PM to join Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Aradia enters the Silver Sliver looking for a job, meeting the people of Ravok.

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Drinks and Music

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 7th, 2013, 5:23 pm

It turned out Trychu, the new guy, was completely incapable of helping a situation. He wants to shake her hand? She's likely to be the drunkest person in the room! Bah! Noric slapped a hand over his face and drug it down, pulling his features and skin comically, though it wasn't meant to be funny. After that he just covered his eyes, deciding to block out and ignore the situation. I might need another mug. He could finally feel Aradia lift herself off his chest, but then he felt what was obviously a woman's hindquarters rest right in the middle of his lap. He didn't move his hand. Ignore it. Don't even say anything. Maybe she'll pass out and fall on the floor. Ironically, he did here a bit of a thump after the weight left his lap disappeared. Did she really just fall? But he quickly stopped as his hand started to move, and he planted it firmly over his face again.

They were all talking, but he wasn't going to join in yet. Not until Aradia had been defused. He wasn't going to hold a woman's hair back while she retched on the tavern floor, and he wasn't going to flirt with her while she was beyond drunk. He might be a ladies man, but he wasn't an ill-mannered barbarian. He did peak through his fingers though as her voice grew louder, talking about throwing up outside. Noric caught a look at her right as she was crawling through the doorway. He smothered a laugh with the back of his hand and turned to answer Amelia. Now this woman knew how to handle herself. "I was rather tense, wasn't I? I'm sure you would be too if you'd been in my situation. Imagine a drunken man sprawled in your lap with his face in your breasts." He pointed a finger for emphasis and smiled slowly.

He obviously noticed her looking him up and down, and he was going to take advantage of the situation. Why not oblige a beautiful woman who was willing to play? She definitely knew how to get a man's attention and hold it tight. Noric propped himself sideways against the bar on one elbow and crossed his legs in the way that men sometimes did; a foot on the opposite leg's thigh and his free hand on his calf to hold the leg up in that position. "If help is what you're offering, it really depends on what kind it is." His eyes roved across her bare legs and shoulder. The slender white neck and fragile looking build were all very appealing. He had a weakness for dainty, petite women. Noric rubbed his neck and jaw; his fingers rasping like sandpaper across stubble. "I could use some help with something, but I doubt you'd be very willing." His smile was like a gambler who'd just won the pot.

This situation was much more his cup of tea than trying take care of a girl who couldn't hold a thimble full of liquor. "I bet you get a lot of attention from men, don't you?" Then he couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Ara is very bad at holding her drinks. Do you think that guy has his hands full?" A short pause, "Uh, Trychu, wasn't it?"
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Drinks and Music

Postby Acarnatia on January 7th, 2013, 6:07 pm

Trychu watched, befuddled, as Ara stumbled off of Noric, only to fall flat on her face before half stumble, half crawl out of the bar into the cold night air. She called after him to join her outside in that biting chill. Meanwhile, Amelia and Noric had already started (or perhaps restarted) flirting with each other. Bracing himself for the stinging dark, he grabbed his jacket, pulling it on as he followed after her. He closed the door behind him as he raced out, and quickly stuffed his hands in his pockets; of all the parts of him, his hands chilled by far the easiest.
He walked over to her at the railing. He opened his mouth to ask if she was alright, then thought better of it; her vomit was a very good answer to that question. Trychu was out of his element. What should he do, or say? He fumbled over thoughts for a few moments, before asking, "I guess you don't drink much? Neither do I."
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Drinks and Music

Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 7th, 2013, 6:42 pm

Introduction/IntrusionImma just barge in here and ruin your lovely order. :D Sorry, wanted to join and already talked to Aradia and Noric about it. Amelia and I have some... previous correspondence (Hi Am!) and I look forward to meeting you Acar-something.

I'll leave Aradia to decide the new order. Sorry about that, I just wanted to expand my contact list and wanted to get my inro done as soon as possible. Looking forward to rping with you all!

P.S. Don't worry about the imbalance of men:women ratio, Kelmar doesn't have any designs on your companions. ;)

A quiet man was walking briskly through the streets of Ravok, hurrying across bridges and walkways that were less crowded this time of day. His calm and purposeful demeanor belied a recently unpleasant realization that he was late for a meeting, hence his quickened pace. Is was because of this focus on simply getting there that he did not pay attention to anything behind him and thus did not notice the other cloaked figure skirting behind him in the shadows, who knew his target was late for some time and had been waiting patiently for the fool to realize such.

The hurried man marched across Nitrozian Plaza, the second cloaked figure not far behind, hiding in the shadows cast by the buildings. Kelmar was careful to cushion his feet, clenching his muscles and stepping as lightly as he could on the ground. He was confident the shadows and his cloak would hide him from a casual glance, and if spotted he would simply keep walking. After all, he knew the target's destination, but his task was to follow this forgetful fool and so he would. He watched as the man made a beeline for the Sliver, brushing past a man who stood beside a woman retching on the ground outside the door, perhaps his companion. His target entered the inn, and soon Kelmar was following, emerging from his place in the shadows and walking rit towards the door.

As he drew near, he did a brief examination of the two at the door. The woman was petite with hair like fire, loosing everything she had that day which seemed to be mostly oranges and Sliver drink by the looks of it. She didn't look the sort to frequent a tavern, so this was probably the result of being too careless with her drink. By her side, a skinny and slight-looking man appeared to be accompanying her to make sure she was alright, a worried look in his light brown eyes. His clothes spoke of comfort yet experience, a man who had probably been places outside the city island. Neither looked to be the sort to hang around someone like him. Passing by, careful to avoid brushing past them as his target had done, he glanced at the two of them, his black eyes meeting theirs from beneath the cowl of his hood, before continuing through the doors into the Sliver.

Inside was near total uproar. Never had Kelmar seen the place this busy and active, though admittedly he wasn't a frequent patron so he didn't know whether this was normal or not. People were laughing and shouting excitedly, gesturing to the door and conversing loudly about an entertainer who 'has a bit too much' as they seemed to be putting it. Perhaps they were referring to the woman outside. Scanning the crowd, the Hedos' eyes spotted where his target had gone, the one quiet table between the bar and the stage, a spot of quiet amidst a sea of noise. Now was not a time to blow his cover and linger too long, so he immediately broke off his pause and headed to the bar, making sure to choose a spot where he could easily see the little table tucked away amidst the drunks and drinks.

Coincidentally, it happened to be just behind Noric's back.

"So the man of mystery returns," Jeb said gruffly, cleaning one of his mugs. "Don't come here often yer do, have to wonder what makes yer come and go." The bartender had been present the last couple times Kelmar visited, being the owner and all, so of course he knew about the agent's comings and goings from his establishment. What the man didn't know was why.

"It's my job," the young Hedos replied honestly, keeping his ears open to the conversations around him. He even paid attention to the half-drunk shouts and bellows, where most would dismiss such behaviour. Long ago Kelmar had come to appreciate how useful the word of spoken mouth could be, for even vague rumors could point to grains of truth. However, it turns out the conversation that caught most of his attention was that of the one beside him, between the muscled man and what sounded like his lady companion. It wasn't the content of the conversation that interested him, it was one of the voices. He knew that voice. "Wherever my work takes me, that's where I'll be."

"Aye, I see," Jeb replied curtly, finishing his cleaning of the first mug and picking up another, his other patrons occupied for the moment. "You'll have your usual order in a tick, just let me finish up here for a bit. Suppose you wouldn't be forthcoming about what that work is?"

"No," Kelmar replied simply, cocking his head as if it would help him think better. Trying to place someone by voice alone could be difficult, though he'd done it before and had no intention of losing his edge. Her voice was so familiar, but he dared not indulge his curiosity just yet, wanting to finish his conversation with the bartender and try to recognize the voice in his own time. "I assure you, it won't bring any damage or scrutiny to your establishment."

"It had damn well better not," Jeb warned, setting down the mug and picking up another, running the cloth cleaner through it. "Otherwise there's going to be some trouble. Keep your secret, it's of no import to me."

Then why did you ask? Kelmar thought to himself, though he partially knew the answer. Even if trading secrets wasn't one's profession, knowing some would always out you at an advantage. Had he divulged his profession and name and someone coming after him approached Jeb, there was no doubt the bartender could barter for the informant he held. Such was the way the world worked.

Looking back to the quiet table of plotters, Kelmar continued trying to identify who the woman behind him was. His target had just received an order of Sliver and was clearly settling down, obviously not planning on going anywhere soon. The agent had a bit of free time, so he settled down himself to think about the voice, replay it in his head and, hopefully, place it. He hadn't talked intimately enough with many woman for the voice to be from a wide selection, and it definitely wasn't Heldora. Who else had he been in contact with? As he was mentally scrolling through the list of names, he suddenly realized who it was and kicked himself for not remembering her sooner.

He leaned back on the bar, his still hooded face looking around the tall man in front of him. "Amelia?" he asked with genuine mild surprise, a pleasant one if he would have cared to bay attention. Kelmar's black eyes looked for the woman's, them two being maybe the only people with such dark irises.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Aradia on January 7th, 2013, 8:38 pm

Aradia could hear the people making fun of her. She could not help the fact that she had morals, and did not drink. Nor could she help the fact that she knew nothing of the silver liquid. That was as much her fault as it was other’s not telling her what it was. Aradia wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and looked up at Trychu smiling.

”I feel much better now, thank you for keeping me company. I did not want to be alone in the dark in this horrid city.” Aradia sighed and straightened her dress and hair, thankfully she held her own hair back so it would not get vomit in it. I have never had alcohol before, and I do not think I will be drinking again anytime soon. That was horrible.” Aradia burped and cleared her throat, the man look to be in feeling awkward, as was she. She felt bad that he felt awkward, she supposed she would have felt the same had it not been for the fact that Jeb gave her Ale earlier. Aradia cleared her throat again and looked at the man standing before her.

”Would you like to go back in? I personally need some water. My throat hurts.” Aradia smiled and turned around not waiting for him to answer. She desperately needed some water, she felt dehydrated.

Aradia walked back into the tavern, and when she did some of the men looked at her and laughed, saying stuff like “Can’t handle the strong stuff huh little one?” Aradia just waved their voices off, replying with a cold scowl, and looked at the bar. She obviously needed to dodge Amelia and Noric, they looked to be..busy. This did not surprise Aradia though, Amelia looked to be one of those people that knew what she wanted, and got what she wanted one way or another. Good for her. Aradia said with a small smirk, walking around a table going behind the bar waving to Jeb as she fixed her a glass of water, guzzling it right there.

”I do not think I will be entertaining anymore tonight Jeb, I will see you tomorrow though, if you still want me that is?”

Jeb just chuckled and muttered, ”See you tomorrow. Getting back to wiping out glasses, peering around at the people in his establishment. Aradia cleared her throat for the third time, and glanced over at Amelia and Noric. Well they were busy, and it seemed some weird man hiding his face was trying to get Amelia’s attention. Aradia shrugged and sat at the end of the bar away from the three individuals, wondering if Trychu was coming in or decided to leave. Aradia shrugged her shoulders and turned away from the bar looking out at the sea of drunkards. These men were foul when drinking, it was rather funny yet disgusting at the same time. She supposed she should get used to it though, since she was now working for Jeb. Aradia sighed and tossed her thoughts of work away, watching two larger men get into a brawl over something that was more than likely petty.

Posting OrderAradia,Amelia,Noric,Trychu,Kelmar
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Drinks and Music

Postby Amelia Cross on January 9th, 2013, 12:03 am


”in your situation eh….” Amelia repeated while tapping her pale finger against her red lips, staining her finger the slightest bit as she did. ”depends on the man really, but if he’d be half as drunk as Aradia there…I’d probably just throw them on the floor” she confessed with a small chuckle, as that was what Amelia would probably do. Then again she hadn’t faced a situation like this in her life, making her wonder what would her actual reaction be. But by all means, she was sure she wouldn’t be as understanding as Noric had just been. She really had to hand it to the man, as much as he appeared to be a ladies man he was quite, nice for the sake of not finding a more fitting term.

”really now, try me, I’m quite the helpful persona once you get to know me” the girl pushed it further, as she crossed her hands over her knee and leaned more towards Noric. Clearly she was aware of the pleasant view she was giving the man, but that’s what she wanted. She wouldn’t be bringing him home, she rarely did that sort of thing, but it’s clear that bout of them were quite interested in a harmless flirt so why not. It was clearly the best entertainment she’d be getting tonight. Above all she was sure she knew what he’d want, not that he’d be getting it. ”I’ll take that as a compliment”

”Yea, but you can’t blame her…this was probably her first time drinking…I’d like to see you in her place” she laughed a bit, she couldn’t really see this man drunk as he seemed to handle his alcohol well. Then again, his first time gulping down the specialty of this place was probably no different than Aradia’s. But that didn’t matter, when playing there was just two, now it was Amelia and her opponent. The rest of the meaningless world with its problems was just not there. Her lips parted to speak, but before she managed to even make a sound she heard a voice call her name, a shock that forced her to leave her little world of games.

She wasn’t exactly pleased, to be disturbed and so she turned to face the voice which called to her. Spotting Aradia in the far end of the tavern, looking quite lonely, before she looked directly at who had called her. Much to her surprise, the possible frown changed into her cattish grin as she identified the man. She wasn’t planning to see him anytime soon and not in a setting like this, but saying she wasn’t pleased to see him would be a cold lie ”Love, didn’t expect to see you here”

Without a moment to spare she began speaking once more ”Noric, this is a friend of mine, Kelmar” she said while gesturing with her hand to the man, not sure how Kelmar would react to him being introduced as a ‘friend’ ”Kelmar, this is Noric…we had a bit more of a company but they seem to have spread across the tavern…a light haired boy and a redhead with purple eyes, easy to notice as they stands out from the…native crowd” she was speaking a bit faster than usual, could it be that Amelia Cross was feeling awkward, embarrassed? There was nothing to be embarrassed of, but somehow the thought lingered in the back of her head as a smile was present on her ever inviting lips. She was doing everything to look calm, in control and happy. Each time Kelmar crossed paths with her, it ended up being anything but what she initially expected or wanted.

sorryugh, the last paragraph was a bit awkward to write as I'm not yet sure how Amelia's and Kelmar's last encounter ended up like..

Last edited by Amelia Cross on January 11th, 2013, 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 9th, 2013, 11:09 pm

He saw Aradia reenter the tavern after a few others joined the growing nightly crowd. It seemed she was going to nurse her embarrassment alone for a little while. Where Trychu was, he had no idea. It appeared their whole group had split up for now. Noric wouldn't be complaining any time soon about having been left with Amelia. It seemed she was getting very in to their conversation. He had quite the view of her finer assets, and he wouldn't be complaining about that either. He smiled and leaned back as if to rest his weight against something, but forgot they were on stools. He wobbled fiercely and grabbed the bar for balance, almost knocking over his seat. Noric paused in that position for a moment, a crooked smile on his face. "See what you've done to me? You're having quite the effect on me." He pulled himself back into a proper sitting position.

"I wonder what the rest of you would do to me." Her skin was like porcelain, flawless and smooth. She was like a fine doll crafted by a master artisan. She would definitely be a fun challenge to win over. He leaned forward, elbows on knees, and smiled slowly. "If all you is as fine as what I can see now, then my dreams tonight are going to be very pleasant. And your persona is likely vastly helpful. With multiple things." He knew very well that he wouldn't dream of her because he hadn't had a dream he remembered since he was 14 years old, but it sounded nice out loud and in his head. He also couldn't imagine himself in Aradia's place. His smile grew wider as tried and failed. "I haven't been drunk in years. But I imagine if I were in her position I'd have wanted to have fallen into the lap and chest of a beautiful and well endowed woman."

He looked at her like a wolf who'd cornered a rabbit. Noric hadn't planned on anything but harmless flirting and staring, but Amelia was really making him crave something more that. Before either of them could speak further though, a man said her name from behind him. He quickly sat up and turned to look over his shoulder. The man was shrouded in a cloak. How cliche. Noric looked between the stranger and Amelia. They knew each other, obviously from the way she addressed the newcomer and the casual surprise in his own voice. He turned on his stool to partially face the cloaked figure and offered a hand. "A pleasure. The name is Noric." No last name offered yet. That could be useful information to some people. People like him, and possibly this Kelmar. Appearances were not often as deceiving as some let on.

A man who stayed so seriously dressed in a tavern was likely on equally serious business. Such business in Ravok was very often on the deceitful and sinister side. He examined Kelmar shrewdly, discerning as much information as he could just on appearances alone. Hard to tell while they were sitting, but this man seemed a little taller than Noric himself. Thinner, but similar in several ways. He had the look of a snoop about him. The expression 'the eyes are windows to the soul' came to mind. And this one's eyes were just like Amelia's. Bottomless and black like the lake at night.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Acarnatia on January 9th, 2013, 11:54 pm

Trychu listened to Ara, amused as he recalled the first time he had drank alcohol other than as medicine. It was part of a marriage ceremony, and it was terrible.
He noticed a man in a dark cloak with his hood up watching them. The man never stopped walking; he just looked at him as he made his way towards the door. Trychu sensed something dark, perhaps even malignant, in the air around that man.
Then the red-haired maiden asked him if he wanted to go back inside. I most certainly prefer to to go back inside, he thought. Before he could say so, though, she took off, headed back inside, presumably towards a glass of clean water. He waited a moment, enjoying the clarity, stillness and silence of the outside night air, before making his way back inside.
He entered the Sliver again and stood near the entrance, looking for his red-haired acquaintance. After he spotted her with mouth nearly on the water nozzle, he grinned and made his way towards the counter; the barkeeper was motioning for him, holding a plate of vegetable-cakes.
He hesitated at the bar a moment-the same dark-clad man was beside Amelia and Noric. Was he here for them? His nervousness subsided when Amelia and the man greeted each other; they were apparently friendly, and both were surprised to see each other. And even if they're lying, that is their business. Trychu picked up his plate and walked over to join Ara at her table.
Trychu looked at Ara for a moment, fork in hand. "Are you feeling any better?" he asked, hopeful.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 10th, 2013, 8:50 pm

Kelmar had not been expecting to see Amelia again so soon since their last encounter, her being so scarce with details as toher location. He had already planned on going to the temple on the eighteenth to try and meet her, which was the one solid time and place she provided, and had not counted on simply stumbling upon her. But now he had, and he didn't know what to do. Gaining her trust and companionship was still a high priority, but without anything planned he did not know how to act. As much as he hated to admit it, this would be the time to act 'naturally' or as natural as he could manage. Impulsive Kelmar was not, someone who listened to his head and cold logic, so how successful he'd be right now depended entirely on the demanour of those around him, whether they were in a good mood or whether they would quickly grow tired of his presence.

Glancing back at his target, Kelmar assured himself that the man was not going anywhere anytime soon, so he devoted his attention to his new company. He raised an eyebrow at being introduced as a friend, their relationship was a little too complicated to be called a friendship per say, but nonetheless he took Noric's offered hand in his own. The man's strong grip hinted that Kelmar's initial evaluation of a large strong man, maybe a physical laborer or fighter. He was a touch shorter than Kelmar, but Kelmar was just freakishly tall, and Noric looked to have a bit more meat on him so he didn't look like a walking stick. The man's eyes were a bright sea green with a hint of blue, evoking thoughts of an ocean that Kelmar had only read about. In his younger years he learned a bit about the different races of Mizahar, but they were mostly the ones who his father bought from, in Eyktol and Cyphrus and Falyndar. There might have been some sea people, but the specifics eluded Kelmar. Informaton gathering never hurt though.

"Kelmar," he responded in kind. "Your eyes remind me of the great seas that I have read about in books. Tell me, do you descend from someone who lived in such seas? I remember that there might be one people that travels the blue, but I cannot remember their name nor anything anout their tradition or culture." On top of satisfying Kelmar's need for information, the agent also hoped that it would prompt Noric to be a bit more free with his tongue. He noticed that the man had grown quieter since Kelmar interrupted the intimate and lively conversation that he was having with Amelia, which was to be expected, but there was no reason to kill Noric's enthusiasm. People tended to like talking about themselves, so why not hit two birds with one stone?

"A light haired youthful man and redheaded girl?" Kelmar asked curiously, recalling the two figures at the door as he came in. "Would that be the same pair who were outside a chime ago? The girl was losing her earlier meals on the stones, and the boy was looking as if he were wondering what to do about it. Quite a naive-seeming pair at first glance." Turning his eyes out towards the rest of the tavern, Kelmar began scanning for the two mentioned. They had to be back by now, and red hair was not exactly a common trait. After a few ticks, he spotted them at a table not far away, sitting awkwardly in silence. "Would that be them over there?" he asked, nodding in their direction. "Looks as if I scared them off."

Returning to his immediate company, he tried to find something to talk about. For some reason, people liked hearing people talk as well as doing it themselves, so he began wondering about something relevant. They knew the poor girl whose bile now decorated the plaza outside, so maybe some questions of recent events were in order. "Just what happened with your red-haired friend?" Kelmar asked. "Looks to have drunk a bit much, but she also doesn't appear to be the type to drink at all really. What brought her here?"

OOCSame as Amelia, not sure how our previous encounter turned out, though hopefully on an amicable note. :D
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Drinks and Music

Postby Aradia on January 10th, 2013, 9:56 pm

Aradia looked down at the plate of food Trychu was eating and suddenly felt woozy again. She should of ate something earlier that day, maybe that would of made her not puke the ale and silver shit up. Aradia sighed and looked at the young man, he looked so innocent, ah but Aradia knew better then most that looks can be very very misleading.

Trychu asked her if she was feeling better, she was trying to stay nice and naive, but the words in her head were a jumble of curses. I did till you brought that shit to the damn table. Aradia inhaled deeply to clear her head and put on her bright smile. Thank you for asking I am doing much better now. Aradia cleared her throat, and looked over at the trio of individuals not to far away from where she sit. Aradia always tried to not eavesdrop but she heard him speak of a light haired man and a red head, saying she was naive.

Good, glad he too thought her naive, the more that thought that the better. Then one night when its dark and dreary they will have a arrow deep in their throats, and would never suspect the naive sweet new comer, perfect. But still Noric and Amelia did not know enough about her to be answering his questions, and the fact that he was asking questions about her unnerved her.

Excuse me friend. Aradia said to Trychu with a smile. I will be right back, my name is in someone's mouth.

Aradia stood up straightening the wrinkles in her dress, and approached this stranger that said his name was Kelmar. Kelmar. Kelmar.... That sounds familiar. Aradia gasped. Ah, the man said his name earlier when I was singing. He was talking about illegal activities. Too bad I did not catch more.. Aradia shook her head, casting off her thoughts as she approached the man.

I believe you had questions about me. They do not know anything about me, only what they assume from observations. I will be happy to answer your questions though. Let's see.. Aradia said pretending to think, tapping her finger against her lower lip. Ah yes, you asked what brought me here, well that isn't really any of your business. I think you might of mentioned something about drinking too much? I had nothing to eat today, so the alcohol hit my stomach hard. Plus I have never touched the foul stuff before. I like to have a clear mind, to do what I need to do. Aradia answered the man's questions staring him straight in the yes, with a cold smile on her face, and confidence in her voice. She glanced over to Noric and Amelia nodding her head and smiling.

Now I think that has settled things. If you have any more questions about me, come to me, not people who do not even know me. It is best to get your information from those who actually know the person you are talking about, that way your information isn't muddled. Aradia gave a light chuckle and turned and walked back to the table, sitting with Trychu, giving him a bright smile over her glass before taking a sip of water.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Amelia Cross on January 11th, 2013, 10:36 pm


She didn’t enjoy having her game being drawn to a stop point. She enjoyed flirting, but she wouldn’t dare to do it now. After all, unless she managed to get in a blood boiling argue with Kelmar, she’d have to meet him again quite soon. If Amelia wished to try her chances with him again, him seeing her openly flirting with Noric wouldn’t be of her favor. But she also couldn’t go for Kelmar here; Noric was too much of an eye-candy to lose. ”…Oh Ravok, looks like you still have surprises in store for me…” she thought with a bit of her disappointment in the situation showing in her empty eyes.

The two men Amelia was now accompanied by seemed to be getting along quite well for complete opposites. At least that was how it seemed for the girl. Noric was a flirt, a charmer who would be the man that held passion and pleasure on his priority list. Now Kelmar, that man was a stone wall for Amelia holding no passion, a stone wall that confused her by all means. Even now he couldn’t manage to be ‘natural’ or even attempt to be ‘casual’ he was trying to gain past information about someone he just met, the snoop. To Amelia, it made no sense, but then again, it could be his nature. None the less, that brought her down a bit more. She enjoyed a light chat and going into detail at a tavern was bad luck, of that she was sure. ”maybe…the stars must look brilliant, maybe I should just go” the words seemed to echo in her mind.

Being awakened by Kelmar’s question about Aradia and Trychu, she was about to go into a story of how Aradia sang quite nicely. However her lips barely managed to part as she was cut off, by no other than Aradia herself. At first she was glad that the girl came up, even if she had noticed her being found of cutting Amelia’s speech. The calculating, yet so lazy girl hopped for Aradia to pull one of the men away despite how shy she was. But what came, Amelia was not prepared for. It seemed that the Silver had hit her in the most valuable parts of the brain. She was nothing like the Aradia that she had met and who shied away from a man. This woman was overly confident. Making her curiosity of Aradia shatter, now she was just like every other woman here. She was acting, she was coming and going when pleased, probably arrogant and a handful of other Ravokian-traits ”so much for a test subject” she rolled her eyes as Aradia left them again. The chuckle she gave was something Amelia would count as a mock. But with this little, tinny speech she made, she had lost every little drop of interest and respect Amelia had saw in her. Now, Aradia could have insulted her directly and she couldn’t care less.

Amelia crossed her hands over her chest ”Looks like the Silver can erase traits like shyness” Amelia said, accidentally aloud, but let it pass as it wasn’t really of much matter ”But we should hand it to the girl, for someone who just crawled along the floor and vomited in the canal, she was looking more than sober” almost a chuckle, as she found it amusing. Aradia couldn’t hold liqueur, but looked like she knew how to regain herself fast. It was best to hold control of the first trait, but sometimes the second was a life saver. Then again, Amelia was just assuming things. The black haired woman avoided alcohol as much as she could, drinking vine occasionally.

”So, love…” Amelia began, referring to Kelmar ”what brought you here tonight…your job?” she asked casually, remembering that he was nothing but a snoop who searched for information. The ones employing him were merchants if she got it right form last time.

Amelia Cross
I Have More Than One Mask
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Joined roleplay: November 14th, 2012, 7:32 pm
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