As he remained doubled over, Calen attempted to make sense of why he seemed to be losing this confrontation. He had correctly presumed that Tallis was not only a fellow user of magic but that, due to their similar ages, he could not be that much better than Calen; the simple fact that he had been able to copy, though to a lesser degree, Tallis' choice in defensive measure proved that. Yet, all the details aside, it seemed that the upper-hand was remaining firmly within Tallis' grasp. "I just don't get it" Calen thought to himself as he straightened up. Though it hurt his pride to do so, Calen made sure to commit Tallis' relatively short explanation to memory; he thought it was a pretty clever trick, trading destructive force for speed, especially with air reimancy.
'I got plenty' he spat back just before taking a deep breath in. Strangely enough, despite the fact that, he was doubting the validity of the plan, he couldn't help but put it into action.
As he exhaled, rather than allowing his res to escape with his breath, Calen instead exuded it from both of his hands. Following the plan he had constructed not even on chime ago, Calen made sure that his right hand was level at Tallis palm first so that the gaseous, tan-colored res it exuded would be both visible and distracting. Simultaneously, Calen allowed his left hand to remain over the bruise Tallis had inflicted over him, focusing as best he could on both fronts so that the res would do as he was instructing it to. Though he normally preferred to release his res from his lips in an exhalation, this time, Calen was using his hands as the escape point for the substance. Truth be told, much like his wall of air, this was because the hazel-haired youth was copying Tallis and attempting to use his tricks to supplement his own; he figured a hybrid repertoire was better than a single-man one.
Following his previously established plan, Calen simply allowed the tan, gaseous Res that he exuded from his right hand to accumulate in front of the appendage, taking up space and spreading out rather thin, all things considered. However, this was all a part of the plan as he was doing his best to use the gaseous substance to obscure Tallis' view of his left hand and what he was doing with it. Where he was exuding a majority of the Res that he had drew up from his right hand, the bit that he was allowing to slip forth from his left hand was slipping slowly and meticulously up his sleeve. Truth be told, the res that he had exuded from his right hand had formed a thin sheet in front of him, thus obscuring a majority of his body from the hip up, from view, due, primarily, to its opaque nature. Of course, this suited Calen just fine.
With an uncharacteristically large amount of mental effort, Calen pushed the res sheet that he had collected in front of him forwards, ignoring the weight that had settled over his right bicep; he had a very bad feeling it was only there due to Tallis' interference. Whilst the paper-thin wall of res flew Calen set to work transmuting them both, though, he did so in fundamentally different ways. Choosing to go with a more, end all be all, method to his reimancy, Calen turned the thin, plate of res that he had thrown towards Tallis into another, though this time thinner, wall of poorly constructed solid air that he hoped would, at least, distract him enough for what was to come next. He doubted it would even knock him off his feet or anything of the sort, but doing anything with the thin, plate of res was better than doing nothing. As he did that, Calen turned the much smaller accumulation of res that he had drew up and slipped into his sleeve, he hoped, stealthily, into what could only be described as a sort of needle of stone, though its point was hardly sharp enough to really be called a needle. It might cut flesh, but really, at worst, it would only hurt a bit if one were to be jabbed. As he completed those endeavors he found himself suddenly thrown off balance as something exploded against his right bicep. He knew instantly it was Tallis' work, and thus, fought his instinct to curl into a ball or bend over once more, somehow stumbling, but remaining on his feet all the same.
On shaky legs and with his left hand holding, and hiding, the needle he had constructed, Calen looked at Tallis through watery eyes and muttered
'I-wh-what did you just hit me with?' before grasping at the limp arm where the mud accumulation and the pain was the worst, at the bicep. He made sure to keep a firm grasp on the fragile, stone needle he had constructed.
'I think you might've broken it'. He was, of course, lying; he was no expert on broken bones, but this definitely felt like a particularly bad bruise at the worst and besides, he was pretty sure he would have passed out or something if it had broken. That was how it worked after all, right?