Closed A Midnight Stroll

Being back in her domain, definitely a blessing.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A Midnight Stroll

Postby Sliver on January 2nd, 2013, 3:50 am

Sliver yawned at her post outside of the Red Diamond Tavern, eyes closing, gleaming white teeth glinting in the lantern light. It was cold, but the wolverine was bundled tightly, leaning against the outside of the pub near the entrance, listening the vague murmurings of those within it's wall. The sound had become like the buzzing of bees, rising and falling in each passing moment, creating a sort of music of voices that was starting to make her drift off now and again. She snorted to herself and picked up a handful of snow then slammed it into her face. The cold sensation was immediate and rivulets of water began to snake down her face, sliding down her throat and into her shirt. She wiped the majority off, any thoughts of sleep far from her mind after the little trick.

Didn't make guarding the tavern less boring, however. The wolverine glanced despondently around. She understood the importance of being stationed here, for the Icewatch was comprised of the protectors of the city, and every place especially ones in which alcohol was imbibed, need protecting, but she still couldn't shake that feeling in her gut that made her want to do something more. The crime rates had skyrocketed and there were plenty of other places in the city that needed watching....but she was here.

Sliver sighed and took her ax from its holster upon her back. She still couldn't get by the wonderful heft it had in her grip, even if she was still so unskilled at using it. Eyrwen had already tried to convince her several times to trade it in for a much more useful hand axe, built for damage or even a long hilted battle axe instead, but the wolverine felt a sort of attachment to the woodsmen's axe, and it could cleave someone just as well as any other blade designed for the task. As she stood watch at the tavern she flipped it around in her hands, twirling it and gyrating it around her body in an attempt to get a feel for the unbalanced weight of the weapon. More than once it clattered to the ground, her coordination seriously lacking when handling the new weapon. No matter how many times it fell, however, she picked it up and began again. As her mother used to tell her when she first learned un-narmed combat you have to start somewhere, and here seemed just as good a place as any.
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Svasra on January 6th, 2013, 1:47 am

Svasra Snowsong

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."
-Marcus Garvey

The night was cold and dark, with fingers eager to worm into unseen cracks and lurk in the dark recesses of the lanterns. Tonight though, in the pitch of midnight and the business of the tavern, Svasra found solace from the outside. She had settled herself out of the way, to the side, having a small booth to herself as she spread out her ink bottle and quills. They were all normal, quite plain looking to the heirloom her father had given her, a large feather from the Ta'rukahl that had glowed under the moonlight when she first wrote with it. She never took her Ta'rukahl feather quill out of the house, though, nervous of it breaking, and instead had purchased many other normal quills of various colors. Svasra now used a bright red one, scribbling down the story she'd been told earlier by her mother, one that was familiar, and she was determined to record.

One day Svasra would have her book full of the stories of Avanthal, of the Vantha, and their Queen. Then she would take these revered tales, legends, myths, and stories . . . She would share them with the entire world! Ride off into the sunset (once she learned how to properly ride that is . . . )! Raising her eyes to look at the door as though in mind to just leave that very instant, it swung open with a new patron, and the lantern light flickered over the guard outside.

A chill ran down Svasra's back as she watched the door swing back into place, once again keeping the outside . . . outside. A guard at the Red Diamond was not unusual, and seemed necessary after the brutal brawl that had broken out only nine days previous. The adventurous spirit had dimmed in the darkness of the night, and she sighed. Camping outside would be a good start . . . wouldn't it? The girl just looked down, bringing the story once again to the forefront of her mind, and tried to ignore the dangerous feeling of the night that was continually growing in Avanthal.

- and on sight, by some divine creation, the powerful Alchemist was brought to his knees. Not by his magic, or hers . . . Not even was it out of respect, though he was going to bow anyways . . . it was a simple mundane power, the Djed of passion and love. The Alchemist could only gaze at the queen in all her chill beauty and kind eye, mouth opening to ask for what he had come for . . . but he had forgotten.

What did he come to seek from the Queen of Avanthal? How did he even get here? The Alchemist rose under Morwen's word, and struggled to form the words to express his awe and wonder.
"Queen Morwen, I cannot even remember my task I had come for, so radiant is your beauty and kind is your voice," he managed to say, voice strong though he felt weak in the knees.
"Alchemist, those are kind words," our Queen sa

Svasra paused in the story, and looked around the tavern, wondering if anyone would be willing to hear it at such late hour. Normally she came during the afternoon and early evening when her stories were appreciated without the addition of copious amounts of alcohol. If the behavior of the patrons tonight were anything to go by, Svasra decided not to tell a tale of love and passion to this crowd. Stretching her wrist for a moment, Svasra rested her head on the table, lost in her own thoughts.

After a while though Svasra could think no more in the muted roar of the tavern and put away a majority of her things, ready to leave once she had finished writing the rest of the legend of Morwen's Orchid. Shaking her head in mild amusement at some jib that had sent the men bellowing in laughter, Svasra returned to the story, mechanically dipping in her quill, scratching a few lines, pausing to drink her water, and repeating.
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Blizzard on January 6th, 2013, 5:22 pm

It had been a while, but Blizzard smiled.

"I know just the place. The Red Diamond isn't closed from a break in, is it?"

Blizzard chuckled, a hint of amusement to her voice. Yes, perhaps it was a serious matter, but you see, Blizzard thought differently than most. She was sarcastic and tried to make a joke every now and then to keep things not so serious. She hadn't had a lot of experience and knew nothing wrong from right on the topic.

As her and Silver made their ways down the roads and turns of Avanthal to reach the Tavern, Blizzard began to wonder if the place was still open. It was midnight, and Blizzard had only ran across one bar that stayed open til that late, which was in Alvadas. Blizzard had no personal encounters with the Red Diamond but she had been meaning to make a trip there ever since she left which was almost a year ago. Actually, it was a year ago.

Blizzard swung the door to the tavern open, swearing to herself to sit at a booth rather than the bar for her last experience close to alcohol was one that caused her to forever stay away from it all. She looked around the room, at all the unfamiliar faces, then seated herself at a booth and hoped Silver would follow. Blizzard took notice of a woman who was scratching and writing things down on a paper and she wondered for a second what exactly she was writing. Her attention was soon directed to a waiter whom politely asked Silver and Blizzard what they pleased. Blizzard being full already, smiled warmly.

"I do believe I'll just have a water."

Then the waited looked at Silver "And you miss?" Blizzard stopped paying attention to the two for a split second as a different individual swung the door open, heavily tattooed and carrying and up most unique hairstyle.
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Silver Frostfawn on January 6th, 2013, 10:04 pm

Silver agreed silently to go to where ever it was that Blizzard wanted to. After all, she didn't know much about the pubs and bars around Avanthal. She wasn't much of a socialite, so she didn't get out as much as some others.

When they arrived, Silver nodded slightly to the guard as Blizzard ripped open the door to the tavern, a dull roar reaching Silvers ears as soon as it cracked. She followed the Kelvic to an open booth, and sat down across from her, staring blankly at the woman behind her, who appeared to be drawing, or writing. For a moment, her mind wandered to what this fellow artist could be depicting. This then led her mind astray to think of other beautiful imagery and stories.

She was interrupted when the waitress came by and asked what they would like to drink.
"I'll also take a water, thank you" Silver smiled, and glanced behind her, as the cool air came in the door once again. The guard from outside made her way in, which at first, sent a wave of panic through Silver. She would only come in if there was trouble! It took a moment, but Silver realized that her stance was casual.

"Interesting way she portrays herself, I mean, shes an individual for sure," Silver commented, her immediate feelings harsh towards the guard. Even though she was an artist, Silver still had a disliking for people who tried to make themselves stand out. Either way, she supposed it wasn't her place to say anything, on most occasions she carried an owl on her shoulder. That was a bit out of the ordinary as well wasn't it?

The waitress returned with her and Blitz's drinks, and Silver placed a straw inside, sipping occasionally on the ice cold water that felt so good on her throat. It seemed that right now, she was at peace with herself for the first time since that dreadful night eleven days ago. A smile spread across her lips as she laughed, and let herself go.
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on January 7th, 2013, 4:55 am


Jesslyn had been sitting in the Red Diamond for a time now. She had made idol chat with the waiter who came around her table every now and then. No one had come in for a time but when the door opened twice more Jesslyn questioned how long she had been sitting here. She really had no need to be in the tavern, she didn't drink and she didn't need a place to stay.

When the friendly waiter made his way back to Jesslyn she asked, "What time is it?" She was answered with midnight and was asked if she needed anything. Jesslyn thought for a second before nodding, "I do think I should actually get something if I'm going to be here." Jesslyn couldn't see the man shake his head but she could hear his hair move in the movement. "Come now, I've been here several hours and all I've supplied is conversation. I'm sure your boss would like some coin."

The man seemed reluctant from his silence but finally he asked her, "Wine sound good to you?" Jesslyn was shaking her head before he finished, "If you like seeing the blind walk even more awkward then go ahead. But I think I would like to be able to walk back to my home." Jesslyn couldn't see the man's reaction but she heard him walk on.

Jesslyn smiled. It had been a while sense someone had not tried to make confirmation on whether or not she was telling the truth. Moving herself for a little more comfort Jesslyn ended up knocking her quarter staff to the ground. "Frost." she muttered. Jesslyn looked down onto the ground with blank eye but annoyed brows and a frown on her face. The floor was wood and so was the staff, the waiter wouldn't be around for a little while because of the new people. Sighing Jesslyn turned back to face forward. 'No use in letting that ruin the day' she mused.

Last edited by Jesslyn Skyglow on January 9th, 2013, 5:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Sliver on January 7th, 2013, 11:28 pm

The Kelvic twisted the axe in her grasp, swiftly moving her hands to grasp it in a manner that wasn`t wildly swinging it around as the new entrants moved into the Red Diamond. Each woman was inspected with with a studious, but not aggressive gaze, taking in their demeanors, trying to assess if any problems would be posed by their arrivals. Sliver still struggled to identify individuals based on their Hold as they entered the bar, but this was a difficult task that she was not always ready to accomplish. Tonight she could only guess at their true identities and one woman even gave her the vagu impression of a feline in the way she carried herself and seemed cautious as well, just as Sliver was. Perhaps soon a story would be told to keep the guard amused for her lids were beginning to droop again as she watched the dark sky flicker with lanterns and lights of other homes.
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Svasra on January 8th, 2013, 11:59 am

Svasra Snowsong

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."
-Marcus Garvey

A cool breeze fluttered across Svasra's pages as the door once again opened to admit more patrons into the bar, under the watchful eye of the eccentric-looking guard outside. Unable to keep her curiosity sated, the Vantha glanced upwards, eyes flickering pale pink. She watched the one female glance at the bar with a seemingly discontent look before settling herself firmly into a booth, and briefly their gazes locked.

Svasra often struggled with the idea of privacy, and was not startled to meet someone's eyes, blatantly staring at the female before she looked away to the waiter - in which Svasra turned her eyes to the companion. Before she could really find a solid opinion though, a clattering noise close by once again drew her attention away.

The woman found herself following the movement of a rolling quarter staff, that supposedly fell from leaning against one of the tables. Instead of bending to retrieve it, the owner - from Svasra's glance - ignored it, appearing annoyed as she stared blankly at the floor. For a moment, Svasra was lost as to why the female didn't pick up her staff, leaving it for someone to trip over, though she was quick to rise and stuff her quill into her pocket. What better way than to just find out herself?

"Miss, you dropped this," Svasra said politely, scooping up the staff to place it back against the table. She hesitated to just turn around and leave again, pausing to smile at the Vantha. "You're a Skyglow, aren't you?" she asked in brief curiously, trying to place Vantha to Hold. "Wait, Frostfawn? No no, I could have sworn I saw you in the Skyglow Hold," she added in a mutter, shaking her head. "I'm Svasra Snowsong," was all she could finish with, fiddling with the thread-bookmark of her journal as she stood there stupidly. Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to stay . . .
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on January 9th, 2013, 2:31 am


Jesslyn was a little startled when a voice spoke beside her. She hadn't been paying attention and was startled before the small beat of feet in the inn helped her make out the shape of a small figure.

"Thank you. I wouldn't have been able to get that until the waiter came back so I thank you." Jesslyn was slightly disapointed when she heard the faint russle of cloth as the woman, as her voice sounded, made a small jerk to turn. But it quickly went away as the woman began to talk again,"You're a Skyglow, aren't you?" before Jesslyn could say a word the woman continued on, "Wait, Frostfawn? No no, I could have sworn I saw you in the Skyglow Hold," Jesslyn almost didn't hear the girl when she muttered,"I'm Svasra Snowsong,"

"Well, before I could get a word out to deny or confirm anything you continued on." Jesslyn smiled. She would love to be able to see the color of the girls eye's at this point, that was something she was always jealous of was that other Vantha's eyes could change to beautiful shades of colors but Jesslyn's only changed to blues and purples. Disappointment rang through her but she laughed a small laugh, "I am a Skyglow, though hard to maintain. And I can be seen in the Hold, I don't often stay inside. Too quiet. And your name is very pretty."

Jesslyn paused before letting out a soft, "Frost. Where are my manners" becoming louder she smiled, "I'm Jesslyn Skyglow." She made a small bow in the direction of the woman. There was not enough movement in the inn for her to see any shapes so Jesslyn had to settle on voice. Her blank eyes not really focusing on anything.

"Come sit," Jesslyn pointed in front of her where a wooden chair should, she hoped, sit, "No need to be standing around if we are to make conversation."

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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Svasra on March 9th, 2013, 5:19 am

Would anyone be objected to turning this in for grading?
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Blizzard on March 10th, 2013, 3:04 am

I give you the go ahead. :)
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