Hatot stood off to an open patch of land near Sanctuary, where he had plenty of space. He had his usual attire on which consisted of a loose fitted, brown pants made of hemp. His boots were shin high and of a brown leather, looking extremely worn and fading in several areas, especially at the tips and where the foot bent along the toes and ankle. The leather armor he wore was in a little better condition than his boots as it still stood rigid and strong, however several patches lined the chest where attacks had found their mark in previous conflicts. Gauntlets covered his forearms, wrists and back of his hand, the surface of them lined with several curved teeth made of iron and several gouges and scratches along the metal of the gauntlets themselves told the tale of attacks that had to be blocked, rather than evaded. Finally, along the frame of his shoulders and buttoned over his chest, rested his long white cloak, several designs and embroideries of blue color were stitched along the tails and back of the sleeveless, hooded cloak, depicting the past tales of Hatot’s life and what he stood for. Of all he wore, the cloak was the most well kept, clean and sporting very few repairs to damage, which primarily rested along the edge of the tail where it had most likely snagged something along the ground while casually walking.
Hatot was a tall man, standing just over seven and half feet tall. His build wasn’t as typically large as most Akalaks, however, but steered more towards the lean and tone if his bare arms were any indication. His face was smooth, showing no visible scars and carried with it an expression of discipline and concentration at the moment. His upper lip and tip of his chin sported a small growth of facial hair, trimmed and well groomed. The hair along his head was of the same jet black color, and was grown only a moderate amount as it reached down to his shoulders along his back, the bangs dangling lightly in front of his eyes, teasing his vision with their obscurities. His eyes alone, however, saw past them as those black pupils bordered by iris’ with a golden hue to them stared strait ahead into open area, as if he were envisioning something.
Smooth movements were made as extended fingers were thrust forward, cutting through the air like a blade of grass, moving in a blur until his arm was extended to it’s full length of the thrust. His body moved with the strikes, bending back and ducking down as his feet were planted firmly along the ground, only moving to step forward. His whole body twisted with each strike, putting the full weight into his strike when he did as the tail of his cloak would whip around, slicing through the air behind him. As he continued to practice, silent verbally, his other soul continued to act as an unwanted coach or teacher in his practice.
“Go with the claw strike. Like a tiger. Yeah, Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw!” Radris roared in Hatot’s mind, critiquing each attack.
“Ah come on, were you actually going for his tibia on that strike, that’s one of the strongest bones in the body. You should have just dropped lower and struck the ankle.”“Radris, I’m trying to practice.” Hatot echoed back as he ducked down, spinning around and to the side as his hand followed through with the spin in an upward sweeping motion.
“Trying being the key word. I swear, sometimes the way you attack, I’d think you were trying to tickle an opponent into submission.” Radris projected, observing the movements.
“Oh, you knocked him down. Quick, stomp on his crotch. Stomp on that imaginary opponent’s crotch and make him beg for one of your tickle pokes.”“Radris.” Hatot muttered back in his mind.
“Do it! Do it! Do it!” Radris egged on, like a peer pressuring a friend to take that first sip of alcohol.
“Grind your heal after the stomp, let the message really sink in.”“Radris!” Hatot then yelled out, standing strait as his hands came out thrusting to either side of him.
“What?” Radris replied just as sharply.
“Wait, when did two more imaginary opponents show up? Can’t we just go find some idiot causing trouble in the city, or at least looking like they’re about to cause trouble?”“With all due respect, Radris, how about you just shut your petching sweet roll hole?” Hatot replied to Radris, his lips moving as it almost became verbally spoken this time.
“Uh, because I don’t wanna?” Radris simply answered as the two of them caught movement from the corner of their eyes.
“Looks like the Happy Fuzzy Shelter has some visitors. More strays?”Hatot stood up strait, letting out a slow exhale as he looked over towards the two approaching Kavala. A slow shake of his head was given as he began moving towards them. He knew he wouldn’t get any further practice in with Radris echoing in his head.
“No, Taithrosa is one of them.” Hatot said as he began stepping around Kavala’s garden.
“The other I don’t recognize.”“She’s all covered up. What fun is that now?” Radris said.
Hatot then just sighed at Radris as he stepped up beside Kavala while she greeted the newcomer. His hand was extended to Taith in usual greeting.
“Welcome back, Taithrosa.” Hatot said in greeting to Taith as he allowed Kavala to speak with his companion, allowing her to introduce herself to him if she wished, or Taith to introduce her himself.
“I trust you had no misfortune in your travels?”