Solo Torsion is not tension.

Xi heads upto the canopy, and finds a hew training area...Before he gets himself in trouble...

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

Torsion is not tension.

Postby Ximal on January 19th, 2013, 3:56 pm

27th Winter 512AV

A frosty morning... Xi began his climb upwards having heard of another training area apart from the one on the ground floor where he had been practising for the longest time. The climb up was easy enough for him to pull off however the upper floor of the spires and training wasn't exactly something he'd equate, after all what if he hit the ground too hard and went clean through it? Shaking the thought from his head he felt the bow around his shoulders beginning to chafe little as he glanced around...Then he saw it. Practice targets. Good something for him to practice with. Finally some form of actual gauge as to how well he could aim. A deep breath filling his lungs as he wandered over towards them ignoring the other morons around. Not because they were were annoying him but because they didn't interest nor catch his attention. Xi rubbed his temples lightly before vaulting over the fence into the weapons training area and sliding his bow up and over his head and shoulders. Sliding an arrow from the quiver at his side Xi knocked the arrow, taking a slow breath and drawing the sting back to his chin with a lot of effort but it was a slow drawn out motion as he shifted his feet his left foot sideways on forwards and his right food back and lined up with his target. A deep breath drawn in through his nose and then a haled breath as he steadied his arms and let his shot out and fly. His eye's were focused upon then arrow tip and not the target so hsi shot was low. Barely clipping the bottom of the target.

Xi grumbled lightly as he heard a snarky laugh from behind him. Xi just shook his head and ignored it before pulling another arrow from his quiver. Xi lifted the bow back up and lined the shot up again. Holding his footing and drawing the string back he held it at his chin again deciding this time to try focusing on the target to see if that gave any marked improvement in his shot. Locking his eye's on the target he let the arrow fly and the shot was near perfect level but way way too wide. Almost twelve inches to the left.Then that snarky laugh again...Xi took a deep breath and focused on the task at hand.Drawing knocking and readying a final arrow he tilted the bow slightly so instead of dead straight on with the bow perpendicular to the ground he instead put it on a diagonal slant. this forced his finger positioning to change, but his arm was shaking less when he held the bow in place. Sucking down another slow deep breath he locked his eye's on the target. Held his breath and let the arrow fly. It hit the target! But not in the bullseye instead it was in the yellow ring just around the outside of the bullseye. Embedded deep into it almost piercing all the way through but it was dead centre of the yellow right directly a top the bullseye. Xi grinned and then that laugh again...It wasn't liro but by gods it was annoying. Then a voice followed.

"Isn't that bow a little big for you ? After all your still a tichy human. And after three sdhots you missed three times." Fantastic akalaks...And this one think's he's some thing special. Xi sighed and walked over to retrieve his arrows. Only to be greated with more of the akalak's mocking tone. "Y'know i'd be ashamed to go and collect those, would show how poor my skill was. " Xi just sighed before calling back whislt collecting the arrows.
"What skill ? If you have to mock others then you clearly don't have any" Xi just smiled to himself as he listend to the silence. That shut the blighter up. Or at least he'sd thought it had. withion sconds Xi dropped to os knee after feeling a hard blow in his abck aroun kidney level. The bastard sucker punched him...Alright...No more mister nice Xi. Xi let the djed flow out into his right bicept and left abdomen muscles. Holding it there he made it look like he was struggling to get beck up and whispered out. "The daggers of an angry rain...Arrow black..." Hearing a sort of triumphant laugh echo out from the akalak and his two friends behind him. Then without a seconds warning Xi spun on the beall of his left foot his left abdomen muscles pulling down and across, as his right arm surdged forth with a twisting and punishing punch Xi's fist shot out light a rocket as his knuckles slammed into the akalka's face, crushing his nose cartilage and knocking out two of the akalka's teeth as well as the akalka himself. Xi felt a sting in his hand but knew nothing was broken. But before he could react he was flanked. An akalak on either side. Peeeeeetch.

"Common" "Myrian" "Nari"
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Torsion is not tension.

Postby Ximal on January 20th, 2013, 2:07 am

"Are you sure you two want to do this ? Look what happened to your buddy. Just take him to the medical centre and we can end this here. As if to reply to him one aka took the one unconscious one to the medical room whilst the other one too a swing at Xi a powerful but obvious right straight at his head, it was fast but Xi twisted towards him and brought his right arm across to bash the punch away with his right forearm and then knocked the hit away whilst allowing Xi to return the shot at the aka with a wide open liver blow. However the aka rolled out of the way and came back at Xi with a left hook, putting his full body weight behind it. Xi ducked low under the punch and instead turned towards the opposite direction of the punch and drove the heel of his foot deep into the aka's torso. Sending the aka skidding across the floor. Xi took a deep breath before running his fingers through his hair. Leaving the one he'd just kicked on the floor Xi returned to his focus of being there training before he heard the voice of another akalak. One considerably calmer in tone and pitch.

"Impressive, ive never seen someone take on two akalak and come out wiht only a sucker punch...Let alone would i believe it was a human who did it." Xi was tired of never having anyone respect his skill and even, even nore tired of being compared to the akalak...Xi felt his hand tighten up into a fist at his side but a slow mental count diffused his anger at the situation.
"Look, whoever you are...I don't care who fights me, if someone calls my skill into question i'll break them then and there. I pu effort into my skill. not that someone or a race of people whore born into fighting would know jack shyke all about. Xi was annoyed and he could feel it. Instead of angling it at the one who'd brought the subject up instead he simply vaulted the two walls and headed into the unarmed ring to wail on some training dummies...He could feel his anger growing but instead repressed it. Letting out only what he couldn't contain and only then at the dummy. Xi took a deep slow breath centring his mind and focusing on the task at hand. Before drilling a series of punches into the dummy hard enough to crack the wood along the left hand side of the torso. Then the voice came back at him.
"Sounds like you've got a dislike for my people. Are you racist towards us?" There was some what of a tinged fleck of anger in the voice now, less so than he'd experienced before. Xi just closed huis eyes and took another slow deep breath before letting the words out in their methodical course.
"The only thing i have against the akalak is the fact i'm sick of having my skill compared against them. MY skill is the product of my own work and how my head reacts to how things are flowing. most of your akalak brothers are...Skilled. However most underestimate me and pay for it like you saw twice..." Xi finally turned to shoot daggers at the aka before wanting to punch him in the face for his smug grin now plastered over his mouth. Xi could littlerally feel his hand wanting to clasp closed and break this guy's nose...But he couldn't his own code dictated tyhat he couldnt do that. He had to be attacked first.
"I see great anger in you human...Yet you do well at restraining it...Your one who thinks before they act, and follows a code of rules. From what i saw back there you'd rather make peace than start a war...Peronally i'd say that's a trait of the followers of wysar."

"Wy-who?" Xi didn't know who the heck this "wysar " was, instead Xi's snapped remark earned him a look of mild suprise from to overtly tall green bean.
"It's surprising that one who holds back their anger, reigns their actions and has as much skill as you do human, has never heard about the god of conviction, discipline and integrity.

"Common" "Myrian" "Nari"
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