Closed Sick Day (Aidara)

Aidara and Iosha try to cope with illness spreading through the youth section of Wind Reach.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Iosha on June 6th, 2013, 2:43 am


Iosha listened carefully to Aidara's insight on the situation with the strange fungus. Iosha listed off the environment fungi tended to grow in Wind Reach. The konti didn't know, but in Wind Reach, mushroom tend to thrive in cool damp places underground. Iosha figured the place. She meant was the Underground Forest. Iosha also knew mushrooms thrived on the surface living off decay either plant or animal. The konti looked at her friend in the eye and said simply,
“Don't second guess yourself Addy. You were onto something there.” Iosha paused for a moment to collect her thoughts and said softly, “The campfire is a source of heat along with the body. The mushroom seemed to thrive in warm and humid environments like the body.” Iosha looked at Aidara and said softly, “Aidara, the Inarta live in the center of a volcano another source of heat, so we could be dealing with a mushroom that evolved and adapted to warmer environmental conditions like the inside of a volcano.” Iosha decided to ask the question, “You said the Underground forest tended to be on the cooler and humid environment. What if when Ivak escaped last spring and the djed storm created a environment for this thing to evolve? Maybe the effects of the djed storm are leeching into the ground and effecting the creatures in the deeps of Skyinarta?”

When Aidara asked if the pathogen could be airborne. Iosha thought about a moment and suggested to Aidara, “If it effects the lung than it has to be airborne. I just don't want to jump to conclusions yet though.” Iosha played with a piece of her silver blond hair as she started to think, and said softly to Aidara, “Maybe we should think about how fungus reproduce? Maybe the pathogen is some sort of seed or whatever that glides through the air?” Iosha knowledge of fungus is vary minimal, and she wished she had time to go to the Enclave to research them. Iosha said in a frustrated sigh, “Honestly this cursed thing raises more questions than answers, and we are running out of time!” The konti started to feel a hint of frustration and anger starting to grow inside her. She closed her eyes and started to think of her daughter's face to try calming her down. When the anger subsided, Iosha said sadly to Aidara, “I will join you when they get here, Addy.”

The Konti watched Addy walk away to find a volunteer to look for the other two healers. The konti brushed the wet hair from the girls head and started to hum a konti melody her mother used to sing to her when she was sick. It was mostly about a mother and daughter exploring the ocean around their home in Mura. Iosha forgot the words to the song a long time ago, but she used to hum the song to her daughter when she was a sleep. Iosha picked up a clean bowl of water and sponge and started to dab the forehead of the little girl. When Aidara came back and told her that she was doing the procedure on the body. Iosha didn't look up at Aidara because she was still absorbed in the needs of the little girl. Without looking up, the Konti said softly with a smirk on her face, “This baby healer must be growing up if you trust me with a scalpel.” When Aidara left to prepare for the procedure, Iosha waited for about a bell for them to arrive with the body. Iosha could tell from the wrapped body it was a child, and she figured it was the first of the children to die today. Iosha stood up and squeezed Lily's hand as she follow the other two healers into the room. When the body was put down on the table, Miquel went straight to Aidara, and he started to talk quickly in Nari with a disturbed look on his face, “When we are finished with the procedure, I want to show you something...I just hope you haven't eaten in the last hour.”
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Aidara on June 12th, 2013, 8:27 pm


Keah plunged into the room soon after Miquel, peering around the older mans shoulder and nodding in accordance with his words. “As do I.” Miquel started a bit as the younger healers voice came from behind him but he shuffled aside, allowing Keah to step forward and speak directly to Aidara. “I found a Dek who was sick with the same symptoms, but…” Shaking her head, Keah loosed a sigh that sounded as if she had been holding it in for a while. “He’s dead now, he was too far along when I found him. I did get some information from him, though.”

Addy glanced at Iosha and put down the scalpel she had picked up, taking care when she stepped towards the other woman to not sully her clean smock and freshly scrubbed hands. Keah was pulling out a thick swath of heavy canvas. It had been folded in on itself so it resembled a hunk of square fabric more than anything else. Seeing Addy’s skeptically raised brow, Keah held up a hand before the fiery little woman could speak up. “It’s in the cloth and I dare not take it out. The Dek was eating mushrooms. He said he had found them in the Underground Forest while he was down there to retrieve a Yasi that had gotten lost… what’s wrong?”

Stepping back away from the bundle that Keah held out towards her, Addy knew that her face had taken on a sickly pallor not unlike the poor dead soul stretched out on the table behind her. “Oh gods, I was hoping we weren’t right.” Though she didn’t look towards the Konti, the whispered statement was directed towards Iosha. “Go put the mushroom on the table over there,” a shaking finger pointed towards the far corner of the room, “and go cleanse yourself immediately. Whatever this is, it’s the cause of the sickness. I’m sure of it.”

Before Miquel could continue with what he discovered, Addy gestured to the body laid out behind them and cocked an eyebrow at the Konti healer. “One of us needs to do this and one of us needs to go see what Miquel has to show us. Take your pick and I’ll proceed with the other.”
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Iosha on July 3rd, 2013, 2:25 am


Iosha watched the disturbed look on Miquels face as he spoke to Aidara in their nativity tongue. The konti could tell the lead healer was disturbed at his words. Soon after Keah entered the room, hold a familiar looking mushroom in her hand, and set them on the table. The konti's eyes widened horror when she saw them. They were the same type of mushroom the Symenestra wanted her to get from Underground Forest. She remembered Curgan telling her that they were a death sentence if you inhale the spores. Iosha mouth just dropped to the floor, but she regained her composure when the Endal told her to bring it to the far side of the room. The konti said softly to everyone in the room,
“I encountered these mushroom once before in the Underground forest. My Dek guide told me if a person or animal breath in the glowing red spores, it is a death sentence for them.”

Iosha tightened her jaw trying to control her anger at the Nafarus Rosethorn, and she realized that she might have made a mistake when she retrieved the satchel of mushrooms for such a vile man. She shuddered to herself when she remembered the giant bats who exploded from the inside by the mushrooms, and she continued softly, “I saw first hand last fall what these mushroom could do to animals like the giant bat in the Underground Forest. It is a horrible sight and no animal or person should suffer such a fate...” When she was finished speaking, she tied rag around her face and said to Aidara, “Aidara your authority as a Endal will come in handy if you run into trouble. The merchant who told me to retrieve the mushroom neglected to tell me. They are a powerful hallucinogen when he told me to retrieve them for him.”

Miquel shot a look at her and said sternly, “Your talking about the Spider aren't you, Iosha?” Iosha grabbed a rag, picked up the mushroom with the cloth, and brought it to the location Aidara wanted it. Iosha nodded to Miquel and said softly to Aidara, “It was the price to get my letter to my Grandmother in Lhavit, Miquel. He mentioned those mushroom brought hefty price outside of Wind Reach because they are a powerful and exotic drug. However, I had to learn from the Dek Curgan that these Merchants of Death use the Dek to harvest the mushrooms for them since nobody in Wind Reach would notice or care if Dek started to die or go missing in the Underground Forest.” Iosha looked at Aidara and said softly, “As I said you should go, but I suggest you bring a weapon.” The konti shook her head and suggested softly, “If you want to wait after the autopsy, Aidara, I can accompany the both of you and Miquel. Also I can take you to the location where I found the mushrooms? However, I suggest we go armed if we venture into the Underground Forest. We just need to find Curgan.”

Iosha smirked slightly when he thought of Aidara dealing with the opinionated and blunt dek, but she would have to deal with it later. Suddenly, a Dek hobbled into their room and said loudly to Aidara, “Endal Aidara the yasi the Pale Lady was helping earlier can't breath and is turning blue in the face. You need to come quickly.” When she heard the the words can't breath, Iosha heart sank in her chest, and she prayed to goddess in Kontinese to cleanse herself. When the blue light faded, Iosha looked at Aidara and pleaded softly trying to hold back her emotions, “I need to go to her, Aidara too.” After she said her last words, she ran out of the room as quickly as she could muster.
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Auric on August 1st, 2013, 8:21 pm


Shared Lores
Lilly: Will Probably Die
ReK'Keli's Vision
The Root of Illness

Leadership +4
Investigation +4
Medicine +2
Observation +2
Iosha solution: Quarantine the Yasi Sector

Medicine +4
Investigation +4
Observation +2
Negotiation +2
Quarantine: An Unnecessary Panic
Emotionally Exhausted

Additional Notes: An awesome thread! I really liked seeing the way you guys went about finding the cause, and considering every and any options. For that, extra points in Investigation. I can't see what comes next, and if poor Lilly survives to see another day.

Remember, if you have any questions about my grading, or any request for extra lore or skill pnts that I may have skipped over, please feel free to message me and I will consider all request.

Stay Golden!
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