by Kelpie on April 28th, 2011, 12:29 am
I think it's sad when I've degraded far enough to have to require a psychologist. I should have seen it sooner, maybe I would have acknowledged these problems I've had for a while. I want to believe that everything that makes me me is just some type of symptom of depression or anxiety or something that can just be curable so I can get the motivation I need to get the life I want. Because seriously, it's come to the point where I sleep for 11+ hours and feel tired as hell after I wake up. I don't want to do anything, not even draw, not even talk to others, go out, have fun. It's ridiculous. I just want to feel alive.
So here's to hoping talking to a doctor will get me to understand what the hell is causing this, and to fix it. Because I'm sick of being the way I am and not getting anywhere because of it.