by Griffith on June 30th, 2010, 8:04 pm
One of the lead bullets had actually flown true. Griffith had been pleased for the brief moment before he reminded himself that it had been a fluke more than anything. Then he'd simply sighed, scooped up the rabbit, cleaned it, and laid it across Ebrah's back. The Zavian mare was categorically lazy, but the Benshira who guided her appreciated the horse's efforts nonetheless.
Now he was walking back towards Riverfall leading his packhorse along the Bluevein River. He'd been out further than he thought. It would be dark soon, and the scholar had no intention of ever again spending a night alone in the Sea of Grass if he could avoid it. The cliff-side city was almost in sight. He'd make it in time.
As he walked, he rounded a blind in the road created by the presence of a large rock formation. Just beyond it, he spied a campfire, complete with a fish spitted over the fire and a visible occupant. An old man.
The refugee glanced from the camp to Riverfall, weighing his options. He had originally planned to bring the hare in to the Kulk, where he could have it prepared and served to himself in the form of a meal for a small fee. But a lit campfire meant he might be able to cook the rabbit and eat it without quite the same charges. Yet it meant getting close to fire.
It's prepared in a pit, for Benha's sake! he told himself. The Benshira was a bit pyrophobic, to say the least. After a moment of debate, he turned towards the camp, leading Ebrah close enough so that the flames would light their silhouettes without revealing their appearances too much. "Excuse me," he said to draw the elderly Human's attention. "Would you share your fire with a traveler? I've got my own food," he added. Best not to give the impression that he intended to steal half this man's meal.
“No matter under what circumstances you leave it, home does not cease to be home. No matter how you lived there - well or poorly.”