Year 510, Spring, Day 80 The Konti had traveled far, far away from the small cave in the Wildlands. On foot, in wagons, and at times, clinging to strangers on horseback, she moved from road to campsite to village on her slow journey elsewhere. The places she stayed meant nothing to her, and so did not register in her mind. Where she took comfort or how long she stayed held less importance then the uncaring time that passed with the weeks. In her travels, Satu was considered a beautiful oddity, and a rarity. Oftentimes she was pleasant, but she was also no stranger to violence. Her moods were mercurial and shifted with the tides of feeling that surrounded her at any given moment. She felt them all, all the people she traveled with, supped with, or brushed against. The potency never diminished. Sometimes she would tell fortunes and truths in exchange for meals or shelter, though most of her patrons thought she carried a peculiar air. At times, her conversations were unusual, filled with ideas others could neither comprehend nor follow. The temporary companions justified her behavior as normal for a Konti Seer, having never before met one, but little could they imagine the tragic story behind Satu’s rebirth into the world of Mizahar. Since Opportunity, Satu was herself no longer, though she was unaware of the fact. While it was true her HeartSense had grown in clarity, it was also true the Konti had no grounding in which to temper the newly engulfing sensations. Her HeartSight, stronger and more vibrant than ever, could now discern people’s feelings with ease, but every petty or scathing emotion that assaulted her senses became a part of her. A barrier had been shattered in Opportunity, and Satu could no longer shut out the colorful noise that surrounded her, so she sunk deeper with each passing day into a private world of madness. Had she been at home on her gentle Isle, the white sisters of the Opal Order could have flown to her aid. But she traveled away from them, and the time was long past late for any healing. ========== The boat from Black Rock floated slowly along as the jungle slipped past in silent mystery. Satu stood at the railing, listening to the hush as it was punctuated periodically by a sudden din from within the dark embrace of the trees. As she watched, the shadows began changing, forming secrets among the greenery of branches and foliage. Leaning forward against the railing, Satu listened intently, cocking her head. The jungle hummed. Satuuuu…. Satu froze, straining to hear. Whispers too faint to understand floated out from the denseness.The jungle whispered! A light awoke in the Konti’s remote eyes as the birds cawed suddenly and took to wing, filling the canopy with noise and confusion. And Satu was convinced a message was hidden within the avian calls. Walk through the trees… Konti foresight buzzed along her spine and every sense tingled in warning. The jungle CALLED. A slight tremor shook her head. There was no time to waste! She needed escape from these passengers and their onslaught of worries and angers, hatreds and loves and… Let me be away! Away to the quiet of the jungle, to walk without energetic interference, Satu let the Freedom of such a prospect wash over her… It was easy to find a fisherman; one had his small boat tied against the larger ship. But convincing the man was another matter. “There is where I wish to go.” Satu informed the sunburned man, in her lilting Common. Pointing one long finger at the dark shores of Falyndar, she continued, “You will drop me on the shore,” the sense of urgency giving rise to a feeling of command. “There?” he stammered, “Bu… But… Mistress Konti… That is Jungle, Falyndar’s Wilds.” He took a breath, to calm himself, “Nobody just goes and walks in! And if they are foolish enough, they don’t walk back out!” The fisherman’s Fear was palpable, even without the use of her HeartSense. “There’s a hundred reasons not to go! All manner of dark and evil call that place home! Cannibals ride giant tigers, they say...” He reached out to touch her arm, but the beautiful woman intimidated him, though he couldn’t quite say why, so he wrung his hands instead. “The Myrians kill everybody. And if they don’t, the snakes get the rest. You really don’t wanna go there! Please say you’ll reconsider, Miss!” The shoreline drifted past, as the man’s Fear circled him, tightening and coiling about his torso. He was weak, Drainira would never have approved of him. But this little fisherman would do as she wished; he was a follower and Satu would hear none of his protests. Once he realized there was no use in arguing, slimy tendrils of Greed snaked around his Fear and masked it. “You will be paid well of course, for the little work required…” the Konti added, as the Greed flared in his Heart. Did Riches and Rewards tempt all humans? An enchanting smile touched Satu’s face, there was no doubt passage was secured. The fisherman agreed and went to make ready the little boat. Grumblings concerning the intellectual capacities of the entire Konti race versus the stupidity of fishermen could be heard as he worked quickly to prepare the vessel. |