21st Day of Winter
7:15 in the Morning
The Glass Reverie
7:15 in the Morning
The Glass Reverie
Kanri arrived into the furnace filled room at the normal time: Early. She still the effects of being someone her age, being annoyingly tired early in the morning so her mind was not the clearest. She moved through the adults who were early risers (or stayed up ridiculously late) with a foggy mind, finding an open marver. She nearly just collapsed and fell asleep, right there on the table. It was too early in the morning. She was still recovering from a cold she had caught from a snowball fight earlier on that season as well. It was not going to be a good day for her. She pulled herself up off her table, tucked her silky, red hair behind her ears, and stopped pitying herself. Self-pity was pointless and she was not going to get anything done! Hadn't she learnt that already?
The Glass Cat she was striving for still had not quite come out but she had come fairly close on several occasions before messing up the tail, head, ear size, or any other part of the body. It made her glad. Plus, she had gotten faster at making those evenly distributed paperweights and had even tried making a perfectly spherical one. It did not fulfill any of her orders, of course, so it was not helpful. But she was proud of it and decided, if she ever made that Glass Cat, then she would sell them both at the same time!
She had heard something about her mentoring a Yasi but it had been late last night as she was leaving and she did not really remember. Was that everyone's genius new idea now? To have her babysit the Yasi? Her father had asked her to teach them falconing twice at this point while he ran off and did his own thing. Now, someone was throwing a little kid at her while she was working. Then again, the Yasi could be just her age. For example, it could be someone who was only a year or two younger than her and that wasn't really a little kid. Either way, Kanri resolved not to talk down to them. She did not think that the lower castes deserved resentment or disrespect. Maybe they were not to be admired but they certainly tried hard and helped out a lot of people in Wind Reach. She couldn't imagine a lofty, powerful Endal ever cleaning out a gutter or some similar task! And so, she could not hold disrespect for someone just because they were young. That wasn't their fault. Of course, she was not just going to stand around and wait for them either.
She set about to her work. Today, she had been asked to make a few vases for someone's wedding that was in late Spring. It was not an Inartan commission, obviously. It boggled Kanri's mind as to why she needed to make vases now as opposed to in late Spring but, she supposed, whatever flies their kite. If it works for them, then she did not really care. She twisted a little bit of glass onto her blowpipe. When she had enough for a nice, small little vase, she held the blowpipe with the hot end towards the floor and let it slow flow down in a nice, neat wad. Then, she twisted it and rolled it across the tabletop to cool it off.
And as she rolled, she waited for the Yasi to arrive.