by Zed on May 31st, 2013, 3:17 pm
I was randomly plotting for Zed today and yesterday and I thought up a couple of questions that I couldn't find answers to in the lore.
I was just wondering your take on these, Jules!
#1: I thought it'd be interesting to have a sort of "law" list that Endals actually have to abide to. I mean, I know they're above the law, but to what extent does that go to? For example, can they own slaves? Can they kill people without repercussion? If so, would they only be able to kill Dek? Stuff like that would really help with forming a character concept; Endals could also be slave-owners or psychos rather than just arrogant d-bags.
#2: Oh, and with the trade routes, are Endal treated like ambassadors/diplomats, or would the country they're trading with seriously consider imprisoning them if they acted too rashly? Endal are somewhat stupid and reckless, so I wonder if a lot of them would end up behind bars in other nations, lol
Sorry for the over-simplicity of these questions, haha.