Ana disregarded what the other girl was saying, leading her away, easily enough. "You don't know me, I don't know you- but just trust me on this," Ana whispered hurridly, importantly "I know Ximal, and you don't want to push him over the edge." Biting her lip, she glanced over her shoulder- hand gripping the girls wrist delicately "and by the sounds of it, you've went and made him teeter close to a cliff....Trust me... You do not want that. No matter how satsifying it may seem to get the better of him" Ana turned to look back in front of her. They really were heading in the direction for the medical petal, but Ana slowly began to make them veer closer to the edge, where nets would catch them if they were to fall. It was for the best anyways, especially when she had this strange one in her seemingly compliant grasp. "I'm Ana, by the way," she stated, as if to make a distracting conversation "who are you? I don't think I caught your name. I know you may not be sick, but you should seriously consider your death wishes carefully." They were getting farther and farther away from the trouble that could ensue, Ana had inadvertantly prevented a disaster. Hopefully it would stay that way, though she wanted to ensure that it did, Ana made them stop for a moment, where she would turn to stand in front of Alea. The ex-thief still had a very bad feeling about this girl, so she had to make sure. "I may be a stranger, and it may have been against my better judgement to help you- but do you think you could not anger the beast? You're lucky I managed to get you off scott-free, so do me a favor- stay away from him and behave, okay?" Ana stared from under her hood at the girl, she looked to be no more than a teenager really, a young woman, one fiercesome like a bull- acted like one too. If Alea took Ana's advice, she would begin herding the girl to the medical petal, if not, or if she started to try and go back, Ana did something she never believed she could, or ever would do. All in the name of safety. She would lunge, and wrap her arms around the girls waist tightly, under the girls arms- then immediately turn her body to the side, feet acting as a pivot, and driving the small thiefs own weight to add into the girls, throwing them off balance, to push them off the petal and to land in the nets down below; which could hold the weight of a good few Jamouras. Hopefully having the element of surprise on her side, after all, the girl had come that far with her willingly. Would she have expected the small woman next to her to do this? Ana knew sickness alright, she was mad in the head anyways. |