Character History Pre-creation: Doraemein, like so many of the Kelvic race, was born into a life of slavery. His mother was a slave as well, and so it was only natural. However, Doraemein’s owner fell into a terrible state of bankruptcy not long after his birth! Doraemein, his mother, and all their fellow enslaved Kelvics were instantly sent to an auction house to account for their owner’s debt. There they were treated as livestock, and forced to wear collars in their human forms at all times. As a result Doraemein grew to hate wearing anything around his neck. Doraemein lived in the auction house for a total of three months (Until he was roughly 3 human years old). It was a gloomy childhood to say the least, but nobody was interested in buying an elk kelvic of his age and size. Elk kelvics, after all, are mostly used for three things: heavy lifting, travel and food. Doraemein’s mother was sadly sentenced to participate in the latter activity, and thus surly was at some point or another ground up and placed in a patty melt supreme. For this reason, Doraemein tries to be a vegetarian as often as possible. A human farmer by the name of Obertune ended up being the one to release Doraemein from his place at the action house. Obertune wanted to get a horse for his ten-year-old son, Yebinee, to ride. His crop yield was very low though, and therefore he could not afford to buy an actual steed. The auctioneers offered to sell him Doraemein instead, and Obertune accepted the deal.
Yebinee and Doraemein quickly became the best of friends. Yebinee wished to be a warrior one day, and fully intended to have Doraemein by his side throughout all his adventures to come. They “trained” together for endless hours within the woods behind Obertune’s fields. Yebinee was good with an arrow and bow, while Doraemein usually acted as his glorious mount. An elk is obviously not as speedy as a horse, but with enough practice Doraemein managed to become nearly equivalent to one. Yebinee was a lightweight child, and so he often rode solely upon Doraemein’s head; his antlers worked as great handrails as well as practical ammunition holders.
Life seemed pretty promising for Doraemein and Yebinee until a horrible accident occurred. One day while they were training at top speeds, Yebinee fell forward from atop Doraemein’s head. Doraemein was too late in realizing what had happed, and accidently stomped upon his fallen friend. Doraemein was nearly full grown by then, and his weight crushed Yebinee’s skull. Doraemein was devastated. Not only had he killed the boy who he loved more than anything else in the entire world, but Obertune would surly blame Doraemein for the entire accident. Doraemein knew that he had to flee. All in all, Doraemein experienced a light bond during his childhood that ended in a horrible manor. As a result he can be overly protective of those whom he is close to, and distant towards those whom he is not. He does not consciously wish to build strong relationships, and in fact avoid them at all costs.
Post Creation: To be edited |