Yahal Yahal is the personification of purity and faithfulness. Before the Valterrian, he fought diligently against Rhysol's spreading corruption. With Sylir and Tyveth as allies, the trio were able to keep Rhysol in check. This allowed Yahal to build a strong following among the mortals of Mizahar. There were even a number of monasteries devoted to Yahal. These secluded places along with their monk inhabitants, offered those seeking purity a chance to cleanse themselves of physical, mental and spiritual corruption. Following the Valterrian and the spread of chaos throughout the land, Yahal lost much ground in his battle against Rhysol. Few, if any, of the old monasteries remain and those seeking to be purified are few and far between. However, Yahal has found increased worship from the Benshira in the time following the Valterrian. Yahal offers purification and clarity of self to those who choose to follow him. Having faith in one's beliefs and in one's self means everything to Yahal. Those who falter in their faith open themselves up to corruption. In that, Rhysol grows ever stronger. In order to be accepted by Yahal, one must actively oppose deceit, betrayal, dishonesty and thoughtlessness. In return for maintaining a pure mind, body and soul, Yahal often grants the gnosis of Ennervism. Yahal is worshipped largely by the Benshira Humans and Syliran Knights, and will sometimes appear among them or in dreams. Those who have heard him, describe his voice as still and quiet, like a wind in the desert. Yahal's spiritual domain is occasionally seen or felt in pieces by his followers. They speak of a jasper fortress with white banners and hills covered in orchards and vineyards. It is said one feels they are both returning home and beginning a new quest when reaching its borders. |