Thanks for responding. I had noticed you were about the only one doing threads recently.
Perhaps the two of us can help each other out and maybe any others who decide they want to try this location. My character concept is a Nuit Mage collector. He travels around the world in search of rare, valuable or beautiful items to add to his personal collection. It's an obsession that gives his life meaning (sort of). I want him to be a practitioner of personal magic because I think that's the best chance he has of defending himself if he gets in trouble.
Anyway, the only reason he would start at Sahova is to get a jump start on Projection and (possibly) Reimancy. I am okay with solo or dual stories for training. Maybe we can arrange for Tarot to start our characters out on quests and then bow out until the end, when he comes back in to grade it. That would lighten the burdon on hm but still give us moderator-driven adventures.
Just a thought from someone who is a total noob at this
Edit: BTW, I like your character concept. Kinda dark.