Rojeck was sure this was a Familiary lesson but what he was unsure of was what this Guvronsek was supposed to be teaching him. He knew that if he left Senesus to his own he would attack the decaying Nuit and probably draw the attention of any attack golems hidden in the room or worse draw other Masters here to turn them into the gods only knew what. He tried to impart this to Senesus knowing that the frightened and angry Sarawanki would not understand.
Its not this Guvronsek I'm worried about. It's the fact that if we harm or kill him we will be attacked by those more powerful than we are. We must survive, that is first and foremost. I know you would agree, sometimes you must avoid a fight to live.I'll try an get him to tell us what he wants. If not I will have to release you and let you do what comes naturally. I wont let you die...not without a fight.
He had noted the feeling of his Familiar going down his throat and settling where his heart used to be. He was also aware that it had become full size and he was a tiny bit uncomfortable with that. He was also aware that the Sarawanki was scared as well as angry, he wished he could express his regret that his Familiar was in this situation. He tried to talk to Guvronsek
Guvronsek, don't do this. I know you have a Sarawanki too. The silver globe in the things eye socket had not gone unnoticed. I'm trying to teach Senesus not to attack every time, especially when we might be outnumbered or out-powered. If you continue to attack him I will allow him to attack back. I will not allow him or myself to be killed without a fight.
He also was thinking internally to SenesusThis is a test of some kind Senesus a lesson for us in being together as wizard and familiar. If he does not cease his attack I WILL allow you to attack back even if it kills us.
He looked at the decaying Nuit and saidWhat are you teaching me Guvronsek? What is it I'm to learn? Is it that sometimes you have to attack even if the odds are against you? Am I to teach Senesus how NOT to attack? I cant if the attacks do not cease at some point. He trusts me and I will not betray that trust if he did not trust me he would have attacked you instead of obeying me.
He again thought to SenesusI don't think your cousin or his Master deliberately betrayed us. They promised a lesson, I believe this is the lesson and I think it has to do with your hostility. I wish the petching thing would talk more than one syllable words though.
he continued his speechresponding to a *perceived * attack is different than a real one. Why do you treat my Sarawanki with such hate when you have one yourself? I will let him out now and you will stop the attacks on him and on me or i will have no choice but to allow him to defend me and himself.
He opened his mouth again and said Come out Senesus but obey my voice and my thoughts, do not attack until I tell you to. I will keep my promise to you. We will not die cowards, if we are to die today.
He knew Senseus would come out ready to attack and hoped the big Sarawanki would follow his commands. He was serious when he told Guvronsek he would allow Senesus to defend himself if the attacks did not cease immediately. He only hoped he was not failing his lesson.