12th Winter 512AV Mid afternoon Laviku monument, centre of Zeltiva Even when work is scarce, and artist never rips away from his calling. The calling to create with his hands, to devote his very soul to this mystical power called art; more elusive than djed yet within every man's grasp. An ethereal calling within the ears of every self proclaimed artist. Covering his moth with his hand, Valo gave out a yawn. He hadn't slept particularly well last night and the sands of sleep seemed to have lingered within his features even after thoroughly splashing with cold water. Such was the curse of ivory skin. Though pale and beautiful, ghastly shadows seemed to have appeared beneath his eyes, every time he had not slept sufficiently. But there is only so much time a man can stay in bed. Tortured by an exceptional lack of inspiration all throughout the morning, he finally surrendered and left his home, first time in a long time. Without realising it, he had become somewhat a recluse; only venturing into the beautiful city beyond his door, when getting rid of his newest masterpiece. Winter wasn't yet at it's most cruel, so for a while he merely planted him self into a bench in city centre and watched. Gazed upon the people that passed him. A small sketchbook in his lap, for perhaps some unforgivable muse may once again grip her elusive fingers upon his neck and he may feel the need to draw. But no such need came and so the sketchbook remained closed. The artist particularly enjoyed this part of town centre, for just to his right a great monument to Laviku had been erected. The god of the sea in stone. His eyes of seaglass gazed imposingly upon the citizens of Zeltiva just like they had gazed upon him. Valo couldn't help but hold admiration for this master piece. Beauty in simplicity. Art with , much unlike his own. And so the red haired artist remained seating elegantly, his posture perfect. Just a moment more wouldn't hurt him. It wouldn't steel some kind of precious time from him incredibly unproductive day. Some passers by began staring at him too, for Valo wasn't known for his ability to fit into the crowd. His hair was much too luscious of a red for that to be possible. A red more intense than fire that contrasted against the grey granite of Zeltiva with utmost persistence. Dressed finely, he was as always and elegantly, much like the gentlemanly manner with which he carried him self. The red haired artist of Zeltiva. |