Oh the drag, yet another person who is pushing Amelia towards becoming a citizen officially. Amelia knew she was not fully safe without the papers, but Amelia liked to think her father would protect her. Above other things, she was so often mistaken to be a part of the well-known Lark family she had gotten used to it by now. Honestly, she didn’t think that anyone would hurt her here as she did carry out clear attitude markings of a Ravokian or at least seemed to hide her Syliran nature. Then again, her daddy wouldn’t be around all the time and most of the slave makers around Ravok didn’t seem to be the type to ask questions.
”Broken beaks, another man who is pushing me towards becoming a citizen” she said rolling her eyes but chuckling as she found it a bit amusing, just a bit. ”My father has been pressuring me to doing that for years now…reasons should be clear” a statement true by all means. But truth be told, she was just rambling her way out of the question she didn’t like answering ”The thing is, I’m not around this city long enough to finish the paperwork, I am usually a few days short from the minimum time spent…I just don’t like to be tied down as you have probably guessed by now” ”stop rambling…You don’t have to excuse yourself to him” a slight loss of words, probably because this little speech had gotten her thinking, maybe it was time for her to settle in one city? Ravok was better by all means, and if she would set for life, it would be this city. Maybe when she meets up with her father next time, she will manage to finally make him happy, saying she is planning to get her papers done and stay in this city. Then again, she was terrified of the questions they might ask her regarding her mother, the gnosis.
Kelmar’s toast was interesting, and the way it was complimented by his voice would have found it to be rude or offending. Amelia however, found it to be sweet considering this man was a stone wall as she enjoyed thinking. Actually, if he had spat out something similar to her father’s lady killer lines, she’d be rolling on the floor laughing, potentially being clumsy enough to roll inside the canal. Above all Amelia wasn’t sure what to say as she didn’t wish to ramble about herself, but she had guessed that Kelmar wouldn’t be interested of rambling about himself either. ”Strangely, I’m enjoying your company Kelmar…despite the unusual for me awkwardness”