What follows is an accounting for all of the dangerous people in Mizahar. Refer here if there can be any question about the individual's level of threat. Name, date of meeting and unique characteristics shall, at all times, be recorded after such encounters. Grading criteria will be as follows: 0 - Hapless fool. Exploit and manipulate where useful to do so. 1 - Do not get careless around such a dullard. Manipulate when possible and beneficial. 2 - The threat is at all times present if not imminent. This person is not to be left unaccounted for or unobserved. 3 - All interactions should be as brief as possible. Avoid needless interaction, the danger posed by this individual can be avoided. 4 - All interactions should be guarded. Eliminate this person when possible. 5 - This person is too dangerous to exist. Eliminate immediately. |
OOC NOTE Remember that this isn't meant to be an accurate summary of any PC in all of Mizahar. This isn't the player's recollection of a particular PC, it is Durv's (potentially very inaccurate) impression of the PC.