Nero kept his straight run, pushing his speed to the limits. The farther he could go before they got within melee, the shallower their angles. His quick glances kept both beasts in sight, ready for the slightest opportunity. That came when he saw that one of the beasts had grown too eager and began charging. Nero smirked as he skidded to a stop, thankful for the soft grass. He swiftly changed his course and gave another dead run towards the closer of the duo. Hopefully the distance would give him just enough time to dispatch this one before the other could join. That allowed one, maybe two hits. Joy. As he entered swiping range, the monstrous beak roared as his razor-like claws came down. Nero managed to see it in advance from his change in stance, but these things are so damn fast. His sidestep to the right saved him any debilitating blow, but his left arm grew red, a shallow scratch appearing down it.
My turn. Nero did not waste a moment. As the beast's arm fell further, following through his semi-missed attack, he quickly grabbed the arm, which he saw as a weapon, and with his spiked gauntlet, and a chambered punch, 'disarmed' his foe. Both parties back-stepped swiftly, as if a referee had rung a bell. Nero had taken longer than expected although. Popping the severed arm into his left hand, he quickly brought up his right arm in a high blocking stance, as claws gripped tightly on it. His eyes making contact with this new foe's, his smirked, and with his padded arm occupying it's arms, he used his new weapon to attack wide, and almost severing, gashes in him, exposing the bones in his wrists, and creating a shallow slice through his soft chest. It was incredible how easily these guys cut through themselves, to Nero's luck. As the second Zith pulled away, screaming in pain, Nero let loose his improvised armor, and saw that it at least stopped some of the slash. After he dropped his right arm from it's guard, he winced in pain, and realized that he would not be able to do another move like before.
Hoping to have frightened the second one out of his mind, and into a retreat, he focused himself back on the first. He tossed the severed arm to the side, and, stained in blood and carrying calm eyes, took an artistic fighting stance. With his usual and taunting smirk, he issued another tease, "So, That all you have to give me? I'm disappointed." It was tricky masking the pain. The breeze irritated the long cut along his left arm, and the punctures on his right were giving him lightning bolts up his spinal cord. His breathing had become hoarse, he had lost the ability to fight with one of his arms. But they have lost three of theirs, so technically, I think I'm winning... His mind grew serious once more as he reminded himself of their other pair of claws, but it was of no matter. Kicking was his specialty, and they wanted to test that claim, let them try. |