Denn loved life with a quiet, deeper passion than most people of this world. As a healer, she fought death at every turn, unwilling to give up on a patient until it was far too late. As a traveler, she had seen many things, wondrous and terrible things, and abominations committed against her person that would have turned the strongest soldier pale. Throughout it all or maybe because of it, Denn looked on each new day as a gift from the gods, to be cherished and never... ever.... thrown away.
But when Daust held the large knife in front of her face, for the briefest of moments, she thought on giving up that life. It would be so easy... If the bandit brought that blade to her throat or chest.... all I would have to do is lurch forward. Denn's eyes fluttered as she stared at that blade, the metal reflecting in the setting sun. It was those thoughts -- of the ultimate escape from a life doomed to pain and misery -- that distracted the woman so that she never saw Daust's fist coming until it was too late.
Her head exploded, snapping to the side with the force of the impact. Noise and pain blasted her senses, and Denn's knees buckled to the dusty road. Unable to see, to even know which way was forward, the world spun for the poor woman, her mind confused about what had just happened. Wrists yanked forward, Denn was dragged along for a pace or two until she managed to stagger to her feet. Falling heavily against Taig's side, the pony side-stepped against the weight, thinking Denn wanted him to move over. Eyes and nose watering, the healer sniffed wetly and regained her balance, glancing fearfully over at Daust. He seemed unaffected by her reproachful, hurt look, continuing the steady, even walk down the road.
For a time, Denn walked along in silence, feeling her ear swell, the skin hot, her head aching. Daust's sudden violence following by his cold indifference confused her; she had never met anyone this matter-of-fact in their cruelty before in her life. Half-afraid to open her mouth again, she knew if she was to have any hope of escaping the fate of slavery before reaching Sunberth, she had to get the man to see her as a person, a living breathing human being and not as chattel or merchandise. And to do that, she had to make a some sort of connection.
Denn coughed a time or two before finding her voice. "You.... you're of the Drykas," she began hesitantly. "You have windmarks. Why are you so far from your clan?" Thinking he may not like her intrusive question, the woman hastily replied, "I am originally from Zeltiva, well, mostly from there."