As Aose watched the wind eagles going to and fro, she might spy a particularly playful eagle, zipping about through the sky, ducking and diving, spinning and rolling, and in generally just having a blast up in the air. A few of the other younger eagles joined in on the fun as well, and soon there was a trio of playful eagles darting about in the sky above. It was a wonderful sight for anyone who appreciated the large birds, as their life was often work and no play, but the young did get to play more than the older birds. Sira was not a child, but was still young for an eagle. In her human form, she was in her teenage years.
The reason she was so playful was because she'd just had the most wonderful morning of her life. It didn't start off so well, she had been sent on a rather annoying errand from her brother to
fetch a sea shell for a woman he was trying to woo. Sira had begun the morning in a rather irritated mood because of it. Imagine, an endal performing the task of a dek? But he was in a hurry, and no dek could have reached the shore as fast as Sira could have.. and technically her brother was a higher ranking endal than Sira was. She hadn't had a choice.
At the beach she had run into Aidara and her sister Sairque. Sira had been particularly interested in the woman Aidara. There was something about her that pulled at Sira's heart strings in a way no other person had, despite only having known her a short while. At first the day had done well but then a fight broke out between the sisters, a fight over Sira herself apparently, and a lot of strange things happened after that. In the end, however, it all worked out, and everyone's feelings were out in the open. Aidara and Sira had both confessed how they felt about one another, and everything had turned out great. And because of it, Sira was playfully darting about the sky. When she finally decided to land, she quickly dressed and left her aerie.
Sira was hungry, and while she could have requested food brought up to her, she preferred to eat down in the cafeteria with everyone else. With a rumbling belly she made her way down the hall from the aeries, moving rapidly and not paying much attention to where she was going. That was why she failed to notice the little girl.. a girl who was technically older than Sira, but Sira appeared to be a grown woman. As a kelvic, she had grown up fast, and had been forced to grow up mentally fast as well. Normally Sira avoided children, but when she rounded the next corner without looking first, she was unable to avoid Aose and ran right into her, sending the both of them tumbling.
Normally Sira would have scolded the girl for getting in her way. She wasn't cruel, like some Endal, but it was impossible to be of her station without possessing some small amount of arrogance. Lucky for Aose, Sira was in such a good mood, and that brought out the kindness in her.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry, are you alright? Here, let me help you up. You should watch where you are going. You could get hurt."