by Banir Ironwood on December 22nd, 2012, 6:06 am
Banir's gaze had returned to the window, watching the rain fall down. He had no melancholy thoughts or those of malice. Simply letting his mind wander in his lonely head if he could possibly becoming stronger. Learn to actually be a real warrior, maybe get a bunch of like minded individuals. Perhaps stabilize trade in and through Taldera. But until he was a better fighter that would remain more a thought and dream. His thoughts became broken as he heard the heavy weight of a Jamoura approach him. Turning his gaze he looked up at the man who identified himself as Woath. He was quite the Jamoura, though he felt no intimidation and as he understood these people of the Spires where peaceful folk. More of knowledge and of learning than of fighting and warriors, regardless their pursuit of nonviolence was an honorable one. As his Vanathan eyes examined the large mass of fur and muscle he raised a thick arm and mentioned to the seat across from him.
Of all the things Woath displayed it was his smile that made him offer the seat. He saw few enough of them nowadays and he liked people who could smile as he himself couldn't. Well he could smile it just hurt a lot, the scars that entranced their way on his hidden faced wouldn't allow him a pleasant smile. Plenty of reason as to not show his face, though his barely controlled rage was also another reason. But he found himself distracted, and in that he would seem rude to Woath. A first impression he'd hate to make as he struggled to work his brain to find a kind introduction.
Taking a long and steady breath of his damaged throat he prepared himself and his words lined up in his mind. "My name is Banir, Ironwood. It is an honor to, meet you Mr. Woath. Please feel free to take, a seat at your leisure." He took a moment to let the Jamoura get comfortable. And to let his throat rest, the healer he had visited had done a job better than what he thought possible of her. Though he still had a long way to go and his throat hurt greatly still as he spoke, ate, and drink. He tried to think of a good way to start a conversation. Something to show he was not the brute he appeared to be, that he didn't lack a mind underneath his muscle.
He finally had a mind and words to say taking another long breath inward he let his gruff and rough voice breech past his white scarf. "The weather has turned, quite foul lately. It is clear that, Morwen has really began, her walk across Mizahar. I got a little, wet out in the, weather myself before making, it to Garth's. Though I'm not quite, thirsty myself its. Generous of Garth to, offer such on, a day like this." He had to stop as his throat was in great pain once more. Letting his left unarmored hand slip below his scarf to gently massage his throat. Trying to release some of the pain.
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"