[Note by Torchlight] Ammara

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Postby Ammara on January 8th, 2013, 6:43 am


Name: Ammara
Race: Konti
Age: 33
Birthday: 3rd day of Winter, 479
Sex: Female

Physical Description:
Ammara is ethereal and beautiful. She has a long neck and large blue green eyes that seem to sparkle. Her eyes are set far apart and her nose is soft and regal. Her lips are pink and fit perfectly between her nose and soft chin. Her hair is platinum blonde and falls in long, loose, untamed curls down her back.

Ammara has gotten into the habit of wearing bright colored clothing and a sheer veil. She adorns herself with heavy makeup and loud jewelry. She is drawn to bright rich colors and scents, which is why she came to Ahnatep.

Ammara was gifted at birth by the Goddess Avalis with a gnosis on her arm. It trails up from just above her wrist to beneath her elbow in the shape of vines of seer’s lilies.
Last edited by Ammara on January 8th, 2013, 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ammara on January 8th, 2013, 6:51 am

Konti Gift:
Vision of Beauty-
When Ammara looks into a person’s eyes, she sees and reflects what they find most beautiful in the world, so that person is instantly reminded of that thing. For example, if a man has always been mystified by the beauty of the sea, in Ammara’s eyes he will see the sea. Or if a woman can think of nothing more beautiful than her son, looking into Ammara’s eyes will inexplicably remind her of her son. This power can be extremely seductive to people, and Ammara has taken many lovers because of it.
Ammara often wears a sheer veil to shield others from the effects of her power as she cannot turn off her gift.

Ammara is a complex nut to crack. She at first seems carefree, sensual and fun. You’ll often find her throwing parties or dancing to entertain a crowd of men. But then, instantly, she’ll be enraged by a man who degrades her honor in any way.
Ammara is a deeply sexual person. She learned early that her power allowed her to be seen by men and women in a very different way, and has learned to use that to her advantage when she needs to.
Deep down Ammara has a sense of integrity and dignity that she can’t seem to get rid of. She knows she has a higher purpose in life as a Konti, but feels unfulfilled by it, and finds fulfillment in life’s more visceral pleasures, like music, sex and dancing.


She is very loose about traditional ethics and just wants to have fun. However, deep down, Ammara is kind, caring and compassionate. She allows people to do as they wish, but doesn’t believe in hurting other people to benefit one’s self, and will stand up for others when necessary.


Being used
Quiet people
Being judged
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Postby Ammara on January 8th, 2013, 6:55 am


Character History:

Before leaving the White Island Ammara would have been described as a sweet, social but quiet girl. She often threw parties for her close friends, and studied fortunetelling and herbalism. Ammara was extremely close with her mother and Grandmother, who always joked that her power ensured the continuation of their family.

She left home when she was twenty two to serve as an advisor in Riverfall. On her way there, she fell madly in love with a Benshira nomad. She lived with him for years. However, much to her dismay she found herself unable to conceive a child. Their relationship broke apart and Ammara tried to conceive with many other men, every time failing. Ashamed to return home without a daughter, she indulged in an opulent life, satisfying whatever whim her fancy carried at the moment.

Ammara recently came to Ahnatep because of it’s reputation as a city full of beauty and intrigue. When she was very young, she bought a bottle of perfume off an Eypharian nomad who came to the White Island in search of Vision Water for his party. Her mother told her stories of the exotic Eypharians and their wondrous perfumes and jewelry. Since then she’s always wanted to see Ahnatep for herself.

Post Creation –

To be continued…
Last edited by Ammara on January 8th, 2013, 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ammara on January 8th, 2013, 6:57 am

Skill Points:
Fortunetelling- 26 (16 SP +10 Konti Bonus)
Seduction- 20 (20 SP)
Dancing-10 (10SP)
Herbalism-4 (4SP)

Knowledge of Ephyrian Legends
High Tolerance for Alcohol

Fluent: Arumenic
Conversational: Common
Poor: Shiber

Last edited by Ammara on January 8th, 2013, 7:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Ammara on January 8th, 2013, 6:58 am


1 Flowing emerald green dress with white flowers embroidered on the bottom.
1 Sheer veil with gold embossed stars
1 Red cloak
1 pair of Leather Sandals
1 water skin
Leather backpack containing-
1 set of toiletries
1 week’s worth of food
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
1 beaded anklet made by Ammara and her mother when she was a child.


100 Gold Mizas (SP)

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Postby Torchlight on January 11th, 2013, 5:14 am


Hello there! I'm Torchlight, your friendly local Character Sheet Liaison. I'm here to help you get your CS sorted out and ready to go for roleplaying! There are just a couple of things I'd like to help you with. Don't worry! We'll get your character operational asap.

  • Signature - Your signature picture is too large. The max size for a signature pic, as outlined in the Signature Article, is 600x150. That's 600 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall.
  • Skillpoints - The minimum starting XP for any one skill is 5. Please adjust your herbalism. :)
  • Languages - Each PC starts with a maximum of 3 languages. ONE at fluent, one at basic, and one at poor. This also needs some adjusting!
  • Possessions - The veil must be paid for. I see it's not on the price list, but its closest equivalent is a thief mask costing 3sm. You may want to enter a request in the Price List Addition Request thread for the price of a veil.
  • Heirloom - If the anklet is your heirloom, please label it so. :)

That's it! Good luck on getting your gnosis and gift approved! Once these items are squared away, I will remove this note! Thanks~


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