Taking both his arms he reached towards the sky, he groaned as he heard his bones make light cracking noises. Groaning gently he let his arms flop to his sides, rolling his head around twice he gave his back a final stretch then slammed his left fist into his right armoured hand. Letting his bladed fingers slowly settling over the back of his hand. Pleased that she had agreed to a spar. He didn't know much about how to use a sword, but he did know how to use weapons. As to his eyes everything had the potential to become a weapon. All you had to do was pick it up, block hits, and strike when there was an opening. So long as you knew how long it would take to swing, its weight, and where best to grip it. Nodding at Vaspira he took a few long long and deep breaths. "Its fine, if you where afraid. But if you want, to become a fighter, you have to withstand, the intimidation of, another. Otherwise half the fight, is already lost and, you may as well turn to, flee." He took a moment, this was a small lesson he had learned himself.
Though Banir was big he had gone up against opponents who where much bigger. And although this had nothing to do with sword play he still thought it would be important for her to know. With another breath he began again. "If you fight through, your fear then your, opponent lacks an, advantage. Intimidation is meant, to make themselves, seem stronger. If you let them seem, stronger then in your, head you'll become weaker." Gathering his breath again he looked at her, he hadn't addressed her lack of manners yet. Namely because to him it seemed like a response she had chosen while scared. He felt fear only to the thought of harming friends. Especially when he was lost in his rage. Then he had no control, his full force of strength was out. When he berserked he would break bones, end lives, and injure himself simply to land a single hit on an opponent. He felt a shudder crawl up his spine, and he realized it was time to get to work. Looking at his armoured arm he raised it up and looked at the bladed finger tips. He flexed his fingers then poised them, the metal rattling lightly as the sharp edges caught the sun. Looking up at Vaspira his eyes now a red with bits of happy yellow.
She said she wanted him in full force, well if he did go full force on her chances where he'd end up fighting for real. And regardless he'd have to go easy, if he didn't this spar would turn into a fight. And he wasn't looking to hurt her. Though he honestly didn't care she was a woman, to him everyone had a right to be a fighter. So long as they had the drive, the will, and where prepared to get hurt in the process. And she didn't look very strong to him, Banir's body was built for strength and fighting. He could recognize strength, Izurdin willing he had lots of strength. But what he saw on her, he doubted she could do much. However he couldn't vouch for what lay inside the Kelvic. He had yet to see if she had the will, the spirit to fight.
He kept taking his long and slow breaths, he was going to be working his body hard and fast. Preparing his body for the coming physical exertion and his little speech on rules. "Alright in this case, I'll lay down some, ground rules. Not hits to the face, or 'sensitive' areas. Next, when I say hold, you stop what your, doing. You stay silent, and listen. I don't know a lot, about sword fights, I'll admit I'm not, the best teacher for, fighting. But I can recognize, openings you can, exploit on a persons, body." He took a moment and rolled his shoulders groaning gently as the heavy armour moved on his person. "I can show you these, openings but it will be, up to you to recognize, and use them. The use of the sword, will be your problem, if you can't swing, fast enough or you, can't handle it properly. Then you'll do what, I like to call, do or die. Either learn it or, fail and lose." Not much of a teaching method but it was how he had learned when fighting with his dad. Though 'fight' was a lose word when he was really just trying to survive another fit of rage from a superior fighter.
"Here I come." Was all he said, he then leaned forward, his toes bent and launched himself at Vaspira. His arms swung on his sides, his eyes analyzing his opponent. Finding several open spots to strike he figured he'd start off with something she most likely wouldn't have seen before. Now was the time for action, he had talked a lot, even fro his average day he usually didn't talk this much. His throat was sore but still he managed to give out a loud practically feral scream of rage. Though it still remained firmly in place it would be a good chance to test the woman. See if she would flinch at the sight of a large man running at her full bore while screaming in anger. The distance was closing and fast, his right arm poised with a fist of blades, prepared for a strike to her face. Once he was in close and willing to wagered her full attention would be on the greater threat. His bladed arm he coiled his left arm back preparing for a punch to her side, right in the kidney. Chances are if she had any instincts she'd use that sword of hers to at least try to block the blades on his hand.