91st Winter Somewhere in the streets of Zeltiva Close to midnight He pulled himself to his feet, surprised at the ease with which this action came to him. Eyes surveying the blood and the emptiness about. She - who's voice had been absent to him now, the panic and the desperation that saturated it, now faded - had abandoned him. Hound too had taken off and perhaps it was time for Valo to leave the scene too, for his clothing was now soaked with his own blood and the eyes of possible onlookers would surely make things difficult. This mind a clean slate, acute and agile finally making sense of what just took place. Valo hid away within the smallest and emptiest of alleys, figuring out what it was he wanted to do more than anything right now. And though that answer was painfully obvious, though he knew not quite how to accomplish it yet. Kill Hound was his most cherished thought. The burning urge for revenge. But his wit did not allowed him to blindly stride into death once more and his greed would not allow him to surrender that brand new unlife he was given for the feeling was too wonderful to part with. A great transformation had taken place in Valo that night. Though that shell of an idealistic gentleman seeped all the terrible qualities he had ever possessed. Only now he no longer cared for their disguise. The greed and the hate were no strangers to him now, only a lovely taste upon his lips which he savoured with a maddening grin within his paper white features. A low purr of a chuckle as he came to terms with that he had not quite believed. Hopefully no one saw him, but somehow the new born Returned knew people would ask of the blood and the signs of battle on the cobbles in East Street. People will look for the body, only to find there isn't one. The body was alive. The body walked the streets among them with paper white skin and burning red eyes. Today was a brand new start for Valo. First step on a road to greater things... |