How about these, Naeya?
Name: Calista
Size: six inches
Color: Light Blue
Location: Silver Wood
Lifespan: 5-6 years
Breeding: 3-4 eggs
Mate: 2 years old
General Information: The Calistas have inhabited the Silver Wood for as long as any Konti can remember. Though they aren't in endanger of extinction, it is rare to see one. Many Konti would agree that seeing a Calista is a sign of good luck.
Value: 10 GM
Name: Aurora
Size: 4 inches
Color: Rainbow
Location: Through out Mura
Lifespan: 8 years
Breeding: 4 eggs
Mate: 2 years
General Information: The aurora birds get their name from their colorful feathers. They are gentle birds and enjoy the company of anyone from a Konti to a Calista. Many shops on Mura sell these birds as pets and are easily taken care of.
Value: 1 GM
Name: Rose éros
Size: 7 inches
Color: Pink
Location: Silverwood
Lifespan: 5 years
Breeding: 3 eggs
Mate: 1 years old
General Information: The Rose éros or éros for short can be found normally by the Silver lake. Some would say that if you see these birds you will soon find your soul mate. Altough that's only if the bird is with it's partner. If it's not, many would say it's a bad omen thinking you might lose someone important to you.
Value: 2 GM