She had drawn herself onto the foot of the bed, the blanket making an awkward cape around her shoulders. Her stockings showed from under her skirt, their bright green only discernible to Laszlo. It had become a newly favored color of late. When Laszlo asked if she was still leaving, Fia showed a subdued smile and nodded. "Even if that room nigh the forge don't suit. I'll find another." She tugged on her left stocking idly then started picking lint off the covers. "This was 'sposed to be temporary. I ought to start settling somewhere." Running home to Denval when she hankered for something sturdy wasn't an option anymore. New roots had to grow. Looking up from the bed she wavered but held Laszlo's face. It was awful for different reasons now. "I was waiting for you not so I could ask more o' your hospitality, but because me Da said 'never go to bed angry'." Her smile was without edge, nearer to the private language of someone recalling an old, shared jest. "And methinks I saw some temper about you." Proving herself more resilient to anger than one might suspect, she showed her thumb and forefinger almost pinched together. "Just a smidge, though." The demonstrating hand lowered. "Hoped to make right enough. Imagine parting so?" Her knees were bundled to her chest, and her chin set on them. "I'd regret it me whole life." The confession could not be said while she looked at him, so the blanket bore her admittance. Fia exhaled with shades of relief. "I'm glad you're not still mad. Wish you weren't hurt otherwise though… First spat 'tis always the worst. Never know how a person'll be after, or during for that matter. Don't think me odd, but I'm glad something can upset you." She smiled at him, knowing her next words were all wrong. "Makes you human." After pushing her slipping braid back over her shoulder, she went on. "I only met an Ethaefal once before and it was right quick. Don't know what to expect from a creature so different." The word "creature" might have surprised Laszlo with its sense of separation, like he was a rare Velispar. It had slipped out while the guard to Fia's mouth was turned away. Fatigue made her careless. Just because he knew what to expect from himself everyday didn't mean anyone else had the slightest understanding of an uncommon being that dropped from the mute sky. |