Casselle, her child and strider.
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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.
by Casselle Hyrid on January 21st, 2013, 7:02 am
21th, Winter of 512 AV
Casselle looked around. She just got done window shopping. She could never afford to buy any of those clothes. At least not now. She stood in the middle of the store, or what use to be a store because now when Casselle looked back it was just an old black and white building made of stone. She kept a close eye on Breanne who was chasing street lights. She had to yell a couple of times and bring Breanne back so she wouldn't go to far off and disappear. Casselle rubbed Laffi's nose. The strider wasn't fond of the city but always stood by Casselle's side. Breanne held on to a street light and it slowly started to carry her away. She giggled.
"Mommy look!" She called out. Casselle looked at Breanne and gasped, she chased after her and scooped her up. Sat her on Laffi and told her not to move. Casselle took her waterskin out and took a sip, she handed it to Breanne who spilt it on herself as she sipped it. Casselle took it back and wiped her down. They watched many things happen and were amazed. They lived in Endrykas for so long they didn't know there were cities and other fascinating things. Casselle planned on traveling more. Every other season, she would travel. Just Bre, Laffi and Casselle.

Casselle Hyrid - Player
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by Casselle Hyrid on January 22nd, 2013, 12:07 pm
Laffi kept looking in a direction and sneering which made Casselle curious. She wasn't sure what direction the horse was looking in. What she needed was some rest. The problem is she didn't want to settle in a inn. She brushed the jittery little girl's hair before braiding it. But then she noticed a woman approaching them. She wasn't scared but looked it. She didn't answer either just yet. But watched the woman in curiosity. Once again Laffi sneered, but in fear. Casselle finally smiled and waved." Hi Lady! You live around here? Do you like dogs and horses? I like dogs and horses, I have a dog. My mommy has a horse. Yup, yup a strider." Breanne spoke so fast it almost sounded like she was mumbling. Casselle patted her daughter's shoulder." Don't be rude." She told her.
She was still watched the woman. Is she a citizen of Alvadas? That would be nice, Casselle needed some directions. Maybe it was a bad idea coming here. She should've followed her mom and dad to the Suvan sea to fish. Or stayed home and helped her aunt and her son with the new foals her strider had. It was too late now though. She had taken a boat from Riverfall there. It was too late now. Casselle was always positive when she makes a decision. It at least sounded like it. She looked at the woman again.

Casselle Hyrid - Player
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- Joined roleplay: January 18th, 2013, 9:10 pm
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by Samantha Grenth on January 23rd, 2013, 12:30 am

Samantha tried to walk as human as she could but she was an animal by nature and her presence was unpleasing to the horse. Samantha let out a small laugh and smiled at the girl, "Hi. Yes I do. And horses have more meat..." Samantha's eye's widened as she realized her mistake so she coughed, "I mean, horses are prettier." Samantha now had the link, a dog. That's what was growling.
Samantha wanted to growl and assert her dominance but it would surely send the horse flying and then the little family would get hurt. So she quickly glanced over at the animals before letting her hands come up in a peace offering. She kept her eye's off the horses neck and on the ground before it's feet. Hoping it would accept that she wasn't a threat. Though all her instincts were against it.
"The child is fine to ask questions. Little one's have to learn and questions seem to be the least painful." Samantha smiled at the woman, her abnormally sharp teeth showing a little. Samantha quickly dropped the smile to a smaller one when the horse saw. She couldn't change her teeth and her eye's still had that predator look but they looked human enough...not really though.
Samantha observed the mother. She was about 6 or 7 inches smaller than Samantha and wise smaller boned too. She didn't look like the normal's that resided in Alvadas but Alvadad was getting strangers and new comers every day. It really didn't surprise her anymore. Though when the many armed men and woman cam through Samantha made sure to keep away, they annoyed her to no end. They looked at her like she was an animal, which she is, and always had too high of prices. She had always wanted to punch one and then rip it's throat out but had kept her temper and gone to another place or such/
Realizing she was loosing track of thought she quickly made talk, "I'm Samantha. Your local free-lance Mercenary, at your service my ladys." Samantha made a theatrics bow at the woman and winked at the little girl. She was surprising herself at trying to be so friendly...and nice. But everybody get's their off day's so why not?


Samantha Grenth - Won't be home till night of 7/14!
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by Casselle Hyrid on January 23rd, 2013, 1:06 am
Breanne gasped and since she was still sitting on the now alarmed horse- that was constantly sneering and shaking its head. She reached into another pouch and pulled out a Dynakuva Painted Desert Puppy. It's teeth raised sensing the woman was an animal." His name Koda." She smiled as she spread the puppy on her lap. It was half her size. Casselle was a little cautious hearing her say that horses have more meat. What was she? But Casselle still had a smiled on her face.
She kissed the muzzled of the horse and whispered to it before patting the dock of it. She sensed the horse was uncomfortable. It was her strider, of course she knew it was uncomfortable. Was it the woman? What race was she? She made sure Breanne remained on the horse. If the woman was something unpleasant she would at least try to out run her.
"Yeah, they do, But I was hoping she wouldn't just ask anyone." Casselle nodded, leaning against her strider and staring at the woman. She saw her smiled, just a glimpse of what she thought were fangs. She shook her head and let out a deep sigh. This was one the first time she talked to someone that's not in the Opal Clan or a Drykas. She had to remember to speak common. One the woman told them who she was Casselle wasn't so cautious.
"I'm Casselle and-"
"I'm Breanne Hyrid! Well if my mommy and daddy got married, I would be Breanne Vesquin." Breanne smiled. Casselle kissed the top of her daughters forehead before continuing." Yes that is my daughter Breanne, we're Drykas and obviously not from around here. We were just checking the city out and thought we'd stop here." Casselle nodded smiling

Casselle Hyrid - Player
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by Samantha Grenth on January 23rd, 2013, 1:45 am

Samantha watched as the child turned and pulled out a puppy. Samantha's smile almost dropped but she was used to being around dogs and other animals so she simply shook her head. "He's very cute...and my! He's half your size and is still hasn't grown into his paws."
Samantha didn't dare move closer to the family. Simply because she was a threat to the animals even if she wasn't. It really didn't make sense but it did... Samantha shook her head at the loud child and then turned her eye's to the mother. "I don't have children but I can see your point." Samantha gave a small nod to the woman.
Samantha chuffled when Casselle, apparently, was interrupted by her daughter. A rush of jelousy and sadness rushed through her when Casselle kissed the top of her daughter head. But she ignored it as best as she could. "Well Breanne Hyrid. Usually Kelvics don't go by surnames but mine it Grenth. Though I think for you, little Bren, you can call me Sammy."
Samantha gave a small 'human-ish' chuckle and nodded while glancing around the city. "It is a wonderful place. Just keep yourself in check, the place changes it's layout and the whether is never the same. It's a place of illusions and it's easy to get lost in them...but I guess it's worth it. I've lived here... going to be three years." Samantha gazed back as the woman and took in the slight gaurded stance of the mother.
Samantha didn't get it for a second before she realized Casselle was not from here... as in she had never met a Kelvic. Well at least that she had never talked to maybe. Kelvics aren't all too rare but are hard to catch. "Casselle, I mean no wrongs. I might be an animal by heart and mind but I have lived a 'human' life for a good while." Samantha let the smile drop and a look of open trust came forth, "I mean no harm, in fact.. quite the opposite. Your little family peeked my interest from my 'perch', I guess you could say." Samantha shrugged and smiled at Breanne, "Have you ever seen a large cat? Like a lion or tiger? What are your thought on them, little Bren?"


Samantha Grenth - Won't be home till night of 7/14!
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by Casselle Hyrid on January 23rd, 2013, 9:23 pm
Casselle's hand folded together and she stood up straight."Okay Sammy!" Breanne chuckled before putting Koda away. Casselle chuckled too. But stopped once she heard Samantha speak. She was going to answer but Breanne answered." I don't know what illusions are but Lights were running away and new buildings are always there." She pointed to a spot. Casselle nodded.
"Yeah, I have been keeping track of where we've been... But now I am just a little lost." Casselle touched her bottom lip with her middle finger. She looked around and examined the place. It just keeps changing as everytime it changed, it gets more confusing. She managed to stay calm. What made her come to the city? The little girl looked at her and tapped her chin. Then shrug." Sammy, I don't know. Grandpa-ha talks about them here and there." Breanne raised her shoulders, her hands out." But if they're anything like a horse or dog I want one!"
Casselle sighed. It was an odd question but the woman was a Kelvic. So not really. Was she asking to make sure she didn't frighten Breanne when she changed her form? Casselle was thinking of the the big cats in the world. The most common would be a lion, right? Or lioness in her case.Kelvics were common in her area. But they weren't threats. Always a minor animal. Never a animal that would hurt horses. Her dad was always approached by young Kelvics who claimed to be his child just because their mother had a thing for him. Her dad has a lot of different woman visit but since they weren't Drykas, they weren't too fond about the more than one wife thing. Never wanted to share him with other women.

Casselle Hyrid - Player
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by Samantha Grenth on January 25th, 2013, 4:57 am

Samantha smiled and was a little more at ease with the source of the growling found and the dog put away. Samantha chuffled at the child, so innocent and cute. Samantha turned her attention onto the mother and listened, though she was a little insulted when the woman put her middle-finger on her bottom lip. It reminded her of a certain snake....
Pushing away those thoughts Samantha nodded her head at the woman before turning her attention to the child. A large smile played on her lips. " But if they're anything like a horse or dog I want one!" What Samantha wanted was a child like little Bren. So curious and open... it reminded Samantha of herself as a child.
"Well...their massive." Samantha gestured to the horse, "While not that tall on all fours they are longer and have long tails that are fun to watch flick around... though never grab one. Or get close enough to grab one." Samantha gave a small laugh, "I've met a couple Lions...their too big headed." Samantha made a movement with her hands to show just how big. "But the tigers.. I've only met one other. Very lonely creatures, but their stripes are never the same any other." Samantha nodded her head.
Lion's annoyed her... a lot. Too full of themselves, they thought that their plain single coats are the most divine, they can't survive well on their own, and think that because they are the supposed 'King of the Jungle' that they can boss everyone around. It really annoyed her to no end. Most of the time she wanted to bash their heads into the ground to show just how much of a 'King' they were.


Samantha Grenth - Won't be home till night of 7/14!
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