The doors parted, but not without a bit of a fight.
He entered the temple with a prayer of clarity. What was his purpose in this raw world, so contrasting the divine realm as he pictured it. The cavernous hall with arches and solid glass, stone, roofs glinted and glimmered in the light of candle and oil flames. The flashes of orange, laced by blue light glinted off his clothing as he moved further into the temple. Gentle murmurs echoed softly within the area as folks spoke among themselves at the twilight hour. Lhavit, the city that never seemed to sleep lived up to that observation as Xavior was greeted by patrons as well as a priestess who was in the middle of a sermon.
The oil lamps were dimmed, their wicks lower in the pool of fuel and created small flames. The white light was enough to light the large space as it streamed through the ocular at the top of the domed shaped ceiling. One of the tenants of the sacred, lunar, pool, wandered about the circular room while another gave a prayer session. Their quiet murmurs were like an a capella choir whose voice were only amplified by the spacious stone.
It was awe inspiring, “I can feel every word and moon beam on my body.”
He gawked at the temple as he moved to an unoccupied area. He stood near the lunar pool, the inky blackness acted much like a mirror. The smooth surface, undisturbed by mortal hands, had a silver streamer that outlined the entirety of the pool. As he stared over it, it reminded him of something he had seen before. He had to get closer, a drawing that he couldn’t explain.
His body moved with such purpose that it alarmed those around the room at the speed he approached the large basin of sacred water. However, all was calmed as his body stopped short of the tall wall that contained the dark water.
“My father, my friend, my everything.” Xavior muttered as he began to kneel down so that his head was closer to the basin’s level. His hands touched the glass like stone and he felt an invigorating energy transfer to himself. “Leth, I call to you in great need. Why is my head plagued by such horrid memories. Memories that feel so distant yet so close to me? Why do I not find memories of you, only this feeling, an undying love for you?” His breath hastened as his other hand landed on the basin.
On his hands and knees he slowly began to slide his head over the body of water. The points of his horns as they grew from under his hair like trees, violet in color were the first to reflect from the dark pool. He could feel his soul alive within his veins, marching like ants with his pulse. His face, soft and stone like was next to be seen. His eyes locked with his own, a feeling of subtle relaxation coursed through his body. His skin and body buzzed with static as he continued to stare deeply into his own eyes.
“Leth, I want to know why it has been four years and yet I’ve seen no sign of your existence? Please tell me,” Xavior shouted as he continued to stare at the reflection that stared back at him.
There was silence in the room now. A silence that was unnatural to the world, a feather as it hit the ground would sound deafening in the silence that consumed Xavior’s ears. Curious, he pulled his head away from the reflections and looked around the room. Those who were in prayer had frozen in their positions. All matter around him had seemed to have grown solid like mannequins in the realm. Xavior’s mouth opened, but no sound came out.
“What is going on!” Xavior thought to himself, “have I gone mad?” The sound of water as it splashed neared him made his head turn back to the pool of dark.
The water’s surface seemed to move as if disturbed by a pebble. “What is this?” He thought as he began to look over the rim of the basin once more to look into the inky darkness of the lunar pool.
His reflection appeared once more but his eyes seemed to stand out more pronounced than before.
The violet shade glowed and drew his eyes to them further, “you come for answers.”
A disembodied voice pierced through the thick silence and made Xavior’s head and body jolt in shock. He moved to look away from the reflection but was quickly stopped by the voice.
“No! If you truly seek answer you’ll not break your own gaze.” The voice continued, “I do not have the answers you seek, I am merely your conscious.”
“Then you are not Leth but myself talking?” Xavior echoed.
“Why are your eyes shut to the world Xavior?” Xavior’s brow crooked as his reflection’s mouth began to move on its own as if it were another person.
Xavior’s breath began to grow faster, his heart raced as he attempted to will himself away from the hypnotic gaze in the water. However, he could not move from his spot even as his muscles flexed and strained. His breath blew firmly over the water’s surface and caused ripples in the glass like pool. His reflection began to ripple and distort as the moon’s light continued to shine through the ocular.
“Relax Xavior, no harm will come to you here. This is you speaking after all.” The voice continued as the moon’s light began to fade as if during an eclipse.
The room was slowly plunged into darkness and Xavior watched as his reflection slowly morphed and formed into that of a Zith. Long teeth and bestial looks soon looked up at Xavior, long dreadlocks flowed from the top of his head.
“Shadow?” Xavior asked loudly as the light soon vanished completely. “I can’t see anything, what is this?”
There was a moment of silence, “no I’ve told you before I am you, not Shadow!”
A crack of thunder accompanied by the flash of light startled Xavior as the bolt struck the basin in front of him. His body leapt back and he landed on his backside scurrying away into the all consuming darkness. There was little pause between the strike of lightning before the basin was set ablaze with a furious, blue, flame. It moved across the glossy surface like a wave and crested over the black stone. It continued like a ring to the walls and let the torches that lined the walls of the chamber. The dim glow brightened the room and revealed to Xavior a cavernous chamber. Heavy doors marked with strange symbols, astronomy symbols, were plentiful. It was almost as if Xavior stood within a lobby that had no true entrance only exits.
The ring of blue flame traveled further and revealed a long hall. As the line of flame passed, more torches illuminated. Down the hall Xavior observed the flame begin to distort some and crawl like spider’s web over a figure’s body. Xavior stood and watched as the network of webbed fame congealed into a brawny figure. Sowly the body of someone familiar began to materialize right before Xavior’s eyes. It began to enter into the chamber as it began to grow details. A fuzzy body with long fur on the face and elbows, whose veins glowed bright of blue beneath the fuzzy surface. It’s eyes glowed a bright, icy, blue and even seemed to glow within the creature’s mouth. It’s ong wings spread as the veins of blue continued to arch and pulse like blood through them.
Xavior wasn’t afraid, even as the male approached him in the strange room. He felt a strange sense of calm and security even though he was unfamiliar of the room around him. Heavy breathing soon filled his ears, but not a breath taken into his own lungs. It came from the zith in front of him, with certain realization he finally figured out who exactly it was.
“I see, so you are me. I understand it now,” Xavior approached the growling and snarling voice.
Soon the sounds of drips into water began to add to the once quiet room. Two large, stone statues of jackals, mouth gaped as moonbeams seemed to stream from their mouths. Water began to manifest in the columns of light, which slowly began to turn into flowing water that cascaded into the basin like a fountain. Moon beams turned to water that constantly filled the basin dark pool of water.
“Tsk, I knew you weren’t that thick minded. Just needed a visual cue,” the voice of the zith was low and snarly, subtle snorts coming from his nose.
“Have I done what I did to Christy but to myself? Am I in my own castle, my mind?” Xavior questioned as he studied the environment. “Can I feel you?” Xavior tilted his head in puzzlement before extending a hand to rub against the zith’s body. Warm, course, fur met his fingers, which was stretched over the firm muscles of the zith’s body. “I almost feel like I would want this body compared to this one,” Xavior’s eyes crooked as his mouth didn’t move. The words echoed throughout the hall.
“I know what you mean, that body is scrawny compared to this.” The zith flexed his muscles and winked at the dumbfounded Eth. “Like I said before, this is your mind. Anything you think I hear, anything you feel, I feel,” He paused for a moment and slowly grinned to himself. Those sharp teeth catching the light from the blue torches. “Ahh, right where was I.” The zith’s demeanor changed slightly as he turned back toward the basin.
It was at that moment that Xavior realized that the zith was naked like the day he was born. Not that it mattered, it wasn’t anything new to him, “Quit staring you narcissist and get over here.” The zith growled out loudly and caused Xavior to double time it to the basin.
“What is this then?” Xavior turned toward the zith with a questioning look.
“This is a very important place. It is locked deep within your body. It is a life fource, a unique one that is replenished by the moon’s light. In turn this pool fuels you, this pool is you.” Xavior looked down at the floor and noticed little channels cut into the ground. They snaked their way across the brick laid floor to other areas of his castle.
As the water continued to fill the basin some of the water spilled over and fell into the channels. There were no visible channels, it was almost as if the water was alive and had a mind of it’s own. The water traveled along an invisible path and moved and shifted like tendrils as they made their way to a channel on the ground and continued to flow into the darkness.
“Where is that going?” Xavior enquired as he moved away from the basin and followed the water through the veins in the stone.
“To replenish other basins of course. Emotions, to be exact. The pool of desire is the biggest, just in case you were in denial of it. Call me Silhouette to make this easier and I’ll call you Xavior.” Xavior was taken aback as he was told that information he didn’t think desire would be the larger pools of his emotional bank.
Xavior studied the zith as he leaned back on the basin as if to continue showing off a bit, “my desires go much deeper than just partnership.” Xavior retorted which made Silhouette laugh. “Oh I know, but it amuse me to tease myself in the ways only I know of. Especially when you know you wouldn’t have enjoyed being with a woman. You prefer the company of another man, it makes sense too. In a past life you were betrayed by a woman and paid for it dearly. You don’t have to be closed in here Xavior, I know everything, but I don’t know why you are not willing to know what I’m thinking?” Silhouette stood straight once more as Xavior remained quiet.
He gestured toward the channels, “there are six main channels named,” he pointed at each channel as he named them. “Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, each of those channels break into other channels that fill smaller basins like envy, loneliness, pride, and love. It is from these basins that unique power you use is drawn from. Tap into the right basin and you could possibly add a bit more emotion to your speech. Makes it more accepting of other’s bodies when they listen to an emotion they enjoy.”
“What if I were to stop the flow of water in one of these channels? I mean what if I wanted to just sever all emotion.” Xavior asked without the intentions of actually doing it.
“Well to put it brief, you’d die. This water also replenishes your body if you were to prevent the water from going where it needs to go, your mind could drown. Same thing goes if you use to much of the water in a day, if the basin dries up you will die then too.” Silhouette was deadly serious for a moment as he walked up to Xavior’s side and wrapped an arm around his waist, “though I’m sure you aren’t stupid enough to do something like that now are you?’ Silhouette paused as Xavior’s arm wrapped around Silhouette’s shoulders, “You like it when I touch you don’t you?”
“I’m not going to say get away from me Silhouette. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around everything, you feel real, this water feels real, everything feels real.” Xavior stroked across the broad shoulders of Silhouette’s body.
Both beings walked shoulder to shoulder, well as close as they could, Xavior was taller than the zith, which made it a bit awkward to walk. He wasn’t going to deny that he enjoyed the contact though. Doors lined the hall, thick, heavy, armory doors were on either side of the hall. He walked not feeling lead by Silhouette just guided by his own feet. But suddenly he felt an urge to stop and turn toward a door. The door stood out from the rest, it seemed newer than the rest. He reached a hand out to turn the ring knob and found the door to be locked.
“It requires a key, these are your memories, this is one that your mind wants to lock away. But you have to be willing to unlock the door.” Silhouette stepped back as he wondered if Xavior could figure out how to open the door.
He watched as Xavior looked around the door, his curiosity perked as he found a door that he had apparently locked away in his own denial. He sought the answer to the puzzle of how to open the door and finally found it as he eyed the keyhole. Slowly a brass key began to manifest within it, the metal glinted the blue light of torches as it became solid and real. He turned the key and heard the small click of the latch. He turned the ring once more and the door began to open outward.
The sound of the memory reached his ears as Xavior stood outside of the doorway and looked out onto the scene of a familiar bedroom. He stood in the dark room along with Christy, "You're quite beautiful. Leth must shine his light on you very much." Xavior crossed his legs as Christy shifted and turned to her side to look at Xavior.
"Stop that, I'm nowhere near as handsome as yourself." She chuckled, before she continued, "why did we have to move into the room?"
Xavior contemplated a moment, "I wanted to try a form of meditation with you is all. I want to help you get over your apprehensions about Evan and your future." Christy looked nervous even still her eyes wandered over Xavior's body. Xavior noted her eyes that wandered over his body and crossed his legs to conceal a third horn that had grown under the loose cotton fabric. True, her beauty was far beyond what he remembered in woman, however he wasn't here for that. He wanted to attempt to help her through the labyrinth of the human mind.
"Christy what I'd like you to do is lay back and breathe deeply. Just focus on your breathing and a deep problem you would like to have resolved." Xavior noted as she did just that.
Xavior eyebrow crooked as he realized why he locked this memory away. His intents and flirtation with his mother figure was something he felt ashamed of. Driven by the primal urge of lust swayed him to attempt something disgusting.
“I see why I wanted this locked away,” Xavior sighed and began to shut the door. As the latch clicked and the lock was turned he felt Silhouette’s warm body behind him. The soft glow of blue in his veins continued to illuminate as Silhouette’s hand dipped under Xavior’s robe some. Dull claws raked over his firm, statue-like, torso.
“If you really wanted to quench such desires, at least for the moment, you should've just looked into your self.” Silhouette said quietly as Xavior remained still enjoying the sensation of having his body scratched at.
“I don’t know what came over me in that moment.” Xavior finally found himself moving away from Silhouette’s embrace.
He began walking deeper into the labyrinth of doors until he found a wide, spiral, staircase. He began to climb them and out of the blue light and stone. He felt Silhouette’s presence behind him as he soon found himself in a bright chamber. It was warm with reds, golds, and paintings of various abstract images that Xavior couldn’t quite make out. But his feet didn’t let him stop as he continued to walk through a door and into a large bedroom.
“I could live in here,” Xavior commented.
Silhouette chuckled as he moved with Xavior to an actual bed one that was only in dreams. “I know, but I don’t encourage you stay in this state Xavior. You’ll lose touch with reality and never return to true paradise in Leth’s domain.”
Xavior sat on the bed before he laid back and felt exotic silk, it was greed incarnate in the last few rooms. Extravagance that would never happen in the real world. Silhouette moved onto the bed too over Xavior’s body. “Do you know what we desire now?”
Xavior looked up and into Silhouette’s eyes that still glowed pure with the strange blue flame. Xavior didn’t know it, but he also had begun to grow a dull glow in his light. The sensation of having someone over him intensified two fold as himself began to make his body feel great. “I know what we desire yes, and I want to let it out here and not onto the ones that have treated me like a son.”
“Good choice, feel the pleasure and feel my emotion that we share Xavior. I’m very proud of you.” Silhouette complimented as he began to disrobe Xavior’s torso. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Are you alright sir?” A voice came from above Xavior as his head rested against the stone.
His arms curled under his form as the horns continued to reflect from the calm surface of the lunar pool. Xavior lifted his head and felt alive, energized, inspired, to look up and move to a standing position. His frame seemed to uncurl and rise to the ceiling before he turned to look down at one of the keepers.
“I’ve never felt any better,” he paused and rubbed his chin, “yes, never better. Must have dozed off. How long was I out?”
“Well we saw you collapse when you approached the pool, I came over and shook your shoulder.” Xavior’s eyes crooked as he was told this.
“You mean I was only out for seconds?” He looked thoughtful for a moment, but it appeared the lady took the moment of speech as a sign of psychopathy. “Oh never you mind that. I came with a question, I would like to be a volunteer at this temple. I’ll clean grounds, maintain it, anything. I feel home here.” Xavior looked away thoughtfully, “may I please give my time to serve in my father’s temple?” Xavior turned back with an almost, childlike, pleading, smile.