Closed The Reflective White.

The first snow falls. Johanne's heart is chilled. (Dariel)

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

The Reflective White.

Postby Johanne on December 23rd, 2012, 12:03 pm

Her eyebrows furrowed, hoping he was not unimpressed, or in complete distaste of her room. "Is it a disappointment that there are not more images and decoration?" Johanne worked with art all day; she carved images into her own skin, and she inked the flesh of strangers who desired to make their bodies more meaningful. Just as there was comfort, and the promise of a fresh start, on a blank page of paper, so too was there a silence and restfulness in having bare walls and uncrowded space.

"I suppose my writing is my ornamentation," she said, blushing, and yet not knowing why. Johanne had no cause to be embarrassed or ashamed; and yet she could not help but feel chastised for not living up to the expectations that Dariel had had of her. It was silly: immature, even, something she should have grown out of, but she was too used to thinking less of herself that it became second nature to assume everyone else was thinking less of her, too. "Yes," she said, looking confused, standing by the warming fire, as it crackled its way through the brittle wood. "I meant the room..." What else could he have thought she meant?

His eyes were bright, intense, as he gazed upon the lines and crevasses of her face. Looking down, embarrassed under his highlighting stare, she began to speak of nonsense and the superficial, relying on their irrelevance to protect her from the scrutiny that she had resigned herself to: but not just yet. She wanted a few more moments with Dariel where the world was warm, safe and easy, where her bones were not on display and where her insides did not have the possibility of being criticised. "My room is like yours? I suppose you stay with your family. The Solar Winds really do have good value for kina..." She trailed off, her eyes drifting up to look into the eyes of Dariel. And he was much closer than before.

"What are you doing?" Her voice was soft, low, shaky. She knew where his hands would wander. It was inevitable that his touch should shake her core every time they met. He had spoken of it as soon as he had brought her into his embrace. And it was with held breath that she watched his hands hover over her flesh, teasing, always promising a caress and then just avoiding her skin at that last moment. His eyes pierced her skin, as intensely as her stiletto did, and she let her breath out in a rush when he finally finally touched her. She looked down at the wound with him: it was bloody, raw. One could barely make out what it was. And Johanne thought he deserved to know.

"It's a scar of your hands," she whispered. Her voice was loud in the silence, with only their beating hearts and laboured breath in the room. His eyes drifted from the wound and met hers. Dariel's gaze was piercing, and sent a shiver down her spine. To know he had her blood on his fingers, his hands in her skin. It was an intimacy she could never have imagined. To share her scars with him would be the closest act she had ever performed with another person: even more than Joseph. Taking a deep breath, she told him of her scars, what she had done, and her heart. Her voice shaking, she was terrified as she spoke, but his blue eyes compelled her.

"When I fled that day in Fall, I was too scared to be around you. Your eyes..." She paused, looking deep into them. "They're ice. I could barely tell what you were thinking. Why you were thinking it. So I left, I ran, I escaped. But you did not fail to leave a mark inside of me: and so I made that mark on the outside of me, too." With her other hand, she took his hand that was caressing Syna and Leth, and brought it onto the wound. His flesh there stung, sliding over the sliced skin. Guiding his hand, she traced the lines she had carved in the order she had made them. "You feel that? You feel my open flesh, my warm blood? That's the shape of your hands, your gentle fingers, and whenever I look down at the bloody wound I think of the way you called me beautiful." She was smiling gently at Dariel. She did not mean to frighten him, to act strangely. She simply hoped he understood. This was something strange and out of the ordinary for Johanne. She needed him to meet her half way. Her straining, gentle voice held hope within it when she asked her final question, breath held.

"And now I will ask you: what do you think of my scar, Dariel?"
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”
Vincent Van Gogh
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The Reflective White.

Postby Dariel on December 29th, 2012, 12:35 am

A twitch shook Dariel's mouth before he slowly shook his head. "My room very much consists of a bed, a trunk and a desk. All I need is inside of me. Well, all I need to do what I need to do." He shook his head once more, with slightly more energy this time. He was almost certain she would find a way to misunderstand him again if he did not word his statements carefully. Like most people did. But with most people it did not bother him as much.

That and when Johanne did it, he still liked it after a fashion. It made for an odd melange in the end. He liked it enough not to actually mind in the end, but it bothered him too much to care to provoke it. The sheer fact that such a convoluted and confused constellation of feelings could exist within his chest was enough to bedevil him. It was not enough to distract him from the important things.
"But you are not me. You are learning to stitch ink into skin. I imagined something of an artist's abode. Scattered sketches, sketches hung from the walls, sketches pinned to beams. Do you agree with me then? Or do you have other reasons?"

"And of course, the simple surroundings only serve to highlight the true adornment. By which I mean you."
A little smile would not do here. Dariel grinned at her. Brief but sincere, boyish even. He had to go there. Point out that he had to point out what he meant. "And well, you might have been asking what I thought of you. Or you inside your room. Or your new scars, though I have not yet seen them."

Soon playtime ended with an honest shock. Johanne had carved him onto her skin. In other circumstances he would have been cross that she had sought to bind him. But since there already was an undeniable something between them that required no magic. He could have asked why, but he knew why. What he didn't know was why the room was so hot all of a sudden. Shrugging off his cloak and letting it fall to the floor happened as an unconscious reaction to that heat.

But there was more. A rainbow of sensations crept into his consciousness, one after the other but forming a whole that exceeded the sum of its parts. His heartbeat was quickening, his throat felt as if someone was trying to strangling him, the heat was not alleviated by the shedding of his cloak. If not for the sudden onset he'd diagnose himself as sick. From behind the rainbow, his conscious mind was trying to push to the forefront of his being again. Wanted to say something, and be it something stupid. Just let her know that he understood and...

"If you wanted to know what I was thinking you could have asked. I was right there." It was a kneejerk reaction. The words just flowed, but he was glad they did, even if they too made him come off as if sick. A dry whisper, scratchy, interrupted by swallowing, followed by him trying to force his throat clear. He wanted to say more, say anything really, but when he tried to make himself speak it still wouldn't work.

Instead Johanne guided his hand up her arm with the only thing he could do being to dig his teeth into his lower lip and to keep his eyes on her. She spoke in words, but her hand did all the talking that needed to be done because he understood. And that was the scary thing. It was her way, not his, unique, personal... iconic. And yet he understood enough. Enough of what she was doing. The intimacy of it.

And this time, this time it wasn't accidental. It was her intention. Did he feel her flesh? Did he feel her blood? He did. All of it. There wasn't necessarily a chronology under his fingertips, no madness to her methods, but everything that was there was dear in some way or another. And by virtue of his hands that now included him, inextricably if freshly bound there. Staining his fingers as his touch stained her.

But what did he think of the scar? What a lovely question to ask. What did he think? How could he put it all in words? He couldn't. His attempt to do anyway peaked in a mumbled,
"I think you think too highly of me." which, while true, did not even begin to capture a single one of the many disjointed thoughts swirling around in his mind. Ashamed of his lacking answer, Dariel turned his head and looked away, but his fingers did not budge.
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The Reflective White.

Postby Johanne on January 5th, 2013, 4:43 am

Johanne cocked her head to the side, thinking over what he had said, letting the sound of his voice churn within her mind. There was something curious about what he had said. But his eyes, and his closeness, and that he was standing in the very room where Johanne slept, ate, cried, scarred was disconcerting. Just there, by the window, lay the desk where she had scarred his hands into her skin. That he was so close to the place where Johanne let the full brunt of her emotions overcome her like a tidal wave was terrifying. She was naked in this room.

"And what is it that you have to do?" She bit her lip when she spoke, hoping for an answer that would give her all the more reason to stay with Dariel. Never had she been so open with a man she had hardly known, not since Joseph had made her heart swell and her blood run. Dariel had known Johanne for all of two bells that day, and even so, he had shattered her distant veneer that she wore when she watched the world go by. Dariel was carving a story into a tapestry, and the tapestry was Johanne. For a girl who loved words so very much, to be involved in a narrative was strange and upsetting. She needed gentleness from Dariel, more than anything.

She looked around the room, trying to see it through Dariel's eyes. The walls were bare, and besides the clutter of paper and ink and quills on her desk, the room was free from excesses. There were no paintings and sketches on the walls, as he said, there were no pieces of visual art adorning her space. "To me, writing is art." She paused, taking a breath, before moving over to the desk to pick up a piece of plain parchment. "Look at this piece. It's slightly yellowed, a distinct mark of the hemp that was smashed into a pulp so that I may record my thoughts with this." Placing down the parchment with all the maternal love and care she might bestow upon a child, she picked up an innocuous bottle of black ink. "This is distilled from mosses and leaves that we walk by every day, without a second thought. I met a girl who could see the colours and the possibilities in the earth just by looking at it. And yet we pay kina upon kina for commodities that exist everywhere." She smiled, thinking of Haeli's gentleness and willingness to teach Johanne the ways of the wild. Recollecting herself, she gestured to the window. "We are in the city of the stars, Dariel. Here lies a daughter of the heavens and she walks with us every day. Why do I need ornamentation when paper, ink and the view outside my window are so unbelievably beautiful?"

Johanne was so quiet most days, so thoughtful, so in the background, and yet the simple art of stories and love of the world set her heart aflame. Dariel might be shocked by her sudden speech. Blushing by the end of her speech, for giving her opinion so passionately, his words and compliment set the fire aflame on her neck, as well, blushing all the more furiously. She simply smiled, shyly, at his offhand compliment. It was heartwarming to know he should think her so: unless it was simply a comment made to warm her up to Dariel even further.

And then, moments later, he was close, so close that his lips nearly touched hers, and it was tempting. "I'll make a note to ask what you're thinking in the future," Johanne whispered shakily, trying to smile, though the nervousness shone through. His gentle touch on her arm and on her wound made her shake. She could feel the sting of pressure on the bloody open cut, and normally she would have flinched. But it was Dariel's touch that hurt, that stung, that left a fiery sensation flowing through her veins. His fingers touched his fingers. The image of him with the reality. It made Johanne's knees feel weak. He was so close.

She swallowed when he looked away. The ice blue eyes seemed to burn when they met with her chocolate ones. To have a moment's respite was a blessing, though his fingers still stung her arm. She looked down at where he was touching her. He had the stain of blood, her blood, her very own blood, upon his pale fingertips. And though he could not meet her eye, he would not stop touching her. But she wanted more. She didn't know what she wanted: if she wanted him, or just wanted to be wanted, or something else entirely. She just wanted more from this man that had crawled his way to her. She wanted something from Dariel that had been lacking with Joseph.

"And if I did think too highly of you," she whispered, looking down at her scar, at her wound, "then would you flee? What would it mean if you had shaken me more than I had shaken you? If you meant something to me, but I meant nothing to you?" Her chin set, she spoke words that meant Dariel could fell her with his next sentence. "If you could carve into yourself, would you join me with your flesh? Would I be carried by your skin forever?"
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”
Vincent Van Gogh
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The Reflective White.

Postby Elysium on February 7th, 2013, 12:21 am

+3 Socializing
+1 Observation
+2 Rhetoric

How to Create Scar Tissue
The Art of a Lover’s Embrace

+2 Socializing
+2 Observation
+1 Rhetoric

How to Make an Idol out of Snow
The Interior of the Solar Winds

Other: What a beautiful start to a love story. I really wish you could've continued it! This was very well written. I especially liked the physical manifestation of both character's feelings. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me!

and so, the journey continues...
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