[Verified by Torchlight] Noric Sidhe

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Noric Sidhe

Postby Noric Sidhe on December 31st, 2012, 10:51 pm

Noric Sidhe

  • Name: Noric Sidhe
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 28 years
  • Birthday: 19th Day of Fall, 484 AV
  • Language: Common (Fluent)
  • Eye Color: Sea Green
  • Hair Color: Dark Blond
  • Skin Color: Lightly Tanned
  • Height: 6'4"

Character Concept
Because of his partial Svefra bloodlines, Noric is a large man. Though, few in his family had ever been what one could consider small. He is a worker, never having liked the feeling of being idle or bored. Many would frown upon what he deems "work". Noric enjoys pilfering and theft, breaking and entering, and obtaining information that shouldn't be his. It excites him like almost nothing else other than a good fight; sword against sword and mind against mind.

Personality wise, he's normally easy to get along with. His temper rarely runs away from him, and he doesn't ever prefer violence as an alternative to anything. That aside, he is not a pacifist. Noric has and will defend himself without a second thought if the need arises, as well as anyone else that needs and deserves it. Or if they provided payment. He usually has a happy outlook, often looking on the bright side, even if he has to make one up. Someone would have to try very hard to make him furious.

When angry, it can take him ages to crawl out of the dark funk. Sometimes he finds it hard to forgive, holding a grudge until an issue with someone is eventually resolved. He doesn't readily trust anyone unless instinct tells him otherwise, and the few trusted friends he does have, he hides almost nothing from them. A few of his notable features are the missing pinky toe on his left foot, and a wedge of skin on his right thumb gone.

Character History

Family & Friends
Name: Allinol Sidhe
Age: 28
Race: Human
Relation: Twin brother
Status: NPC (Traveling Companion)

Allinol and Noric were left with their uncle in Ravok by their mother as infants. They have always been close, not often without the other's company. They have always taken care of each other and always will, even though their uncle provided them with wonderful childhoods. Where Noric is a smooth talker with a silver tongue, intelligent, and cunning, Allinol is powerful. His brother is brains while he is brawn. He always got into fights as a youngster while his brother could charm his way out of most situations. It all worked out well, for they both have always complimented each other well and make a good tag team.

Name: Fallin Sidhe
Age: 49
Race: Human
Relation: Uncle
Status: NPC (Stationary)

Fallin raised Noric and Allinol when his sister, their mother, left them with him in Ravok. He works as a writer but also forges documents and encrypts messages for a price. He is calm, wise, and very clever. Noric takes after him the most. His business often takes him away from Ravok to Syliras and Zeltiva, especially since Noric and his brother became grown men.


Item Obtained Description
Shirt SP A plain, short sleeved black cotton button up.
Pair of Pants SP A pair of black cotton pants.
Undergarments SP I know you want to see my underwear, but you can't.
Cloak SP A long, grayish cloak with deep hood.
Pair of Boots SP A knee high pair of black leather boots, well-worn and scuffed. The soles are soft to help muffle sound.
Belt Charged A plain, sturdy black leather belt.
Gloves Charged Strong black leather gloves.
Longsword Charged A fairly simple sword, though well made and sharp. The hilt is wire and leather wrapped, while the blade is steel.
Waterskin SP It holds water and is carried like a satchel.
Backpack SP A very worn out pack. Will need replaced soon.
Comb SP Made of wood.
Brush SP Made of wood.
Soap SP It smells good.
Razor SP Very sharp. Might be used as a weapon.
Rations SP A week's worth of healthy food.
1 Eating Knife SP It's pretty useless; old and dull.
Flint & Steel SP Used to make fire.
Journal Charged A personal leather bound book. Normally hidden in Noric's apartment.
Quill Charged Made from a turkey feather and used for writing.
Ink Vial Charged 1 oz. of black ink.
Family Ring SP A heavy golden ring engraved with the Sidhe family crest. Passed to Noric by his uncle when he was of age. It doubles as a wax seal.
Ravok Apartment SP An average sized, single room apartment with a bed, table, a couple chairs, wardrobe, and complimentary chamber pot. Offices of the NHC

Magics & Gnosis



Skill Experience Total Proficiency
Image Longsword 15 RB 15/100 Novice
ImageIntelligence 15 SP 15/100 Novice
ImageDisguise 10 SP 10/100 Novice
ImageStealth 10 SP, 1 EXP 11/100 Novice
ImageNegotiation 5 SP 5/100 Novice
ImageImpersonation 5 SP 5/100 Novice
ImageSwimming 5 SP 5/100 Novice
... Socialization 4 EXP 4/100 Novice
... Writing 3 EXP 3/100 Novice
... Calligraphy 2 EXP 2/100 Novice
... Persuasion 2 EXP 2/100 Novice
... Philosophy 1 EXP 1/100 Novice


  • Lore of Ravok Layout
  • Lore of Walking Quietly
  • Lore of Proper Writing Techniques
  • Lore of Inking a Brother's Face... Totally Worth It
  • Aradia Is From Cyprhus
  • Aradia Is Half Inarta/Half Vantha
  • Lore of Rhaus the God of Music
  • Aradia Worships Rhaus


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Leather Belt -2 SM 99 GM, 8 SM
Leather Gloves -5 SM 99 GM, 3 SM
Longsword -15 GM 84 GM, 3 SM
Ink (1 Oz. Vial) -2 GM 82 GM, 3 SM
Quill -5 CM 82 GM, 2 SM, 95 CM
Journal -3 GM 79 GM, 2 SM, 95 CM
Silver Sliver -1 GM 78 GM, 2 SM, 95 CM
Loaf of Bread -2 CM 78 GM, 2 SM, 93 CM
Living Expenses -135 GM -57 GM, 2 SM, 93 CM

Thread List

Date Thread Name Progress Type
12th Day of Spring, 493 AV Spilled Ink Graded Training
48th Day of Fall, 511 AV Fake Faces Ongoing Social, Training

Date Thread Name Progress Type
2nd Day of Winter, 512 AV Under Water Ongoing Social
13th Day of Winter, 512 AV Drinks and Music Completed Social
17th Day of Winter, 512 AV The Singer and the Thief Graded Social
37th Day of Winter, 512 AV First Impressions Are Misleading Ongoing Social

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Noric Sidhe
It'd be a shame if that necklace disappeared.
Posts: 51
Words: 37690
Joined roleplay: December 31st, 2012, 8:27 pm
Location: Ravok
Race: Human
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