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Aradia enters the Silver Sliver looking for a job, meeting the people of Ravok.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Postby Aradia on December 29th, 2012, 11:47 pm

Winter 13th, 512 AV

Aradia’s travels had been long and hard, she never thought traveling alone would be so lonely and frightening. She was not sure where she was heading exactly, just letting her heart guide her feet. The sun was setting, and the hues of purples, oranges, and dark pinks painted the sky. Aradia looked up from her feet and saw a rather peculiar sight. Up ahead there was a lake, but what was peculiar about it was the fact that there was a city placed on the top of the lake, as if it just floated happily upon the water’s surface. For one so sheltered from things of this nature, it was a miraculous view to behold. Aradia quickened her steps, wrapping her black cloak around her small body, keeping the hood low upon her head.

As she neared the city she came upon a place littered with various sizes of docks and ravosala's in a variety of colors and designs. How interesting! Aradia thought to herself, the scene looking as if it were painted upon a canvas. She entered the beautiful painting going across a large bridge that said it lead to the The Nitrozian Plaza. She kept her head up, but her hood slung low to cover her face as she walked around the plaza searching for a Tavern.

She finally came to a Tavern named The Silver Sliver Tavern, Aradia thought the name strange but shrugged it off. It was rather a small establishment, but there was a lot of noisy that could be heard with in the small building from outside. Aradia was pleased to meet some new people besides her mother and father, and entered the tavern. On the outside of the building there was a few small tables arranged for people to view the beautiful vista of the canal, there was a young barmaid outside cleaning off the tables, and Aradia nodded her head at the barmaid to say hello as she entered the tavern.

It was a common looking, dainty little place, nothing spectacular about the contents. There were several small wooden tables arranged around the common area, with a large bar along to back wall. Barmaids were steadily weaving around the tables serving Ale and food to the patrons that were inside the bar. The thing that caught Aradia’s eye the most, and made her giggle with glee, was the fact that there was a small stage nestled inside the small establishments. Although it was rather small, it was made for entertaining, and that made Aradia’s heart fill with hope. Maybe she would be able to sing for people still after all. The long journey nearly dashed her dream of singing, she held on to it, but it almost disappeared. Seeing the stage lit the flame the fueled her burning passion for music. Aradia inhaled deeply to calm her joyfulness and approached the bar.

Behind the bar as a shrewd looking man, that looked to have a permanent frown upon his face. Not only was there a frown but an ugly scar that ran down the length of her face. He looked intimidating and mean, Aradia was almost too scared to ask to use the stage sometime. But she came this far, and she was not going to give up now. She hesitantly came up the bar, placing her small soft hands upon the hard wooden surface.

“E-excuse me Sir? Aradia fumbled out, inhaling deeply to calm her nerves.

“The names Jeb, not sir, what is it you want woman? The old intimidating man, named Jeb, replied. Aradia was shocked that he was so rude, she knew he did not look kind, but was hoping the saying “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” would ring true in this instance.

I.. Well.. I was just wondering if.. maybe that stage.. well.. I was hoping… Aradia kept fumbling over her words, she was terrified of not only the man, but that the man was going to say no and kick her out of the bar. Glancing around Aradia felt oddly out of place, she was a kind soft woman amongst hardened dark individuals, and she was terrified that she made a grave mistake.

Jeb looked at the girl a deep frown making grooves on his forward. She looked utterly terrified. He knew he gave an air of intimidation off, but he did not think he would scare the piss out of the young lady. The only thing he cared about was his precious alcohol and the good of the bar. He did not care about the lady, nor was trying to cause her any harm. He felt a small ounce of pity for the young girl, but only a small amount.

Calm down, it isn’t like Ima bite your head off miss, or throw you out to the dogs. Just say what you need to say, I am a busy man, this alcohol doesn’t serve itself ya know. Jeb ground out trying to sound pleasant, but the grumble in his voice was still present.

Aradia gulped down her fear and took two deep breathes before reattempting to ask her question again. She almost went into a panic attack from fear alone. Maybe this wasn’t the best place for her to be. Aradia glanced over at the stage longingly and came to the conclusion that she was here to perform to others, to better herself, and to find self-fulfillment, and that is what she was going to do.

I am sorry si-..Jeb. I did not mean to make a fool of myself, I am new here and this surrounding is different than what I am used to. Anyways, to get to the point, I was hoping that maybe one day soon or even tonight, that I could use your stage. I am a pretty good singer, and would love to provide some entertainment to your patrons, free of course.

Jeb smiled at the little lady and nodded his head. Alright then, ya can use my stage when ever you like. But I think you may need to just sit here on this bar stool, and have ya a drink and calm your nerves a bit, yes?

Aradia flew her hood back, a bright happy smile on her face and leaned over the bar and gave Jeb a peck on the cheek. Oh thank you so much Jeb, you have made me so happy! And I have never drink alcohol before, but if you think it will calm my nerves, I do not see what it could hurt. Aradia sat down on the stool smiling brightly. She was actually going to be able to sing to a audience! It may be a small audience, but still it was better than singing to the birds in the trees and the insects on the ground!

Jeb’s old wrinkled face turned a shade of red at the kiss on the cheek and he sputtered a bit, but just nodded and went to make Aradia a drink to calm her nerves…
Last edited by Aradia on January 15th, 2013, 2:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Amelia Cross on December 30th, 2012, 8:48 pm


The evening was calm and there wasn’t a threat in sight. Ravok was usually like this, beautiful and calm, unless you were stupid enough to draw too much attention to yourself. Amelia was never good with keeping a low profile, but she had always had someone to protect her. Even in Ravok she was protected, as it was always enough to just tell that her father is a member of the Black sun, or just ‘The Sun’ as Amelia liked to refer to them. From one point of view, the fact her father was from the sun, gave her protection of sorts, but the Sun stole her father or she felt it. To Amelia, her father was stolen and she had to beg for a moment of his time. Even tonight she was supposed to spend the evening with him, enjoying his teachings of Rhysol. Even if she wasn’t a follower, she loved those moments that she would spend alone with her father and there was nothing better than hearing his passionate speaking. But it was all taken away, an acolyte of the sun requested him for some things she didn’t care for, and so she was left to wonder the streets looking for ways to entertain her.

Every second face on the streets seemed to be familiar by now, she had spent so much time in the merchants ring for the past days, working only there and shopping, but none of the faces were a friend or even a close enough acquaintance to be bothered. Wondering across the small bridges that connected the panels of the city she was looking up to the sky that had so much vivid and beautiful colors in it. The nightfall wasn’t far and even now you could see the silhouette of the moon. ”we are so alike, we have so much things around us…but we are nothing like the others” the girl thought to herself while smiling up to the sky, the contour of the moon. While walking with her head in the clouds, she managed to find her way back to the docks, she wished to go to sleep and rest, till the light of Syna touched Rhysol’s city.

On her way to the boarding house where she was renting a poor room for the season, she was forced to go pass the tavern she seemed to spend most of her free time the past days, The Silver Sliver. When she entered Ravok at fall, she wished to have nothing common with the place, but it seemed to be the only place she felt at home. The music and the free spirits, the occasional musicians that had stopped by Ravok with the merchants were a delight and here she knew Rhaus could hear her. ”it would be such a waist to head to bed this early…” a thought lingered In her head as a smile of mischief crossed her pale face. She swiftly changed the direction she was heading to, entering the tavern.

Once Amelia had entered she saw familiar faces that smiled at her, some men being broad enough to lift there hand up as if they were waving, even if she wasn’t sure were the gestures directed at her, she liked to think they were. The blood red lips smiled back at all of them. With the grace of a predator she made her way through the tavern, letting her hand casually slip across a shoulder of a man or two purely for her own amusement and the hope of getting a drink from them. She had finally reached the bar and sat down, next to her sat a girl with vivid colored hair, Amelia seemed to notice a glimpse of her eyes and they seemed to be…purple? ’is she a kelvic?’ Amelia wondered as she had met a girl with strange eyes before, and she indeed was a kelvick. The curiosity of the girl toke the best of her and since there was little to do she decided to greet the strange girl ”Hey there, you aren’t from around here, are you?” Amelia asked with a slight chuckle as she knew the answer. A kelvic wouldn’t wonder around like this, and she seemed to know most of the locals here.

Last edited by Amelia Cross on December 31st, 2012, 7:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Aradia on December 31st, 2012, 1:45 am

Aradia sipped on her Ale. The Ale had an unusual taste to it, or at least it did for Aradia since she never had any before. It had a mellow tangy taste to it when it was in her mouth, but when it reached her stomach it had a dull burn to it. She wasn’t exactly fond of it, but she wasn’t totally opposed to the taste either. Aradia was so excited that she was going to be able to perform that she did not notice the young woman who had come up beside her till her silky voice reached her ears. Aradia glanced over to the woman her eyes changing from a purple to a pink color. The woman had blood red lips, and long black hair, and air of confidence that was somewhat intimidating to Aradia.

A light blush came upon her cheeks as she spoke.“Oh.. Hey. Uhm.. No I am not from around here. I am from the Cyphrus region. My name is Aradia, yours?” Aradia’s eyes changed back to purple, her initial shyness had disappeared.

She could not help but wonder what race the woman was from, she didn’t exactly look completely human. Her pale skin had an ethereal beauty to it, and it made her lips look like they were dipped in blood. She had a dark mysterious beauty about her. Aradia felt a twinge of jealousy as her purple eyes swirled with light blue around the center of the pupils.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 1st, 2013, 1:23 am

Night would be falling soon. One of Noric's favorite times. He ran a hand through his thick hair and leaned up from his writings to read the latest entry in his journal. His lips silently mouthed the words as he scanned them, making sure there were no spelling or grammar mistakes. When it came to recording anything on paper, he was a perfectionist like his uncle. Everything seemed in order, so he put the stopper back on his ink vial and stood from his seat. The journal would lay open until he got back so the ink could dry. If he ended up closing it and it smudged he'd probably throw the book into a canal out of frustration.

Most days Noric spent the bells before he went to sleep causing mischief in the city or drinking. Tonight would be a drinking night. Perhaps he would beat the old sailor he often gambled with in another drinking competition. For some reason, no matter how many times Noric won, the old man still couldn't turn down another go at him. But Noric was a true professional when it came to holding his liquor. So he locked up his apartment and made his way to the street. The Silver Sliver was a favorite of his. It had a nice view, pretty women to bring him food, entertainment, and great alcohol. His mouth watered just thinking about it. If only Noric knew where his brother was this evening, he'd take him along.

There was nothing better than good-natured arguments with friends when Allinol was with him. But he could keep himself company just fine. By the time he made it to the tavern, taking a roundabout route to the docks, the shadows in the streets were long and distorted. Plenty of customers were there tonight. The din of voices was comforting. A thick fog of tobacco smoke clouded the ceiling above everyone's heads. It also smelled like someone had pissed themselves. "Lovely." Noric said aloud when a men next to him at the doorway got up and hobbled awkwardly from his seat, a large wet blotch staining the groin and thigh area of his trousers. The other occupants of the table were roaring with laughter, pointing and toasting him with raised mugs of various drinks.

That man was likely to be the brunt of jokes for a while. Poor idiot. But it was time to satisfy himself and not worry of others' misfortunes. Jeb was ever present at the bar, so he made his way over to an empty stool. It protested with a slight creak as he sat down. He dropped a gold piece and two coppers onto the counter. "Think I'll take home some bread today, Jeb, and I'll have my usual drink." The barkeep moved over to take the money and provide him with the right order. "Just don't break that stool. I think everyone in this room heard it creak. Should I even give you anything? I think you're one more meal away from being about as useful as a fat farm pony." Noric stared at the bartender with a straight face. The corner of Jeb's mouth was tugged up in a crooked smile as he put a mug of Silver Sliver onto the counter with a wrapped loaf of bread.

Noric couldn't hold the face anymore. He grabbed his mug and snorted with a broad smile. "You and I both know I'm more of a majestic stallion than a pony. It's all muscle, Jeb." He took a long swig of his drink. "Muscle," he repeated firmly after licking the powerful alcohol from his lips. Jeb shrugged and started to move back down the counter. "Whatever you say. Don't come crying to me when you can't fit in your clothes anymore." Noric grumbled and took another sip from mug before turning in his stool to face the open tavern area. He preferred sitting this way to observe everyone else. Hope there's some entertainment tonight, he thought longingly with a glance at the empty stage.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Aradia on January 1st, 2013, 4:21 am

Aradia sat there glancing over at the stage longingly, but Jeb was right when he said she needed a drink to calm her nerves. She was a nervous wreck! But not at the thought of entertaining a few people, but more at what those people would think of her. As she pondered these thoughts, she sipped frequently of her ale, feeling a touch light headed by the mild alcoholic drink, as she never had drink a day in her life. The alcohol seemed to be already coursing through her veins as she continued to sip on her Ale, she started to feel a little more brave at the situation at hand.

A tall dirty blonde haired male came in heading towards the bar. As he sat down and engaged in a short conversation with the bartender Jeb, Aradia could not help but glance over, eavesdropping on their conversation. When Jeb started implying that the man was fat, Aradia was sure a fight was going to break out between the two by the straight serious face the man held. Aradia started to feel nervous again her eyes turning the color of red, the alcohol began to not help her feeling of unease. Then the man burst out in laughter and told Jeb he was a "majestic stallion." Aradia could not help the light giggle that came out upon his words, as the man turned in his seat facing the rest of the tavern. He seemed to be a easy going man, rather happy and jovial. Aradia found the man slightly intriguing actually, and him not being hard to look at was a plus of course. Aradia's eyes turned pink in color, as her thoughts embarrassed her. Aradia reigned in her giggle at the man at the feeling of her embarrassment, and turned her head in hope she did not bring too much attention to herself, bringing her attention back to the black haired woman sitting beside her, gulping down the rest of her ale, feeling the rush of alcohol entering her head.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Amelia Cross on January 1st, 2013, 12:15 pm


Was it a game of lights? Amelia wondered to herself as the woman’s eye color seemed to change from the purple to a pink. She shut her eyes closed for a brief moment and when she opened them, it seemed to be back to the purple. ’what’s wrong with me…I haven’t been drinking’ she thought to herself, as eye colors changing wasn’t something she was familiar with. ”Aradia, pretty name” she said in a bit of a passive tone, while thinking of the city that dwelled in the north, the snow. She had heard that there lived people who were gifted storytellers and their eyes changed with the mood, but she said she comes from Chyprus, while the city she thought of was far in the north. Making Amelia wonder, maybe the girl had some health issues? Pigmentation disorder? However she shock it away soon enough, realizing it wouldn’t explain the eyes changing color.

”I’m Amelia, sorry for…” ’what is she looking at?’ trailing off Amelia wondered as she saw the woman wasn’t paying much attention to her, she was looking though her. Not even in the manner of ‘looking into ones soul’, but literally looking though her as if she would be a ghost. Probably she didn’t even hear a word she said. Her strawberry red lips curled in a small, barley noticeable frown, as she turned her own head to see what exactly was interesting enough to steal her attention. One couldn’t say Amelia was surprised when she saw a man that was talking to good old Jeb. A smile found its way back onto her lips as she was letting her eyes look the man from top to bottom. He was tall and compared to most men here, quite handsome, the only problem was she recognized the man to be a common visitor to the tavern. Amelia was quite sure the men here, despite some being good looking, aren’t really worth the trouble they can bring over your head. None the less she greeted him with a bright smile, before turning back to Aradia.

By the time she faced the girl, she seemed to once more be wearing the pink colored eyes and seemed to actually be paying attention to Amelia. ”as I was saying, I’m Amelia, it’s a pleasure” she said, a bit more formal than she liked to sound normally and to hide that she forced out a rather believable chuckle. That soon grew to be true as she saw, or thought she saw, a slight bit of a blush was upon the girl’s cheeks. It was hard to notice was it the alcohol or the man she had just eyed herself. ”The best way to meet men here is to just walk up to them”

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Drinks and Music

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 1st, 2013, 5:42 pm

A bit of movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Absently, he glanced over but had to double take. The two women sitting a few stools down didn't look at all like the normal lot that came into the tavern so late. The beauty with black hair looked a little familiar, which wasn't a surprise. It was hard to forget such a unique appearance. Hair like a sheet of black ice, pale skin, and lips like the rubies he'd drooled over the other morning in the market. The other young woman he was sure he'd never seen before. Very petite with hair like fire. She reminded him of the cardinals that nested in the forest. If he could see her eyes that would be the most distinguishing feature. They were both very attractive.

I think these ladies need some male companionship. He'd always been fearless when it came to social encounters. When Noric and his brother went out on the town, he always did most of the talking. He took one more long draft from his mug before placing it behind him on the counter and lurching up from his stool. He ended up standing behind their seats, a charming smile curling his lips.

"Good evening, ladies. How are you two this fine night?" He scratched the light stubble on his neck, which rasped lightly like sandpaper. "I know I've seen you somewhere," he said to the black haired beauty, "I couldn't forget a face like that. But you." He continued on to the redhead, "I can't say I've ever had the pleasure the meeting you. Allow me to introduce myself. Noric Sidhe, your official welcoming committee." Jeb snorted loudly and turned away, pretending to be busy cleaning out some mugs. Noric glanced at the barkeep with a pained expression. A helpful old man if there ever was one.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Aradia on January 1st, 2013, 7:29 pm

Why did I laugh out loud. I hope he doesn't come over her! Aradia stressed in her thoughts, her eyes turning and staying red in color. She needed to stop beating herself up in her head so often, but it was out of habit from traveling alone for so long, one tended to carry on conversations with oneself.

Aradia banished the thought as the woman told Aradia her name. Aradia gave the woman a bright smile, "Nice to meet you Amelia, your name is lovely as well. Then the woman said something that made Aradia's face turn a bright shade of red. "The best way to meet men here is to walk up to them." She didn't want to meet men, she just wanted to have a drink then go sing. Men were the last thing she even wanted to attempt, the thought of it made her palms sweat. Aradia wasn't very good in social situations, she just wasn't used to meeting new people, she was only used to talking to her parents.

That was when the handsome man approached her and Amelia. Aradia panicked and was about to jump up and run, but he already made it at them and she didn't want to be rude. She sat frozen, her eyes a bright pink with small swirls of red, as he spoke to them. Aradia knew she looked a tad foolish, sitting there with her mouth in a small O as the sexy man spoke to her and Amelia. When he was finished talking Aradia closed her mouth, inhaled deeply to calm her nerves, and answered his question.

We are doing well, thank you. No I do not believe you would of seen me here in this place, I only just arrived the other day. Actually I am thinking I will go up to the stage and sing now, so I will not be needing companionship, but maybe my beautiful friend her will oblige you. Aradia glanced apologetically to the young woman across from her, giving her a small smile to say she was sorry, and fled to the stage. Social interactions with a male besides her father was forbidden for Aradia to do, so it was a new experience of which she failed at miserably. She had to escape that situation before she made a bigger fool of herself than she wanted to do. She made her way up to the stage, taking in a deep breathe, holding it for a few seconds, then releasing it. Her pink eyes disappeared and a purple color replaced them. She walked up on the stage a smile on her face at the thought of entertaining people with her voice.

She stood up on the small stage, facing the small crowd of people.

Hello everyone, I am new in town my name is Ara, and I would like to provide you guys with some entertainment tonight, does that sound good to you? Aradia asked loudly in a smooth confidant voice. She used a different name when entertaining, one never knew what dangers could come from giving her real name. Singing gave her confidence, and that was about the only time she had confidence. As she began singing, other people came up on the stage playing their instruments, making for a beautiful sound.

OOCPosted a video example of the type of style Aradia is singing in the bar currently, to give a better description to yalls imaginations ;).

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Drinks and Music

Postby Amelia Cross on January 1st, 2013, 10:47 pm


It toke the most of Amelia’s self-control to not laugh out loud when Aradia’s face become tinted a deep red up to her ears. It seemed that the color of her face wanted to shadow the vivid flame that was her hair, and actually, it was doing a great job at it. For Amelia this was unusual, as someone who comes to a tavern usually isn’t shy or timid. The girl was all that and it made her quite cute, too much like a child to be in the Sliver and so, she began wondering about her once more. She was different from the people she had encountered in the past, so it was interesting to assume things about her.

However Amelia didn’t get the chance to converse with the girl more, as the man bout of them eyed just a moment ago approached. Amelia held those mixed feelings that accompanied her for as long as she remembered herself. She enjoyed male attention even if it came from someone as common as a stranger in the tavern, but the girl was new and unique so she would have preferred to spend time with her. ’Aren’t you a sweet talker’ she couldn’t help but think, once his mouth opened and he began pouring honey into their ears. She has been around Ravok far too long to be pulled in that easily, but his words seemed to affect Aradia. The girls yaw seemed to drop.’just don’t drool’Amelia rolled her eyes, seeing how the girl finally managed to close her mouth.

”Amelia” she simply said as he finished. Maybe she wanted to continue speaking with her own sugar coated lines, maybe not, it will remain a mystery as the shy and oh so easily embarrassed Aradia spoke up. Amelia guessed that she will attempt to flirt or at least act charming to gain more of his attention, which would make most sense in this situation. After all, Amelia had to admit he used a charming opening line and he was quite pleasing to the eye, but the girl left Amelia with a slight shine of shock in her black eyes. She left?! Amelia wasn’t sure how to even react to something like this. Above all she left with the man hanging on Amelia’s shoulders while she stepped onto the stage. She wanted to just act out a drama and leave, but something prevented her from doing so. Was it the curiosity about Aradia singing, or the man? It was unclear, but the force kept her face decorated with a smile and posture inviting, open if the perfect stranger would accept her company.

”don’t be a stranger and sit down, I promise I don’t bite too hard” she said to Noric, her pale hand gesturing to the seat that Aradia had just left open and the slightest bit of mischief found its way onto her lips. While her words seemed to be the beginning of a flirt, she had problems devoting her attention to Noric, she was interested to hear Aradia or as she said ‘Ara’ sing. She was carefully listening to her voice, it was nice and easy to listen to but not what Amelia would call beautiful, being a daughter of a music teacher, she heard it when the voice seemed to drop lower than the melody required or higher. None the less, she enjoyed the music, even if it wasn’t exactly fitting for a tavern.

ooclow on inspirational juices, sorry~

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Drinks and Music

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 2nd, 2013, 2:34 am

His eyebrows rose with surprise at the redhead's sudden departure. He scratched his neck again, watching her climb up onto the barren stage and suddenly seem flooded with confidence. "Okay then." He took the invitation from the remaining beauty and sat in the now vacant stool. "A beautiful name you have there, my lady." The surprise was over; he was all charm again. But he was also a little more serious than before. "I really have seen you somewhere. We haven't formally met before have we?" Noric's eyebrows drew together as he tried to remember. He ended up missing Aradia's introduction, but the drunken roars of approval brought his attention back to the fiery haired newcomer.

Ravok wasn't a very welcoming place for strangers at all, but when you're an entertainer in a bar full of patrons who are lacking in entertainment, you can gain popularity quickly if even for a few bells. He managed to get a few claps in toward the end of the welcoming applause until she started singing. Noric wasn't surprised that she was good. Anyone who had the guts to jump up on a stage in a crowd full of strangers in a city they'd never been to was either an idiot or talented. She hadn't seemed like an idiot, only naive. He'd caught sight of her eyes and registered her as Vantha, but they were a dark haired people and she had hair like a ripe cherry. Likely a mix of multiple backgrounds like he and his brother were. Either way, she'd probably come from quite far away. What would possess her to travel all the way to Ravok was an absolute mystery.

Aside from all that, she had a good voice. Music was one of his favorite forms of entertainment. He was not a man of poetry and stories, but of instruments, dancers, and vocals. And the few players that had joined her were all right. Sailors had a lot of down time out on the lake while they sailed from point to point, and instruments were a popular pastime. When they were well into a song he leaned back toward Amelia and cut straight back into conversation. "You don't have the bearing of someone who would normally sit around in a tavern drinking strong alcohol and having a good time. You look more like you should be sitting on a cushion drinking wine, surrounded by fine things." He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. "Of course, they do sell wine here. Not sure how good it is. I only drink that liquid fire." He pointed down the bar at his lonely mug.

More applause made him switch his attention back to the stage. 'Ara' was finishing the first song, and almost everyone seemed to have enjoy it. Of course they did. A tavern was always a little lonelier without music, no matter what kind it was. Noric himself was fond of rough sea shanties, but that could just be his father's Svefra blood coming alive in his veins.
Last edited by Noric Sidhe on January 2nd, 2013, 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Noric Sidhe
It'd be a shame if that necklace disappeared.
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Joined roleplay: December 31st, 2012, 8:27 pm
Location: Ravok
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