|| 23rd Winter, 512.|| Zeltiva, the docks. || 13th Bell. ||
It had been little over ten days since Ayatah moved to Zeltiva. The city was completely different to her jungle home of Taloba, but had just as much charm. But whereas her home was charming in the rich greenness, natural sounds and mugginess, Zeltiva smelt of salt and food, and the noises were of the sea and voices of different people. There was a huge variety in the city, compared to the Myrian-centred Taloba.
The docks were Ayatah’s favourite place in Zeltiva. She enjoyed watching people arriving, either wide-eyed newcomers like herself or people returning home after their long journeys. She also watched departures - those sent off by hundreds of family and friends, and the loners who left without a single goodbye.
The breeze nipped at her skin, but Ayatah didn’t mind. In Taloba, there was very little wind, just moisture and heat. A sticky heat that made you sweat just by walking a few steps out of the front door. The cold breeze was a complete change, and it had surprised Ayatah that she actually… appreciated it. The smell of the salt, the breeze, the view of the white mountains out in the distance, all made her smile quietly as she read her book.
The book was about the Eypharians - the other half of her bloodline. Having chosen to study Anthropology, Ayatah had selected the book almost instantly after signing up for her course. It was a guilty pleasure of hers, learning about her father’s heritage. It’s a completely different species, she’d quickly realised.
Her Common was coming along nicely too; the majority of the library books in the university’s holding were in the language, and she was starting to be able to read whole chapters with ease. There were, however, still some words that she stumbled over, and some words that she simply skipped, not even trying to tackle.
She paused to take a seat, sheltered by the worse of the cold blusters of wind, and opened her textbook. She traced a gentle finger around the edge of a picture of an Eypharian woman, wondering what a person would do with two or four extra arms.
|| Ayatah's speech || Ayatah's thoughts || Others' speech ||