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Aradia enters the Silver Sliver looking for a job, meeting the people of Ravok.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Drinks and Music

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 13th, 2013, 3:48 pm

"You would talking about the Svefra." The charming smile he had on his face could have blinded Syna. "They are seafaring folk; pirates, fishermen, vagabonds, whatever they want to be really, and mostly live in the Suvan." Noric had read a lot of books about the Svefra when he was young and curious of his lineage. "My father was, and perhaps still is, one of them. They all have blue eyes but mine have never been quite there. Got too much green in them," he said airily, as if he really cared. People knowing about his father, let along both parents, wouldn't hurt. He'd never met them and they were missing or dead. His uncle on the other hand would stay anonymous for now.

He nodded toward Aradia and Trychu to answer Kelmar's other question. "Yes, that would be them. And it seems..." His voice trailed off as Aradia stood and waltzed over, an odd look in her eyes. Noric leaned back against the bar as she started straight into a lecture. He rubbed his chin and jaw carefully when she was gone just as quickly as she arrived. "I believe you've made her unhappy, Kelmar. Amelia, I'd say say our lost bird becomes quite pretentious when she's had too much to drink. I can still see why she's an entertainer though, even when she isn't singing." Noric smiled and scratched the stubble on his neck, a constant habit of his.

But now it was time for a little reconnaissance. "Work? So late in the day?" he asked them both casually, not betraying his interest. "What do you do for a living Kelmar, that brings you to the Sliver on such a fine night? Surely it's not to sample all the fine drinks." The easy charm was back in play.
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Postby Acarnatia on January 14th, 2013, 12:38 am

Trychu watched as Ara answered his question, putting on a false smile as she politely said she was quite well. He was not a master at lies and manipulation; he knew and understood emotions better than most, though, and he certainly knew the difference between a smile that was real and one that wasn't. That was, after all, why he made sure to outright grin, instead of wearing a half-smile; whether it started as true or not, it became true. He surmised that she was upset that he had brought food near her while she was still dealing with the ramifications of imbibing alcohol.
Then Ara spoke of someone speaking of her. "My name is in someone else's mouth." I bet he wishes that's not all of you that was in his mouth, in this crowd, he thought. Then she took off, approaching the group including of Noric, Amelia and-was that the man who stared at him from outside, in a black robe? Trychu wondered how Ara could have possibly overheard them from that far away amidst this din?
And then she exploded.
The character Ara had portrayed thus far was far from the presence she revealed now; hostile, smug, arrogant, threatening. She went on, her language poor, harsh, and casually offensive, her expressions full of anger and blame. Her apparently false personality was shattered, revealing a person much less innocent, kind and appealing. Personality came from persona, mask; it seemed quite accurate as the spitfire waltzed back over, sat down, and beamed at him as though she was the perfect woman, graciously awaiting her picturesque man.
Trychu breathed out, back in, and out, three times, letting go of his desire for her to be what thought she was. Hostility only ended in stupidity, regret and punishment; better to just let it go. He looked back up at her, and his eyes were different. They were not clouded and warm as before, seeing a lie he had subconsiously agreed to see; they were clear, sharp and intense-the eyes that penetrated through everything, right to all truths. Then he said, "What was that about? That was an entirely different-no, you are an entirely different person than you pretended to be."
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Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 15th, 2013, 11:31 pm

"Svefra," Kelmar repeated, trying the word out on his lips. It sounded foreign and a little unwieldy, but then again he was a Ravokian born and raised. Everything everywhere else sounded exotic. "They live on the sea, fishing and raiding to get by? Sounds actually very sustainable. Doubt their pirating makes them very welcome in ports though." When Noric mentioned his eyes, Kelmar looked at the again to check. "True, your eyes are closer to sea green than ocean blue, but it still looks like a great body of water," he commented. None of it sounded very useful immediately, but he dedicated the details to memory anyway. Trivia tended to come up surprisingly often in social occasions, and it never hurt to simply know things.

Just as he began to talk about the redhead over yonder, the subject of their conversation decided to abruptly join in, somewhat rudely if anyone cared to notice. Her words seemed pointed and jagged, aimed at Kelmar and suposed to penetrate his mind to force an idea upon it. In other words, she wanted him to stop talking behind her back while she was there. She carried herself surprisingly well and with confidence in what she was doing. All this energy and willpower, judging from Amelia and Noric's reactions as well as what he gathered from her so far, apparently came from nowhere, completely unexpected. How interesting. When she turned to retake her seat at the table, a small grin began to gently tug at his lips. He wasn't as shocked as he probably should have been if he was - what's the word - normal, he was far too analytic to be shaken by such a small action, and already he began scrutinizing what he could from the appearance, drawing information from it.

"It appears that I have," Kelmar replied in response to Noric's jest. "However, I doubt she is actually fully sober. No one drinks so much that they vomit and then hops back on their feet, no matter how well they metabolize. If she is sober, then she has the fastest recovery rate I've ever seen. We shall see." That was what his analysis hinged on, whether she was sober or drunk. Assuming she was the latter, then that meant that this defensive and severe side of her was present within her somewhere, meaning that despite her shy appearance she could be just as heated and confrontational as anyone. If she was the former, then she would have to be one hell of an actor to surprise so many people at once. Her own companion back at the table looked unpleasantly surprised as well. Either way, he could make use of such deception, he just needed to know if she got her hands dirty. Well, that and he hoped that he wouldn't have to get her drunk each time he wanted to tap into this side of her.

"She seemed pretty intent on stopping us from talking about her," Kelmar noted. "One has to wonder why. Whatever the case though, she knows how to speak well. Certainly looks as if she gave you two a shock."

A nudge from Jeb behind him drew the agent's attention to a small mug of ale being unceremoniously pushed on him. He fished around in his pocket for some coppers and threw them onto the table, picking up the cheap drink and beginning to sip at it. Not swallow, sip. On the job he needed to be able to think clearly and retain complete control of his body, which could not be done while even mildly buzzed. However, it was even more suspicious to be sitting at a bar and not drink anything, so this had become a habit of his every time he visited the establishment.

When the topic shifted to his job, Kelmar knew immediately that there might be some trouble. Amelia seemed pretty capable of keeping his profession quiet, after all she took it merely in stride, but he didn't know whether she'd resist a direct inquiry from Noric, who seemed to be working his charisma for all it was worth. The less people who knew the better, but he couldn't control the teller's mouth. That's right, she's merely a fortune teller. It was hard to imagine now, after all he'd learnt and all she'd done. After all that, she was still just a reader.

"Yes, my work brings me here," he answered Amelia's question. "You should know I'm not one to frequent establishments like this without good reason." What he didn't mention was that last time they met, his only reason for bringing her here was, well, her. He debated about whether being open or not with Noric, but decided against it. Kelmar simply didn't know enough about the man.

That attempt to charm made him all the more suspicious. Paranoia it may be, but one could never tread too lightly. Such an innocent question could easily belie a mountain of interest, and the charm convinced Kelmar all the more that his recent acquaintance was trying to pry the information. "What I do for a living is my own business," he said, which he knew would give about half of him away. There was no hiding it, so may as well be up front. "You're probably smart enough to guess of what nature my job is by my attire and demeanor, if not I will be disappointed, so I will not speak further of this topic."

Reminded of the real reason why he was here, he looked over to the table partway to the stage where his target was eating. The meal was still kicking off, so he had a bit of time. Just then he cursed that he'd probably given himself away to whoever else was paying attention. If any of them warned his target the result could be very bad indeed.
Last edited by Kelmar Hedos on January 27th, 2013, 1:57 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Aradia on January 16th, 2013, 1:56 am

Aradia glared at Trychu across the table. “Alcohol changes people. And this person has become petching ill. I have a pounding headache; my throat hurts from bile as well as my nose. I have never drunk a day in my life. All I know is that I still feel woozy and for some reason I have all these bad thoughts running through my head. Either way I just feel so unlike myself!” Aradia sighed in frustration, more at her head hurting than the man across from her. She was starting to feel a little bad about her reaction earlier. It was so out of character for her to just explode for no reason. Sure she has a anger at times, she is a red head after all. But she rarely ever directs that anger at others, unless they did indeed deserve it. Aradia shrugged, there wasn’t nothing she could do about it now, what was done was done, and she probably just lost friends because of it.

She glanced back at the cloak figure, Kelmar? Yes I think that was right, she was thinking about what the drunks said about him, trying to remember what exactly it was he does. She also was wondering whether or not she should get up and apologize to him, Noric, and Amelia. Aradia watched the man intently, illegal activities but what activities. She watched as his gaze landed on a man near the stage and settled there for a few moments, until he hastily looked away as if he did not want anyone to see him looking in that direction. Aradia looked back at the man then at Kelmar,illegal activities Aradia kept repeating that in her head, till something seemed to click. She gasped out loud and quickly turned away from Kelmar. Was he going to kill the man?? Aradia started to panic, messing with her hair nervously, and then glancing at Trychu biting her lower lip. She wanted to tell Trychu what she was thinking but then again it was Kelmar’s business. Plus if she did tell him there was a possibility of someone over hearing her, and then everything would just be blown up. Aradia rubbed her now chilled arms, thinking it was about time for her to leave before crap hit the fan

. Aradia smiled through the immense pain in her head at Trychu, I am sorry I have disappointed you. I am only human; I have flaws just like everyone else in this world. I do hope that you can find it within yourself to forgive me though. I just need to stay away from alcohol it turn me into an angry petching person. Well anyways, I do believe I am going to call it a night. I hope to see you around again sometime. I work here so if you frequent this area I am sure we will meet up again. Aradia gave a small chuckle and got up from her feet, swaying a little, grasping the edge of the table to steady herself. She inhaled a few deep breaths, then let go walking the few steps to Kelmar, Noric, and Amelia.

Sorry about that, I am still a little drunk and I have a massive headache. Aradia rubbed her temples for emphasis. I did not mean to come off rude. I hope you will forgive me for my rashness. Aradia burped quietly behind her hand, groaning, placing her hand over her small stomach. She cleared her throat and smiled at Kelmar, leaning in closely so only he could hear she whispered, I know what you are planning. She leaned back up and winked at him, holding a playful smile on her lips as she turned her attention to Noric and Amelia. Noric, Amelia.. It was great to meet you both. I hope to see you around the silver sliver again soon. But I really must be going. I need to head to my room and sleep this alcohol off, it is making me mean I think. Aradia chuckled and turned her back and started to take a few steps forward swaying a bit.

She stopped in her tracks and started taking in a few deep breaths as she looked over her shoulder with a bright smile on her face. It seems the floor is moving again and trying to attack me! Aradia let out a silky soft laugh, as she leaned up against a random chair, bracing herself on it. She closed her eyes reminding herself to just breathe. She came to the conclusion that she wasn’t able to go anywhere just yet. The adrenaline from her previous anger had worn off, and it seemed the anger had made the drunk feeling worse for her. Aradia walked back to the bar, leaning up against the surface, Jeb handing her a glass of water without her asking. Aradia sipped on the water, restoring the hydration of her body that the alcohol dehydrated. Keeping her eyes closed, ignoring the world around her and focusing on making herself feel better.
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Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Postby Melanee Tolyn on January 16th, 2013, 4:57 am

A woman in a silver cloak with her hood up entered the Silver Silver as if in tainted grace. She looked around as if it was her first time being in Silver Silver, even though that was not the case at all. She lifted up her hood slightly so her eyes could be seen, they glistened in the lighting.
She noticed the other's but she didn't say anything and just gave a small smile hoping she would be ignored. Now that she seen people, she couldn't even remember why she entered. Maybe, she was looking for a job? No. Friends? Maybe. She sighed and walked to the bar and took a seat, but when the bartender asked what she wanted, she replied;
"Nothing, Thank you. I am just enjoying the night."
She already knew she was appearing to be weird. Who comes into a place like this and doesn't order anything? She gave a light release of air and crossed her arms on the table.
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Postby Aradia on January 16th, 2013, 5:38 am

Aradia burped again, it came out in a wet sound, but still a small silent one. She cleared her throat and sipped on some more water, her eyes still closed. She decided to open them and looked to her side away from Noric, Amelia, and Kelmar to see a woman wearing a silver cloak, with the hood up hiding most of her features. Aradia still feeling a little dizzy decided to introduce herself. She didn't see the harm in it anyways, since she probably ruined any friendship with the other four by her blatant display of alcohol rage.

Aradia grabbed the side of the bar, getting on her feet and walking over to the woman. Hey. I am Aradia. It is a pleasure- Aradia coughed mid sentence at the feeling of bile rising up her throat, cleared her throat and continued. Ahem.. It is a pleasure to meet you. I see you are not drinking anything, they do have water you know. But I would not suggest drinking any alcohol. It is an evil fire that will torture you for many chimes, even bells, after ingesting the vile stuff. Aradia looked at the woman with a serious face, then her laugh came out in a soft and smooth tone, making her purple eyes light up with her jovial mood.

OOCPosting Order: Me, Amelia, Noric, Trychu, Kelmar, Melanee
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Postby Amelia Cross on January 18th, 2013, 12:13 pm


Amelia had trouble holding back her chuckling as Noric stated that Kelmar had made Aradia unhappy. She found the words amusing for some reason ”Kelrmar? Make a woman unhappy…oh how on earth could that happen” she managed out through the slight laughter. Amelia didn’t intend to actually mock Kelrmar, but sadly it seemed that she had just done that. Then again, Kelmar should know she has her weird personality jags. Not to mention, sarcasm and mockery weren’t the most hidden ones. ”but yea, she did give a little shock to me at least…just a moment ago she was crawling and before that she was red enough to rival my lips, just because Noric here came to offer some company….so this little splash of confidence was unexpected” she stated, hopping to end the conversation about Aradia on that. She didn’t like two faced women stealing her spotlight.

The cold tone in Kelmar’s voice really troubled Amelia, she probably didn’t need to mention his job at all. She was sure the casual question wouldn’t be a bother but now she felt like it was. Maybe if she wasn’t a bit scared to spit out something out of line again, she’d speak up, but now she decided that keeping shut while these men talked would be best. But somehow she felt tension build up and it made her feel a bit nervous. Amelia began twirling a lock of her hair between her pale fingers. A clear sign of nervousness or a gesture of flirting, what people saw in it didn’t matter to her. But truth be told, it was a way of handling her boredom just like drawing in the air. The night wasn’t bad, but it felt like from here on it will only become more dull and heavy.

”I should probably just call it a night and go…” with a heavy breath she thought and was about to leave her seat and pay for that darn mug of water, but just before she had done that Aradia came up once more. This time something felt even more different about her and that was not something she liked, people who changed their faces this easily weren’t of her liking and actually bored her. But what really set her off was the way she leaned in on Kelmar, whispering and smiling...winking? ”did that double faced tramp just do what I think she did?” she questioned her own mind, Amelia knew flirting when she saw it and this was clearly it. Sure she considered teasing and fooling around, but Kelmar wasn’t the type to appreciate those things.

”No harm done, make sure to sleep it all off” Amelia finally answered with hesitation, but still wearing a smile and speaking softly. ”I should probably get going myself, the night is young and there are still things that need to be done” she said, before hearing Jeb grumble something from behind the counter. It reminded her that she had to pay for the water. Jeb didn’t really state a price, but he said it was on her so she toke 2 copper mizas and placed them on the counter. Jeb didn’t seem to complain about the amount and toke them in no time, no questions asked. That was probably the reason she like him, no questions at all. Everything was business and it made things simple.

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Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 26th, 2013, 10:10 pm


He spread his hands open, palms up in a sign of surrender, a crooked smile splitting his lips. The serious gleam in his eyes was the only indication of real interest. "Don't worry, I can piece together the puzzle. More or less." Noric's smile grew a little more. "And I would love to know what's so important about the man you've been oogling at the entire time you've been here." He wasn't a fool that just flirted with pretty women and drank to his heart's content. Underneath all the charm and flashing white teeth he was an intelligent and perceptive snake. His smile was now gone, replaced by a blank mask.

"When you're done with whatever business you are attending to here tonight, perhaps you would meet me at the whore house where I have to drag my brother's inebriated husk of a body away from the bouquets of lovely ladies. We may be of use to each other in certain departments." He worded it all very carefully so to give nothing away outright but hint clearly as toward what he meant nevertheless, knowing Kelmar would understand his meaning. If Amelia understood too, then she also could be more useful than just being fine eye candy.

And it seemed Aradia was back again. He couldn't help but smile like one would at an energetic child, constantly flitting to and fro. "Little lamb, I think that when you are in bed you should soak your eyes with a wet cloth. Be prepared for the hangover you're sure to have in the morning. It'll be worse than what you're feeling now. The first few always are," he said when she was done apologizing for what felt like the hundredth time. She seemed to be in Jeb's good hands now; the bartender gave her a glass of water to nurse for a while. That would help the taste in her mouth.

His head turned as Amelia spoke up. Her voice was a little clipped and strained now. He'd seen the look she gave Kelmar when he'd introduced himself earlier. Noric had an inkling that the beauty didn't like Aradia showing their companion so much attention. He smiled indulgently at her, pleased to see some lack of control on her part. She wasn't such a calm seductress after all. The kitty could be jealous. Good to know. But he did wish she didn't feel the need to leave. She was good company for a man like him. And yet he remembered that he needed to leave as well; to go retrieve his brother Allinol from between another pair of thighs at the brothel. Those temptresses had the poor fool hooked like a fish on a line. He went there at least twice a week.

"If you don't mind the company, my dear, I would gladly escort you for however long I can." Noric's smile was radiant, flashing a mouthful of white teeth that stood out starkly against his skin in the dim light. "It can be so lonely out on the street by oneself."
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Postby Acarnatia on January 27th, 2013, 8:31 pm

Trychu listened as Ara put together a string of excuses rather just be responsible and recognize that what she had done was unkind and dishonest. As she went on, she seemed to grasp that, though-at least enough to recognize what she had done. Her mention of 'only human', set brought up a response from him, one he rarely said aloud; It is not 'only human'; humans are perfect. Each of us has just given that up. His thoughts usually only brought up arguments, though, and thus he stayed his tongue.
Then Ara began staring-while discreetly, it was obvious to him from this close-over at the others. He glanced at the path of her eyes-right at the robed man she blew up over. The same man who had stared at them from outside. Was she worried about him? Did she perhaps even know him? He didn't know, nor did he have time to ask. Ara stood and went over to them again. It seemed she was apologizing-and then she stumbled into the robed man and whispered something in his ear. She then just walked over and stood at another part of the bar before conversing with another woman there.
Trychu let it pass and focused his attention on his food; there was little else for him to focus on at the moment.
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Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 30th, 2013, 3:32 am

Kelmar listened to Amelia's description of the red-hair in silence, listening to the information and drawing his own conclusions from the mess. So his guess was accurate, this woman was indeed, or at least had seemed to be, a shy and easily flustered person on top of not being too confident in her own appearance or ability. Well, Amelia hadn't exactly mentioned that last part, but from her description of her formerly red-cheeked and stumbling companion Kelmar was fairly confident in his conjecture. Such an innocent woman would never be suspected to have an iron edge within them that she had just let loose, which the snoop could manipulate to become as deceptive as he so desired.

However, his attention was drawn from Amelia to the man, Noric, who was replying to his earlier statement. A snoop who didn't lie was rare indeed, and it was never good practice to tell the truth to everybody, so it was only with calculating risk factors that Kelmar had decided to say as much as he did. Then it turned out that the Svefra - or part Svefra - was more observant than had been given credit. The Hedos' face was a stone cold and solid as ever, unemotional and unforgiving as Noric tried to joke about his picking up on Kelmar's task, but the snoop was already thinking of what could be done with this man, how having this perceptive charmer might help him in the future. Surely he'd be a good acquaintance to have if he were gathering information in a place like this, as his charisma would have a greater effect on less paranoid individuals. If he could charm a girl out of her skirt, then surely he could charm some information out of her lips as well.

Without prompt or provocation, Noric then began to arrange a meeting where both men could talk more freely. Amelia was forgotten for the moment as the socialite with more brains than was suggested stole the show, her potential usefulness as a connection to the Black Sun momentarily drowned out by the man's eagerness to do business. There was no need for Noric to even mention what the meeting was for, Kelmar understood the moment that he realized there was more to this man than meets the eye that he would be interested in a more open conversation. And that was fine by Kelmar.

Before he was able to respond, some warm-colored movement came to him from the corner of his eye, and his black bottomless gaze swept back to meet the red-hair from before approaching their little group again. It caught the attention of the other two as well, though a slight tick afterwards, and soon all three pairs of eyes were on the petite woman before them who stood apologizing for her outburst earlier, rubbing her temples in a gesture that signaled a desire to recover. In truth, Kelmar was a bit disappointed, as it meant that she was indeed not an incredibly skilled deceptive but rather an innocent girl with a fire within that required some alcohol to spread the flame. It was a shame really, the snoop was looking forward to potentially recruiting her. "There is no need to apologize, your action had already been forgotten about I assure you," he lied. It seemed a good thing to say at the time.

Then something totally unexpected happened. The red-hair, whose name had yet to be mentioned to him, leaned in close with a playful smile as she whispered into his ear. So it turned out Noric wasn't the only observant man in this tavern right now. Kelmar would have to be careful in the future. Yet despite knowing what he was up to, the red-hair did not seem to care to do anything about it, simply pulling away and giving him a sly wink that could easily be taken as flirtatious, but which only intrigued Kelmar in other ways. Was she, perhaps, interested in his work? There were only so many reasons why one would draw attention to an illegal activity, playfully mention it, and then proceed to do nothing else about it. Coupled with her innocent reputation, maybe there was still a way to salvage her as a deceptive contact.

His eyes followed the petite woman as she apologized to the other two and then walked away, citing a necessity to rest and wait for the alcohol to leave her system, all the way to a few meters away where she promptly stumbled, steadied herself, and sort of semi-collapsed onto the bar before being handed a drink of water by the considerate bartender. There was no way she was going anywhere soon. With his eyes glued to his target, Kelmar didn't notice the newcomer as anything other than a brightly colored movement until the red-hair scooted across the bar to talk with her. The two seemed to be making friends, and the snoop didn't have to worry about whereabouts for the time being.

Words from Amelia's mouth brought his attention back around towards the two people he had been talking with. However, it appeared that the conversation was about to end as Amelia announced that she was probably to be leaving soon, though she did not hint at why. "There is not much fortune telling to do at night," Kelmar pointed out. She would probably be simply heading home, her statement of there being much left to do was probably theatrical to begin with. "That is a shame though, I was growing used to your company again." They were honest words, though he had not expected to say them. Already he was planning on a rendezvous, there was not much he could do here now, but the idea of simply doing nothing while waiting for his idiot of a target to get moving again wasn't very appealing.

At hearing the same words, Noric quickly moved in to offer his companionship for a little while longer after they left the tavern. It wasn't surprising in the slightest, it was just the kind of man that the partial-svefra was turning out to be in Kelmar's mind. As for himself, he still had his work, and could not depart before the idiot did, so there was no doubt that if both decided two leave now then the pale seductress and the charismatic charmer would enjoy each other's company for a while longer. Well, if that was the case then Kelmar still had his meetings with both of them to attend. "It should be tomorrow night," the snoop finally replied to Noric's initial offer of a meeting. "This evening I have my hands full, and I'm unsure how late that will be. If my task ends early, then I will make my way to the brothel and try to meet you there. If not, then you will likely find me wandering either the docks or Nitrozian Plaza. I myself will certainly keep an eye out for you."

For a moment, he turned back to Amelia. It hadn't even crossed his mind that the red-hair might have been flirting with him, though everyone else in the room seemed to grasp that. "I'm sorry you feel you have to go, though it's understandable if you do." Then Kelmar felt a smile tug at his lips. He ended with the words, "Be safe," which alluded to their previous conversation, though he was not going to broach it in any great detail now. His eyes wandered back to his target, only his eyes though, and he realized he could be here for Rhysol knows how long.
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