Passive-Aggressive Drones
It's becoming more and more prevalent here. And it's an aspect of people a MAJORITY of the rest of humanity finds absolutely fucking annoying. Chat seems to be full of them. Guess what? If you're passive-aggressive, we can pick up on it in a heartbeat. You're not acting like you're genuinely polite, you're acting like a shithead. What does it take to drill this into your head. If you have something you're against, say it, don't pretend you're someone's friend then insult them when they're not looking. It's pathetic, and shows you're just a backstabbing git.
Chat has become a hive of 16 year old boys who act as if they know everything in the whole world, including Mizahar. And these 16 year old boys seem to get a kick out of acting like GASP, shitheads, to me, to other people, etc. I don't know guys, I think it's pretty fucking easy to tell when you're being a dick. Maybe it's why I seem like such a complete bitch, because I NOTICE the douchebag behavior these teenagers are displaying. YES, I can tell when you're being immature and downright dumb. Really. So if I'm hounding you down for whatever reason, or you see I totally ignored you, that should raise a red flag. I've been through enough douchebaggery to deal with people I don't even like, sorry. One is not even a teenager. It just seems like Europeans in general have this hostility to them that just explodes to people not European. Do us a favor and keep your rudeness to yourself.
Another thing. Do not fucking assume that because we Americans say we cannot travel that we have it good because we're in America. The US is not made up of countries, it's made up of states, and it's really not THE BEST place to live. Stop trying to act as if we're trying to insult you because we're not, you just end up looking stupid by getting angry over nothing.