Coren just grinned underneath his facemask, his eyes flashing a joyfull dark green as she gave in. “Oh don't worry, I fully know what I'm in for. But I'm fairly sure the whitevines keep a special stash of stuff that numbs ones headache for the teachers.” Coren joked, he highly doubted the hold actually did that but that didn't seem such a bad idea to him. Kids always where a bunch of bratty idiots who gave their teachers headaches, he still remembered his craving teacher seeking refuge in the bar every so often after he was finished with him. “Sure, just a moment while I'll pick up the books you asked for so we at least don't have to come back for that.” He yelled after her as he turned back to the shelves to find the volumes she asked for. Hoping that she didn't seeze the moment to make a run for it. He doubted he could manage to drag her back without a LOT of trouble if at all, as she was probably a tad stronger then him. And teaching wasn't very possible without a student now was it. It was at that time that his brain offered him the second more pressing question. How was he supposed to teach her? He never had taught anybody how to read. Coren wracked his brain on how he had learned to read, most of it was just a fuzzy memory. But he did remember that they started with him learning the alphabet. He supposed that was just as good a place to start as anywhere. When he had found the volumes she had asked for he walked back to the desk where she was still waiting. Coren was quite pleased she hadn't ran off while he was looking for the books. He dumped the books on one side of his desk and pulled out a few scraps of paper and a quill. Beginning to write down the alphabet as he began to talk. “First of I'm going to teach you the alphabet. The letters of the alphabet are symbolic representations of sounds that make up our words.” Coren explained. “Though some of the symbols included in the alphabet aren't sounds but have an effect on the sentence as a whole, to denote if it was loud or when it stops and another one starts.” He turned the paper around so she could see the letters the right way up. He had done his best to make his usual rather small and overly neat handwriting to be a bit larger and more simplified to ease Sliver into it. “Well, now I'm going to go through a small list of them and sound them out. I want you to repeat them after me okay?” Coren said before he pointed at the first ten symbols in turn and sounded out the first one, hoping that she would go along with it.After she repeated after him he would move on to the next one and continue. |