[70th day of winter 512.a.v.]
[Middle Suvan Sea]
[Near Oyster Isle]
[Middle Suvan Sea]
[Near Oyster Isle]
The Sun had just set down and a light golden glow was still present on Maurelle’s skin as she sat on the cold deck of her cozy ship and watched the Svefra’s not that far from the place she had settled. The girl had spent most of the day watching them, out of the pure curiosity. Sure she had nothing better to do as the herbs she collected had to be dried before usage. But couldn’t she really find anything better to do the whole day than watch them fish? Probably not, she had fallen and since leaving Riverfall had always been alone. The thought forced painful memories to creep back over her mind, like a child hiding from something she pulled her knees closer to her chest and pulled the winter blanket over her tighter.
Back on the southern parts of the Suvan Sea, she wouldn’t even think before jumping into the water and swimming along the fish when these thoughts crept upon her. She found similarities to herself in them. Fish had silverfish scales like her and had gills, lived in Laviku’s arms just like she longed to do. Being in the water, with fish, made her feel like she had found someone similar to herself, aside from the few wondering Ethaefal’s she had met. But that was impossible here, where she had almost wondered up all the way to the North. Maurelle usually avoided that part of the sea at winter. It was the storm that was rumored to be taking over the South that forced her to run here. Her fragile mind that was so similar to a newborns, was still terrified of the word ‘storm’ for her to risk seeing it. She was too terrified and so, stayed here.
A bell passed, maybe even two and she kept on sitting there, watching the people of the see that seemed to celebrate every day and night, she watched the moon’s reflection on the watery surface. Maurelle began humming to a melody she recalled from back when she was in Riverfall, her knowledge of their language were poor so she had no clue about the songs meaning. Her pronunciation was broken and the Akalaks claimed her tukant to sound as bad as Zith screams. That’s why she didn’t sing, she hummed to the moon father, the one she thought of as her father, she hummed for Laviku who was always near. This was the way she enjoyed showing her love to the gods. She couldn’t manage a prayer out of herself most of the times, the last and probably only time she had genuinely prayed the way she thought it should be done, was during the Djed storm.
”I’d love to speak properly with you, Sea Father…Like with my mother, but I seem to never find the words, I never know what to say to you” as she realized what she was doing, she couldn’t help but giggle. She was speaking to the gods, that’s what everyone called praying, did they not?