Shouta's Plotnotes

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Shouta's Plotnotes

Postby Shouta on February 6th, 2013, 4:18 am

The Style of the Crane and Fox, A Compendium of Techniques

Name Description Competency Required
Small Fox Stance User grips the kama normally, at a horizontal angle straight in front of him, while the weighted end rests on the ground. The left foot rests atop the weight and the left hand holds the chain tight over the same shoulder. When executed the user kicks back with his foot, sending the weight into the air behind him and then pulls down on the chain, propelling the weight forward in the initial assault. User maintains a protective stance with the kama end. Good medium range stance for any number of foes. Competent
Falling Crane Stance User grips the kama handle in reserve, aligning the handle left to the forearm and the blade next to the elbow in reverse. The other hand holds the weight close to the waist. Feet should be more than shoulder width apart and legs should be slightly crouched. The user then propels the weight forward, attempting to distract or grapple the enemy, while moving in for a series of quick, close ranged blows with the kama. Should be used for mostly close range or multiple opponents. Competent
Fox Lunge Strike The user swings the weighted end of the kusarigama above his head with either hand in either direction, the direction swung is the direction the attack will come from. The user will grip the chain at approximately ⅓ the length of the chain. Loosening his grip on the chain at the appropriate time, the user will let the weight sail through the air and strike the enemy with a significant amount of force. From this strike the weight can be rapidly retracted and readied quickly for a follow up attack. This technique will lead into more advanced techniques like Fox Storm and the master level Dance of the Fox and Crane. Novice
Falling Crane Sidestrike The user grips the kama in the same manner as the Falling Crane Stance. Like a horizontal elbow strike, the user flares the heel of his forward foot, spinning his torso and bringing the kama blade across the enemy’s throat, chest, face, or arm. This technique is a close range move. Competent
Falling Crane Uppercut The user grips the kama in the same manner as the Falling Crane Stance. Dropping his back knee almost to the ground, the user raises his elbow, and and kama blade, as he pushes off the ground with both legs. If executed correctly, the blade will remain very close to the user and will have the full force of the user’s weight behind it as it strikes either the enemy’s chest, neck, or head. This technique is a close range move. Competent
Crane Dive Strike The user swings the kama end of his kusarigama from the chain at a very short distance (10-15inches), vertically next to him. When the kama is nearest the ground he begins to loosen his grip depending on how far away the opponent is. Th kama then flies in a downward arch towards the enemy and hopefully impales a shoulder, head, or chest. This technique is a kill strike and should be attempted only when competent at the Style of the Crane and Fox. Competent

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Of the Crane and Fox
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Shouta's Plotnotes

Postby Shouta on October 17th, 2013, 12:51 am

After reading into one of my creative writing books I found an interesting exercise for flushing out a character's motivations and goals. Simply interview them with a set of questions about them, then write responses as the character. Make sure you get into character and write as they would answer, not how you think would be best. And keep drilling them until you reach a point where they won't answer and you find a key element of your character's personality! I decided to try it out on Shouta.

What is your name?

What is your race?
Ethaefal, though also Vantha I suppose.

What is your political view?
I am loyal to The Sharp Blades in everything to do with the city… That’s all you need to know.

What are your religious views?
I am a worshipper of Uphis… What do you think? I wear his robes, do I not?

Why do you follow Uphis?
Because he is strong, and protects his people.

So you desire his protection?
No, I just respect it.

Many gods protect their worshippers, why Uphis?
Because he does not just protect them metaphorically, he is actually there.

So you worship Uphis because he is on Mizahar with us mortals?
No, but it is a good thing… I worship him… because…

Do you think you worship Uphis because he is close to his congregation, instead of in some other plane of existence?
What? No! I am a monk of Uphis because it felt right when I came to the city.

And you don’t think that has anything to do with the Four Celestials being present in the city?
I… I don’t know. I suppose perhaps a little.

How do you feel about Leth? Most of your kind worship him, is that not right?
I don’t feel anything for Leth, and I suppose most of them grovel and grasp at the past, yes.

So you don’t blame Leth for your descent to Mizahar?
I’d rather not talk about it.

Please, answer the question.
Okay, okay! I do! Of course I blame him. He let me fall from his grace and did nothing about it!

So, as a monk of Uphis, what are your hopes for the future?
I want to perfect my fighting style, not only in the kusarigama, but in unarmed combat as well, and perhaps take up another weapon afterwards. I’d also like to climb the ranks and eventually serve Uphis in a higher capacity.

Do you think earning Uphis’ favor will make up for what happened to you?

Please answer the question, Shouta.

How do you plan to climb the ranks of the monks of the Sharp Blade? It is supposed to be terribly difficult.
I will train every day and conduct my duties with honor. There are many monks who are thuggish and dishonorable, I plan to outshine them with diligence. And I will volunteer for any task, no matter the danger.

Do you have any other personal goals besides perfecting your combat techniques?
Of course!

Can you tell us a few of them?
…I’d like to learn more of the history of Nyka and the Celestials, as well as explore more of the continent. Perhaps earn a blessed weapon.

How do you feel about other Ethaefal saying that you are a coward for forsaking your god?
I say they are the cowards, clinging to the past! I see the reality, and take steps to survive it.

Well, Shouta, thank you for your truthfulness here. I think we are done for now.
Yes, let’s not make this a habit.

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Of the Crane and Fox
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