Closed To meet the Lady of your Dreams. (Chemar)

Luk meets Chemar to dicuss buisness and who knows what else.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

To meet the Lady of your Dreams. (Chemar)

Postby Luk on January 20th, 2013, 1:36 am

Winter 84th, 513 A.V.

NoteIf I messed up on any of the lore or customs in this post just let me know. I am new to Wind Reach lol. Hopefully you enjoy this upcoming thread.
Luk walked through the marketplace as he searched for a few items he needed to restore his drained supplies for an upcoming hunting season. As he picked up his spear and moved to the next stall, whose owner was selling rope, and examined the merchandise one length of rope at a time looking for the right thickness and strength.

Placing down the last piece of rope and nodding to the booth keep. The Inartan picked up his spear and made sure this bow and quiver were still secured on his back. Once Luk felt his weapons were secure. He headed to finish his last piece of business of the day before retiring back to his room for the evening.

The corridor outside the Dreaming Lady was no different than most of the other passage ways in the city. But it is where the hunter needed to go for within was the one person in the entire city that’s services he needed. Nearing the door, the young man collected himself with a deep breath and pushed open the door.

Walking inside with a soft tap every other step as his spear hit the pillowed floor with a hallowed thud. Walking to the center of the room where a desk of sorts was set up to which a fairly attractive young woman set behind. Looking up, from her work, towards Luk as she opened her mouth to speak, “How can I help you today?” she asked in a very sweet and calming voice. “Yes I am looking for someone. Who I was told I could find her here. She goes by the name of Chemar Tisserand. I am in need of her services.” The hunter answered as he let his spear rest against the desk.

Last edited by Luk on February 17th, 2013, 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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To meet the Lady of your Dreams. (Chemar)

Postby Chemar Tisserand on January 22nd, 2013, 11:03 pm


The rhythmic thumping echoed down the corridor as Chemar made her way to the outer rooms from the dreaming chambers. She paused, trying to place the sound. With eyes closed she listened, imagining all manner of sources; a one legged man? An artisan with a piece of glass stuck on the bottom of their boot? Other prospects were forthcoming when the noise stopped. Mildly disappointed, she quietly took a few steps closer to her destination, quirking a brow as she listened.

Solas, as always, was the embodiment of calming invitation; her welcoming tone reaching out to draw the stranger into the Dreaming Lady. Chemar and Rae were most fortunate in their employment of such a person.

The response to Solas' welcome was a surprise to the dreamwalker and her curiosity was renewed. Padding along on the silent step of bare feet, she moved to the entrance to the open room and stopped just out of sight. Resting her back against the warmth of the veined wall, she peered around the corner until the visitor fell within her line of sight. The spear. A weapon strike had not been included in her possible sources. Noting the bow strapped to his back she began to wonder exactly what services she might provide to such a well armed fellow. He had a strong straight carriage as he stood before Solas, and she absently drew herself up to match his fine posture. Turn around. If the face matched the frame, she could find some enjoyment in this man's service, but as yet, he was still mysteriously hidden.

A flash of her gold rimmed eyes caught the attuned attention of Solas, there was an advantage to having a manager who knew her so well. Their history provided Solas an intimate knowledge of how the younger Tisserand's mind worked, and that for the most part, she was more often than not driven by curiosity; thriving on unraveling the mysteries before others had even opened the book. Without betraying Chemar's concealed location, Solas moved toward their guest, passing to his side so casually that there would be nothing to reveal that she gently guided him to reveal himself to Chemar. A wide smile curled Che's lips as she once more gave thanks for Solas.

"Chemar should be joining us within the next chime. Her appointments are finished for the day, have I mistakenly missed your appointment for a walk?" With her back to Chemar, Solas began to glean information for her camouflaged mistress. "Please forgive my manners, I am Solas Garde, I work for the Tissersands as their manager." She extended a graceful hand toward the man. "And you are?"

Chemar took advantage of her position, looking the man up and down as he interacted with Solas. His face was handsome, dominated by an easy smile and bright green eyes. Though poised, his posture was at ease, much more than she would be in a stranger's environment. He didn't seem captivated like most were by Solas' outward beauty, that fact alone was enough to pique her interest. She waited, perched like a delicate bird of prey, his answers to the questions posed would be the morsels her curiosity would pounce on.

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Chemar Tisserand
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To meet the Lady of your Dreams. (Chemar)

Postby Luk on February 17th, 2013, 4:02 pm

NoteI am so sorry this took so long. I couldn't figure out how to write this but once I did, I got busy IRL. I hope this works as a reply :).

As the female behind the desk got up and walked around to the front of it and passed by him forcing him to turn slightly to the left. She answered his inqury about Chemar. She advised that the young woman who he sought would be with them shortly but asked if the hunter had an appointment to speak to dreamwalker. “I am sorry but I do not have an appointment. I am not in need of that particular area of expertise that Chemar possesses. I have other needs that I hope she can fulfill.” The bowman said in a soft voice. The woman nodded at his answer and quickly introduced herself as Solas Grade, the manager of the Dreaming Lady. She extended her hand and asked his name.

Reaching forward and grasping her soft, smooth hand in between both of his rough ones. “My name is Luk. I am a hunter and a falconer. I am sorry I came into here so armed, I was in the market taking care of some buisness and did not get to run by my room before coming here.” He answered. He did not offer any more information about himself and Solas did not ask for anymore.

Using the brief pause in conversation, Luk took in his surrounding inside the room. Using his hunter thought process he was able to take in a large amount of information and detail in a short about of time. First was Solas. She was a fairly attractive Inartan female. She looked to be older than Luk but still a beauty, though his face would not show an interest for this woman. Next was the room itself. It had an aura of calm and peace. The floor was heavily carpeted and soft. Breifly before Solas spoke once again, the hunter thought he saw a flash of red in the corner just down the hall way. But before he could properly turn and look towards the hallway Solas caught his attention once more with another question.

“So what do you kind of services do you need from Chemar if you do not need a walk?.” She asked with a confused look. In his soft voice Luk answered her “That would be between myself and her I am afraid.” He smiled to reassure her that everything is okay.

Last edited by Luk on February 28th, 2013, 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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To meet the Lady of your Dreams. (Chemar)

Postby Chemar Tisserand on February 19th, 2013, 4:49 am


Luk, he'd said. The name held no connection for her, rang no chimes of recognition in her mind.


The wait continued as he spoke to Solas, stating his reason for visiting without offering any details. Conveying without confidence, a confidence he seemed to save for Chemar's ears alone. She shifted, nearly betraying her place to Luk's searching eyes. A trill of enjoyment played in her stomach as she pressed back against the wall to avoid being caught, there was no being seen before she was ready, as always.

That would be between myself and her I am afraid.

So it was true. All of his purpose was to be withheld until the words could be spoken to her ears. Her gold rimmed eyes narrowed as she stared at the face of the hunter, trying to fit him into a memory that would inspire him to withhold information from Solas. But Chemar did not know him. All the more interesting. Her graceful hands moved through her hair, slowly, so as not to disturb the tears of glass woven there. She drew it into a long tail and tied it with a flaming orange scarf at the back of her head; once tied, she wrapped the stray ends into themselves and made an intricate sculpture with her hair that on anyone else would seem a tangle, but on the dreamwalker seemed more like a web to draw in the curious, and catch them.


Bare feet padded quietly across the floor as she left the corridor, her eyes squinting ever so slightly. Chemar stood next to Luk before he had taken note of her passage, either that, or he chose not to let on. Standing off his left side, the dreamwalker watched him for a moment, then spoke through a filter of honey; the delicate timbre of her voice reached out to draw the attention of the visitor.

"Between you and I, is it?" She smiled with a half curl of full lips. "You have my curiosity." A glance flicked to Solas released the woman to other duties just as Chemar leaned closer to Luk, lifting the soft curve of her ear close to his lips teasingly. "Perhaps you'd like to whisper it to me." Solas shook her head with a smile as she left the room to enter the salon, the dreamwalker was in a mood today.

Chemar lifted her gaze to meet Luk's and caught her lip between her teeth. "Here's your chance, tell me all your secrets." She did not wait for her playful entrance to be interpreted, instead she took a step away from Luk and extended her hand. "Don't look so scared. I'm Chemar, how can I help you."

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To meet the Lady of your Dreams. (Chemar)

Postby Luk on February 27th, 2013, 11:59 pm

Smiling softly as he heard the faint and soft padding of someone walking behind him trying to be sneaky. Lucky for him he has spent much time in the woods and becoming one with his surroundings. But the hunter did not allow the fact he heard the newcomer to room show on his face or body language. He waited the few moments it took for them to cross the room from the hallway that he had previously thought he had seen movement.

As someone arrived and stood on Luk’s left side. Looking at who it was trying to sneak up on him he found himself face to face with one of the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. She was slightly smaller in height than the hunter; her skin was a pale white but had a soft glow to it. Her eyes were green as were his but unlike his forest green eyes they were more a emerald green with flashes of gold near the center. Her hair was auburn red but had pieces of colored and shaped glass tied into it. Composing himself, from his brief moment that he allowed his amazement to cross through his face because of this inarta’s beauty, he turned to face her as she spoke. "Between you and I, is it?" she asked as a smile graced her lips. "You have my curiosity." She said as she dismissed the older woman that had remained to see if her boss would need anything else. Leaning forward and spoke once more “Perhaps you'd like to whisper it to me,” as she placed her ear only a small distance. The dreamwalker's eyes traveled back to Luk’s and as they looked at each other she stepped back from him and offered her hand as she introduced herself as Chemar, as if he didn’t know that from the way she dismissed the spa’s manager.

Reaching forward the hunter took the owners soft hand into his own rougher ones and brought it to his lips placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand as he had done to Solas. Releasing her hand he spoke in his soft and quiet voice “Is there somewhere we could speak in private? There a few matters I would like to speak with you about. I figure it would be best to do it out of the eyes of your clients.” The red headed male asked.

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To meet the Lady of your Dreams. (Chemar)

Postby Chemar Tisserand on March 7th, 2013, 3:22 am

The act of kissing a hand was not lost on Chemar, and she was inspired to hold her tongue until his mouth withdrew and her hand was released. Speak in private. Perhaps she was mistaken, did she know this man? As he spoke, she watched him, almost dissecting his mannerisms, the way he spoke, and his appearance; in search of something recognizable.


Clearly, he wished for some privacy, but his formality did not give her cause to worry that he sought her company for unsavory dealings.

"Well now I am very intrigued." She smiled, raising one eyebrow as punctuation. With a graceful hand, she curled her hand behind her neck and swept her long pale blonde hair over one shoulder. "But truth be told, I am free from any clients at this very moment. However..." She strolled around him, the low chiming of her glass teardrops sending a mystical accompaniment to his ears. "If you wish to be alone, I will see it so. Solas, you are free to go." Though Solas had left the room, within a beartbeat she was returned and gathering her things to leave.

"Goodnight sir, Chemar." She nodded to each of them and was out the door. A quirk of a smile appeared on Chemar's face and she moved to the door with intentional languor. One of her hands disappeared into the knot of a scarf tied around her hips, emerging with a finely smithed metal key. She pressed softly on the door until the latch clicked, then threw the lock.

Alone, and locked in, she turned to Luk and leaned back, resting her shoulders upon the door. "As you see, your wish has become command. We are alone, and you have my undivided attention." She smiled, dropping the key to let it disappear once more within the disguise of a simple scarf. "Hopefully there is no one soaking in the spas... for I fear they have lost my attention entirely, for a far more interesting mystery." She cocked her head to the side and listened for a few moments, safe in the belief that she had not stranded anyone. Absently, she began braiding her hair, loosely across her shoulder, still surprised by the pale blonde each time she saw it. Her movements were slow and deliberate as though she had made those same motions a thousand times, her gold ringed eyes were focused on Luk and never bothered a glance at her hand's employ.

"So Luk, what enticing secret requires that we be alone?" Without making a sound she pushed off the door and walked back toward him, still keeping him in her sights and slowly braiding her hair. When next she spoke it was in a conspiring whisper. "You're not going to hurt me, are you?" Her eyes flicked to his weapon and back, and she awaited his response.

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Chemar Tisserand
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To meet the Lady of your Dreams. (Chemar)

Postby Luk on March 7th, 2013, 4:36 am

The redheaded hunter watched as the dreamwalker dismissed the elder woman for the rest of the day. Keeping his eyes on her as she drew a key from a scarf around her waist and held it up for a moment for Luk to see what it was. As she turned and walked toward the doors the male inarta’s eyes trailed down her body towards her hindquarters which swayed as she walked. As he marveled at her form the young woman locked the door and turned back towards the hunter. Quickly moving his eyes back towards her she advised them that she had fulfilled his wishes and he was free to speak his secrets to her. Then she asked a trouble question “Are you going to hurt me?” as she eyed the spear on the desk and his bow across his back.

As his eyes widen in shock, he quick reassured her that he was not here to cause her any harm. “I will not hurt you my dear. I am here purely for business.” And with a small smirk he added. “And maybe a bit of pleasure.” Laughing he backed up to the desk and placing his hands against the desk he pushed himself onto sitting along the edge. “Now then shall we get onto the matters at hand? I am in need of a skinner for the next hunting season. My last skinner hurt his hand and will not be able to process any of my hides for the next season. Now then the rumor around the market place is you are a skinner and a pretty good one at that.” He said in a firm but his still soft spoken voice. Reaching behind his back he adjusted his bow strap, making lay flat against his shoulder blade. “Now are these rumors true? If so what are your fees and other important stuff that I need to hear?” He asked the ivory beauty before him.

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