On the Future
I think it's time to devote my time to painting more often. Everyone knows that saying, "Practice makes perfect." Well yeah, it's true. And everyone has to start somewhere. Even the greatest artist were less than perfect when they started, I just have to keep telling myself that. "I'll get better I'll get better, the little train that could, etc". So I've come to establish Wednsday as "Pao's Drawing & Painting on Photoshop and PT Sai Day" or PDPPS for short. I need to draw more, I need to paint more, or I'm never getting better, even if, after all these years, whenever I took a break from drawing and I came back, I miraculously got ten times better. I know it's not going to keep doing that, so I need to start now.
And damn, I have learned so much in the years I've been at the college I'm in. It's helped me a lot, but I realized that I need to push myself to practice on my own time, not just in class or for homework, but everyday if I can and when I have time. I've been, to be honest, starting to get nervous about my future. I''ll be in this huge debt after it's all done, and I'm so insecure that I might just go to graduate school to learn more, and that's racking up more debt just so I can have a sliver of a chance to land a job in a gaming company.
It doesn't help that some professors say it's really hard to get into. It makes me want to be proactive, but I know at the level I'm at, it will be impossible for me to get an intern without a portfolio, which I'm slowly building now that I have suitable stuff to put in it, but it makes me scared. Really scared. I want this job, it's everything I've wanted since I was little. I'm too stupid for anything else. I love Physics but I knew it wasn't for me at any higher level, I've always wanted to work with animals, but the amount of work I feared would be piled on me made me shy away. People don't seem to realize that art school is just as stressful. You need to be good, or you're fucked, basically. You can't just come in not knowing how to draw and expect to pass unless you really take into account everything a teacher is teaching you.
It's hard. Really hard.
I've always been told "Pao, you're going to get far. Pao, you'll be famous one day." No, I won't. I look up to all these concept artists and painters for games, wishing I had their level of expertise to make it to the top. Well I'm trying. And sometimes, I just want to sit and cry and pull my hair out because I know if I fail, if somehow, all of this was for nothing, then my mom will lose her home, because that's how she put me through college, putting her hard-earned home on the line. Everything will be gone. All of this is on my shoulders, and sometimes when I look at my drawings I think, "Shit, this is not good. Not, fucking good." And I just... I don't know. I just need a sign, haha. A connection to the gaming world, a professor that I'm on good terms with like my sculpting instructor, she's awesome.
I have it planned out, sort of. Internship at a gaming company, get my portfolio set up, enter the spring show and hope to god a gaming company looks at it and calls me up. Go to GDC and hope to talk to a developer, go to Blizzcon and EA conventions. I just need to be proactive... it helps to have someone that's trying to do the same too. I'm just afraid my dreams won't come true.