Ssena is the Goddess of Fear. Although she has claimed existence since before the Valterrian, Ssena was one of the few gods that was once human. She was once known by the name, Myleena Vos and served the god, Rhysol as his High Priestess, The Voice. From a human she became the first Druvin, an immortal spawn of Rhysol. From there she was elevated to the status of Alvina also by Rhysol. She then helped spawn a number of other Druvin and created the Ebonstryfe. During the release of Ivak from his centuries old prison, Myleena had somehow found a way into the prison and was present during the God of Fire's release. The energies that poured forth allowed Myleena to ascend to full divine status. She was forever transformed into the Goddess of Fear.
Ssena's appearance changes depending on who she appears to. To her followers, she looks likes a darkly beautiful woman with long black hair, coal black eyes and pale flesh. From her back extends a pair of skeletal bat-wings. She usually appears to her followers or those whom she does not wish to scare to death, in elegant black robes. The robes randomly move as if something were crawling beneath them. Occasionally, a spider may be seen crawling across her hand or neck; a snake tail slithering up her sleeve. The eerie sounds of wolves howling signal her presence while animals often panic when she is near. Even her followers feel a little nervous or creeped out around her as there is always something disturbing about her.
To those whom she wishes to scare, Ssena becomes the epitome of a specific person's greatest fear. If someone is scared of spiders, Ssena appears as a giant, menacing, horrid-looking spider. If someone is scared of water or drowning, when they try to look upon Ssena, they can't help but choke as if they were drowning, their eyes blurred and unable to see any detail of the Goddesses features.
Ssena is fear personified and thus she herself fears nothing. It is said that even Rhysol fears Ssena as she knows him better than anyone.
Ssena's followers work to spread terror and fear throughout Mizahar; from that fear, the Goddess' divine power and influence grows. While she may mark anyone who pleases her (as well as displeases), there is one race that epitomizes Ssena's ideals; the Zith. The Zith as a whole, revel spreading fear to their prey. Their visage and their brutality helped shape the form Ssena took upon her ascension from Alvina to Goddess.
You must have earned the LORE of SSENA in game to pray to this goddess and know she exists.