Kanri was always a bit stubborn about people contradicting or disagreeing with her but Ardal had a slew of very valid points. They were the Words that Needed to be Listened to. It was interestig to consider doing something spectacular right here at home, locked in the caste system and not an Endal. But it was true! There was so much to be done right here at home. She had never even though about it...
After a little while, Ardal stood and got ready to go. Despite the fact that he assured her he could wait, she quickly drank the rest of her tea. It reminded of when she was young how she would try to compete with the boys to finish drinks quickly. But, she never won. They had this way of locking their throats open or something like that and she could not do it. After finishing, she and Ardal started back to their respective homes. Kanri let him escort her to her standard, little house in the Darniva Commonrooms.
"So, we'll see moreSince we won't have time this season to actually do a thread for each, we should agree to see each other two other times this winter at least. We can work it out in pm of each other, right?" Kanri asked, smiling. She knew she would not be able to see him a lot, especially with how busy she was with her work. She did not know if she could fit in everything she wanted to do, because now she wanted to try out more story telling and go out more. Or least, she would when Spring came. Maybe, she would buy a bow for herself so she could do more archery. Possibilities seemed to just spread out before her! Like a sea of inspiration!
"Thank you so much for today! It was really a pleassure! We need to do things like this again!" Kanri reiterated. With that, she waved goodbye and went inside.
Besides, her clothes were still pretty damp...