordered. No, Arabella didn't want to die, but she was sure she'd prefer death rather then slavery, which was death of a different kind. Every time she felt the crack of a whip, the falling of a fist upon her flesh, a little bit of her died inside.
As punishment for her 'crime' of defying her master, Arabella was placed in a small cell, bars keeping her from escaping. A collar was slipped around her neck with a chain attached to it that held her to the wall of the cell. She could move around the cell but she was unable to really get around too much. Another irritating thing was her legs were shackled and her wrists chained, the chains apart enough that she could walk around, not that she did of course. She curled up in the corner of her cell for the time being, making it appear as though she was thinking about what she had done like a good little slave when really she was plotting in her little corner. She would wait to be left alone before observing and seeking a way to get out of her chains.
The cell Arabella was placed in was rather spacious, the roof tall enough that she could easily stand in, thick bars kept the Kelvic inside, rough broken ground lay beneath her bare feet, bits of broken glass and bits of rubble were kept to cause the slave great discomfort and pain. The walls are thick plain stone, bits crumbling at times, the chain attached to her collar was thick and heavy, nearly unbreakable.