The next few moments of her life, ones which she feared would irreconcilably define her future in the Spires and beyond, passed in a haze of utter confusion. At first it she was filled with horror as Neilles’ head fell forwards into her hands after shouting out her surprise, she could almost fancy there was some disgust in her tone of voice – it was as she had suspected. Her hands were wrenched from the other woman’s shoulders and she simply let them slap into her lap with resignation. One foolish action, one mistake that they had both enjoyed at the time, and their bond was now snapping. It was as if she could feel the tension, hear the screech as it gave slowly under the weight of the previous night. Her eyes closed for a moment as she sought to compose herself for what was to come next.
The journey to Nyka will certainly be more…strained…now was all she thought, the practical side of her psyche taking over as the rest retreated inwards.
“Neil-“ she tried to begin, failing at cutting the other woman off from the babbled diatribe that was customary in such situations. The other woman just kept talking, hysterical confusion gripping her with talon-like fingers.
What proceeded after the first initial moments, however, was not how she knew it would proceed. Past experience was brushed away under an alliance of confusion, startled shock and amusement. The uniqueness of Neilles’ reaction doused all the worry from her and instead replaced it with laughter most pervasive. She couldn’t help it, would have stopped herself if she could have done, but as the covers were ripped from her and Neilles’ confusion seemingly deepened the look in the other woman’s eyes proved too much for her self-control. She crumpled forwards as the giggles ripped through her, he forehead coming to rest upon Neilles’ shoulder and her vision misted with tears – for the first time in such a situation of this type they were of joyous origin.
She…doesn’t KNOW?! But…that’s impossible! Two women together without the…parts! Oh my…. she cackled into her mind as he gripped Neilles, trying to steady herself.
“I…I’m so…sorry….but…no…parts!” she stated, words fractured with manic laughter.
She fell sideways then and rolled onto her back in front of Neilles as she wiped her eyes. The world was better than before, if that could have been possible. Disbelief filled her at the other woman’s words, she couldn’t understand how she did not know how in the name of Akajia they had managed to have their…union…together. Even in her sorry state she could remember Neilles being quite good, not the best but able enough. That she couldn’t remember it at all was understandable, that she couldn’t even fathom that it was possible after actually doing it was too much.
“Oh Neilles,” she breathed when she was eventually able to talk once more, “this is why I love you. I thought you would be out the tent and disgusted but…” she sighed then, not quite contentment but certainly relief of gigantic proportions.
A slightly mischievous grin swept across her lips then.
“If you can’t remember how excellent you were…I’d be more than happy to show you how it works so that you can remember this time” she flicked the words out, not mockingly but teasingly.
Naivety…how I enjoy you she told herself with absolute honesty.